I opened my eyes the next morning and saw everything around me.

'So....it wasn't a dream.' I thought to myself.


'It seems that I'll have to go to school again huh.'

But first I have to start planning.

I sat up and started thinking...

First, I need... go to Gringotts and find out if I can inherit anything.

No. Scratch that. It has a few issues.

Second, I need money.

Third, I need books. A lot of them.

Fourth, I need to learn enough occlumency to learn in 5 years to form surface thoughts.

It should be enough to hide my thoughts in case Dumbledore decides to read my surface thoughts just in case. If I can't do this, well, I'll have to either go to Beauxbatons or just stay low key at Hogwarts and not avoid eye contact with the old man who might not have enough manners to respect a child's privacy.

There's no concrete proof of Dumbledore reading children's mind, but 'those twinkling eyes', 'peering through his half-moon spectacles', and 'x-ray vision', these lines ring alarm bells in my head. Am I the only one who finds this sus?

Fifth, I need a goal...a motivation for which I would be doing the above four things with all my focus

Now that I think about it... I didn't have any goals or aspirations in my previous life.

I did Excel in everything during my school years till the 10th grade. But, then I started to find my life boring.

I found no fun in doing hours of studies for which, the most I would get would be some good grades and Pat on my back.

I started to find new things of interest. started to play games of all kinds for only the sake of enjoyment. I started reading novels to quell my boredom. I pursued different kinds of hobbies in my school and college years. I did these things just because I was already bored from a normal lifestyle. I did not focus on the long-termed goals.

But, now that I look back to it, I did live quite the life.

But now,

here I am. Once again at the same crossroad as the one I was at in my 10th standard. I never did use my all to gain as much as I could.

BUT..... this time, something is different.

this time

i ---have----magic.

This life can't be boring....

To reach the depths of magic and find out the secrets that it hides.

To find out the true limits of what can be achieved through magic.

In my previous life, all I could have gotten from studying like a dog was money. And frankly I had easier ways of getting money.

Here, if you can work hard and smart enough, you could gain so much more than just that.

The stakes are on a completely different level.

And....I'm going to go all in!

Yosh! I was motivated.

'But... right now I should go to the school...

Arrgh!'. I sighed softly.

6 hours later

I am now back from school. I didn't do much, just tried out my magic. Trying out simple cliche things....like summoning and banishing. I wanted to try Lumos or levitation but they were very eye-catching and though most spells weren't working, but I'd rather not risk it.

The frustrating thing is that I can't get the same control that I'd gained last night. I can still feel my magic but I can't channel similar to the way it had happened last night.

But I have now realized that magic isn't as simple as I would have thought. It is not just the intent, willpower, and emotions. And it is not something which I can do by putting in so little effort. I need to be able to do magic without a wand.

I just don't like the fact that my magic can only be channeled through just one location at a time or the fact that if someone disarmed me, then I have no way of retaliation.

Heck, if only I could channel magic through all my body, then I could cast multiple curses at the same time...

The possibilities are endless. But before that, I need knowledge and research on what I am doing. I need books. Simple ones could just be bought from Flourish and Blotts and Knockturn Alley. But I need more.

'Hmm...maybe I should go to Gringotts, check if I can be an heir to some family like those lucky bastards in the fanfics.

But I should bring potter as well. So that I can at least get him to buy me some books. He should have the access to the trust vault even without a guardian.'

I wasn't just winging it. There was strong evidence of it being possible in canon.


We were at the playground and I was telling Harry about the Daigon alley and asking him if he wanted to go with me.

He told me that he wasting free until 7. It was 2 pm right now.

Now, the only problem was the taxi fare for one trip. ( we can take the night bus for the returning trip since we'd luckily have some galleons on us. At least Harry would. I have found a solution for summoning the night bus without a wand)

Harry told me he had collected some when Dudley just left the money lying here and there. And he'd also picked some up when he was cleaning the house. And from the pockets of the clothes, he'd washed.

I just looked at him in amazement.

"Dude! You're awesome!" I exclaimed.

I realized that I had even forgotten to keep my accent American in excitement. I quickly switched back.

"I mean that's wicked Harry! Now, what are we waiting for? let's go! Ah! and Harry let's cover your head first. Make sure that no one sees your scar."

it's good that I didn't forget that.

Just when we were about to leave, I realized an important fact: Dumbles might be tracking Harry and he might notice Harry entering Daigon alley.

Damn! if he found me this early then I'm done for!

And there's also the fact that two kids who are so small might draw attention before I can get my hands on the aging potion.

Should I just quit for now And think of another plan?

I can only imagine what will happen after Dumbledore catches me this early. After all, I have gotten any wishes like natural protection of my mind of at least about the future knowledge from the god-like those lucky bastards.

Thus, fearing about being discovered I had almost decided to quit this plan and just wait until I got to Hogwarts.

But! At this moment, the God's words rang in my mind.

'Don't hesitate, he won't be aware, and you won't get caught.'

"So, that's what he meant," Chris realized and he also got a little bit of information which will help maneuver this the Diagon Alley and Gringotts.

'You are on your own now. I can't interfere with anything,' he heard God's voice.


After some time...

I had somehow convinced myself that this was it. Anyways, I'd rather die again than live four years as a penniless orphan. There'd be risks if I actually tried gaining magic, money, or books through other means. Cause I know I won't be able to sit still and wait for another 4 years.

"Here we are." I said as we stepped out, of the cab in front of the Leaky Cauldron, at the Charing Crossroad.

I remember because I have read the 'Harry Potter series' so many times. First I just read because my brother forced me to, but then I found out that it was my girlfriend's favourite book. And.... I got close to her discussing Harry Potter series. She just used to be take so much pleasure in making into a 'Potterhead'. So, I had the books mugged up by heart.

"Err.. this, are you sure we came the right way?"

Harry had a confused and hesitant expression just by looking at the leaky cauldron. And I couldn't blame him. That building looked all sorts of shady.

"I told you Harry, it's hidden in magic. You won't see it until we have passed through a passage through the wall." I told him in a tone like an adult speaking to a child. Which was kinda the case here .

''Let's go" I said as I stepped forward.

We reached the wall in question 🧱 and I tapped the bricks in the right places.

(from the rubbish bin, three up and two across. for the dunderheads' information).( And I had to stand up on the bin to reach it)

And the wall started parting to show us the alley.

Well, it does kinda looks like the books described. I walked in calmly while Harry was still gaping at the scene before him.

I look back and sighed "Now you believe me?"

He snapped out of it and looked at me. His eyes burning with excitement.

Harry nodded in a daze.

"Is Hogwarts real as well?" he asked me excitedly while looking around.

I know he asked this because he mostly

excited at the prospect of living away from the Dursleys.

"Of course. Now let's go. We need to see if can get some money from the Gringotts.

It is possible that our parents were magical and we have our money stored in there."

"Let's go!" Harry agreed. He looked super excited just by the prospect of exploring this place called Diagon Alley.

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