It's been a week since I came back to Hogwarts.

One fine morning, while I was peacefully eating my breakfast, Susan was going on and on about dueling.

"That was the first dueling match I had ever seen." She was saying, "I was only six at that time. But I still remember it! I think it was the best duel I've ever seen. And you know what he did after he the won that Tournament Final? He retired!"

Currently she was talking about some french dude whose final match she had seen with her aunt Amelia. The name is Durant Martin

"Why did he retire though? Was he injured?" Asked Dora. Apparently, even she had heard the name.

"No! He didn't even get a scratch. Tonks! You should read something other than daily prophet. He's mentioned so many times in the Witch Weekly. He's from a powerful family, so he focused more on his career in ministry after that. Currently, he's the head of Bureau des Aurors, a similar post as my aunt."

"Alright, alright. You've already told me about this dude two times before in the library, Susan. I'm getting bored about this one. Look, Hannah is also bored." I pointed towards Hannah, who had long lost interest in the conversation.

"But I haven't told Tonks!" said Susan.

Hannah looked at me like she'd found a comrade. "It's useless, Chris. I've already heard everything about dueling from her for at least five times."

I patted Susan's shoulder, "Well, I'm gonna be a champion duelist soon as well. When you see my duels, you'll forget french idiots."

"Ha! At that time, I myself would be a champion! You'll-" Before Susan could continue, we were interrupted.

"Mr. Maxwell, you've been called to the headmaster's office. Please finish your breakfast as soon as possible."

It was professor Flitwick who said this.


What? Surprised?

I'm not.

In fact, I think it's a bit late. But... I had anticipated that this might happen. You see, legilimency needs eye contact, and Dumbledore would have only kept eye contact with Harry for only a few seconds upto now.

Even in canon, Dumbledore didn't feel the need to call Harry to his office untill later. Harry had gotten his invisibility cloak by now as his Christmas present (he told me). He went to the Dursleys for Christmas, by the way.

And in this week, after coming back to Hogwarts. He should have stumbled into the mirror of erised by now. So, Dumbledore must have gotten a chance to meet Harry solo.

Either way, this at least tells me that Dumbledore's read Harry's mind! So, that old bugger does read minds of innocent children. So much for the supposed 'twinkling eyes' and 'x-ray vision'. Why else would he feel the need to call little ol' me? I see no other reason. Anyways, it's not like I'm the one to talk about reading minds.

So, the point is, since I knew this would happen at some point, why would I not prepare? I HAVE been preparing. Even if it just turns out to be a simple lemon drop offering thing, it's better safe than sorry.

Some basic preparation would be to at least not change Harry's 'saving people' thing.

Who would think I got him hooked on those superhero comics for nothing? Remember. I'm a Slytherin.

If, by chance, Dumbledore really placed him in Pivete Drive to be an innocent tortured child that can be molded into a self sacrificing chess piece, then since I had changed his plans, So... I have to compensate him by making Harry someone who'd risk his life for saving the world, just like Harry was in the Canon..... Just like those heroes in the comics I had him read...

Also, I'll be doing this in a way that shows in the memories that I'm also a self-sacrificing sheep who he can manipulate easily. Anyways, it's not like I had to actually do any work! Harry already had this hero complex thing inside him. Plus, it's not like he's ever actually gonna have to risk his life. I'll be the one doing all the hardwork for him, like most reincarnators do.

Other than this, I need to appear as good an influence on Harry as I can be. So, I have been bad mouthing Voldy and his eaters a lot in the name of 'grandma told me -'

And, an important one - Make a Ronald Weasley face whenever I mention 'dark magic'.

Yes, to appear a perfect sheep, I must have that abnormally high prejudice against dark magic. I should show that Christopher Maxwell, and thus the Grandma, are on the 'light side'.

The most important one - BE A DUMBLEDORE FAN!!! Yeah, have that infamous - fanaticism(passive) skill, keyed to Dumbledore. I mean, every sheep has that skill in the beginning parts don't they? So, it is of paramount importance that both me and Harry also have one of our own.

There was one final preparation that took the most work - ??? , You'll find out soon.

Anyways we had reached the gargoyle now.

"Sherbet Lemon." said Flitwick.

'Oh, so it's the same one as the next year.' I thought. Isn't it ironic? Most of the people tend to compare things with past. Reincarnator Perks.

"Professor, would you please accompane me?" I request.

"Hoho, Mr. Maxwell, I understand you would apprehensive since it's your first time meeting the headmaster, but I there's no need to be scared. As you'll find soon, the headmaster is actually a very delightful person, if a bit eccentric."

"Now, have some of that confidence you always have, and have a good time." With that, he left me stranded there.

'Oh well, if only it was so easy.' I sighed and ascended the stairs. And they also ascended on their own.

I have already decided. If I acted too mature here, Dumbledore, who is already too paranoid because of his best friend (lover) and his student both going dark, would think I might also follow in their foot steps. So, it is imperative that I act my physical age here and not show any signs of going dark.

And it's not like I'm not nervous. He can easily defeat me in a duel if we were to play by the rules though it's a different fact altogether that I don't play by rules at all. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

I finally stopped this nonsense and knocked on the door.



Who's there?


Luke who?

Luke through the peep hole and find out.


Ahh, I'm still nervous! Looke like I need occlumency after all'

'Even the jokes quality is decreasing!'

I increased my occlumency by a little as the door opened on it's own and I entered.


A.N.:Things are getting serious!!! Gimme powerstones!!! Or you'll be kept hanging right where you are! Alright, even though this chapter had a long monologue, it was important for everyone to know what preparations the mc has done for these years. So that you all can feel the despair if things suddenly go South.... 😈😈

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