*Ding dong* The door bell rang, and a middle aged woman with luxurious brown hair, fair skin and noble features opened the door. She looked to be graceful a woman with a gentle and mature demeanor.

But woman was not even given time to properly see visitors before she was hugged. "Mom!" Dora jumped her mom as soon as the door was opened.

"Oh Dora, I missed you a lot. Why do send so few letters?" Andromeda also hugged her daughter tightly.

I noticed that Andromeda didn't call her Nymphadora right now. Of course, she too knows it's better not to push this subject during there touching reunion.

"Dora, don't ignore me! Where's my hug?" Asked a handsome middle aged man with greying hair. He had a bit 'extra health' in his stomach area. This is Ted.

'Well, The one who feels ignored is me though.' I thought, feeling awkward on seeing their reunion.

I inwardly cursed Ted. While Dora was hugging her mother, he should have greeted me, the guest. But of course, he was gonna ignore a stranger in favour a hug from his lovely daughter.

As Dora went to hug her dad, Andromeda finally greeted me, "And you must be Christopher. Dora has been writing a lot about you."

"All good things, I hope. Hello and Merry Christmas to you, Mrs.Tonks, you are even more beautiful and elegant than how Dora described."

Andromeda was a bit stumped for second. After all, the first time when I met her as Chris Jackson, my exact words- 'Hello Mrs. Tonks, you are even more beautiful and elegant than how 'Ted' described.'

She must be having a sense deja vu.

Plus, seeing my appearance, temperament, even the tone of my comparatively childish voice matching my adult counter-part, they were a bit stunned. Ted, who also witnessed this, didn't even miss a beat before asking,

"Do you, by any chance, know someone named Chris Jackson?"

"Of course," I said casually. "After all, your daughter has been seeing him a lot recently."

I nonchalantly dropped a bomb.

"What!?" (Andromeda)

"What did you say!?" (Ted)

"Oh no... No you don't!" (Dora)

I just continued, "Yeah, they regularly meet at a secret place. After curfew, of course."

I dropped another bomb.

"That bastard!" (Ted)

"Oh my! He sure works fast..." (Andromeda)

I didn't even need to glance towards Dora to know that I had to move now if I wanted to keep my-


A stinging hex went past right where my face was moments earlier.

My oh my, that one would have hurt.

And so, another dodging session commenced at the front yard of the Tonks house.

Ted and Andromeda were dumbfounded by the way our rapid and synchronized movements. After so many dodging sessions, we were both experts in our forte.

"You!.....Never!.....learn!..... don't you!?" said Dora in between hear rapid casting.

"Alright! .....alright!....pause!.....I said,


This was saying while laughing and dodging.

Andromeda looked pleasantly surprised, "Dora, is that true? Why didn't you tell us?! We had to think of so many ways to convince you! *sigh* Now all of that is for nothing. You're already-- mmm." Before she could say more, her mouth was hastily closed by a thoroughly embarrassed Dora.

Dora, of course, thought that I wasn't yet aware of her parents' attempts of shipping of DoraxChris (Jackson). So she must be mortified about me finding out.

"Let's go in. I've to show Chris my room." Said Dora. I knew she's not gonna let me get away with it so easily.


After ten minutes, I came out of Dora's room in overly large clothing for my eleven years old frame.

Ted and Andromeda were naturally very surprised on seeing my fashion statement.

But before they could say anything I produced an invitation letter and a vial of potion from my jacket's pocket and said,

"Ted, Andromeda, I had an invitation for Christmas. But I came a bit early. So...."

After saying that, I downed the vial of potion in my hand and said,

"Merry Christmas!"

With that, my clothes filled out, my height reached 6'1, and I looked exactly like like son-in-l *cough* in mean their friend Chris Jackson.

Andromeda: "...."

Ted: "...." (What the fuck?!!)

"What? It's not a Polyjuice guys, it's just an aging potion. Then I took out my Hermis bag and produced two gifts for them.

Hermis bag: The bag I produced inspired by the one canon Hermi-one made, mentioned in the H.P. 7th book. You can also call it 'Dora'-mon's 4d pocket, based on my very first girlfriend in this world.

I also gave the potion to Andromeda and asked her to confirm for themselves that the potion was indeed a simple aging potion.

"What in the Merlin's saggy balls?! Are you really Chris?" asked Ted.

"Yes, I am. My actual age is around 12. My brain development was faster that any normal people. So I finished my muggle education fast and decided to try doing business."

After that, I gave them a both a little more explanation. In fact, I didn't even owe an explanation to them since it's understandable to not disclose secrets like this one. Dora's case was different. We had actually become very close friends who share everything. And she did share a lot with me. So, it was extremely wrong of me to keep such a big secret from her without any good reason. That's why I had to explain about my situation in detail.

After that, we all sat around the dinning table and talked more.

"So," Andromeda was saying. "Chris Jackson was just a fake identity?"

"Yeah. You got that right. Ted would already know, won't you, Ted?" I smirked at Ted, " After all, you were the one who helped forge that identity."

''Yeah, yeah. But I thought you were just some kid from a rich family who decided to run away and make name for yourself. Never would I have thought that you were actually a prepubescent kid." said Ted in exasperation.

"And... what the hell were talking about when you said you were meeting my daughter after curfew, huh?!" He asked angrily, realizing that I was actually talking about myself earlier. His fatherly insticts were kicking in.

"Hey! I would have you know that we didn't do anything that your daughter didn't consent to. Infact, she was the one who took the lead many times and I was left panting and exhausted after she was done with me." I was, of course, talking about our dueling sessions.

I seem to have talent in dropping bombs. After I said those words, Andromeda looked rather embarrassed at her daughter's wanton behavior while Ted looked like I'd just NTRed him.

Just then, Dora walked in, looking extremely beautiful in a purple and white dress.

She was in her original form which she could only be in naturally when in she's home. That fact had changed a few days ago. After that letter incident, me and Dora had become closer to each other. Now, whenever we were in room of requirements, Dora would naturally turn to her beautiful form, making me secretly flustered.

Dora's appearance in public: Pale heart-shaped face and dark twinkling eyes. Toned, slender frame with curves in the right places. Hair, usually pink or brown. (Check the comments)->

Dora's original appearance: Porcelain skin tone, face with more noble features (high forehead, an expressive look, natural lips, a harmonious nose etc.), long dark brown hair and a well endowed body with captivating curves. (Check the comments)->

Anyway, back to present, as soon as Dora entered the room, she sensed the weird atmosphere.

Andromeda was giving her a look that said- 'Ah! My daughter has already grown up.'

Ted looked like someone killed his puppy.

Dora sighed and rounded up on me, "What have you done?" She asked me directly, as if she already thought I was the culprit. Well, I am, actually, the culprit. But that's besides the point here.

I walked up to her and took her hand."You look lovely in that dress, Dora." I said, kissing her knuckles.

I escorted her to the table and pulled the chair for her.

Ted was still glaring at me.

"Don't think acting all cute would change the subject. What were you talking about just now?" Dora asked, though a smile was threatening to form on her face.

"Haha, I was just talking about how intense, steamy and passionate our nightly activities are sometimes."

But looking at her positively murderous look, I quickly clarified. "Of course, I'm talking about our dueling sessions. I'm still too young for other things, you dirty minded people. Seriously, I'm 12 for Merlin's sake." I sighed in exasperation.

Understanding the situation, Andromeda burst out laughing while Dora and Ted sighed in relief for different reasons. The atmosphere lightened up after that. We enjoyed Andromeda's cooking after that while talking laughing the whole time.

Ted, seeing that his daughter happily talking and bickering with me like a couple, also finally decided to stop sulking and be merry while drinking his bitterness away. After all, where would he find a better match for his daughter?

That night, after so many years, I finally remembered the feeling of having a family.


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