After that, Dora went down to the kitchens to bring me a lot of food. And after that? I was forcefully taken to the infirmary (Idiot! What if there was a curse placed on the egg?!)

So, I just humoured her while she played the role of a caring housewife. She was even skipping her N.E.W.T.S classes for this, and I certainly wasn't complaining about getting some more care.

I just decided that I'll be helping her smash the N.E.W.T.S in return. (Even a little bit of pure magic when fatigued from training and studying can do wonders. Not to mention I've studied quite a bit of NEWTS level and above material myself.)

And also, I'll make her strong enough that she'll be able protect herself well. (I've been doing that already for the whole year.)

After I was discharged from madam pomfrey, I had an excuse to skip the classes. So, my whole day was spent giving pure magic to the egg.

My excitement was shooting through the roof. Tonight would be the time it hatches. My whole week has been spent waiting in anticipation for what kind of creature would be hatched. Just as the wizard acquires the a few of creature's traits or abilities, the creature also acquires some traits of it's master.

First is, of course, the intelligence. Their intelligence is said to be the one characteristic that increases the most. Dragons are already a very powerful species. They're so close to magic that almost every part of their body sustains its magical properties even after their deaths. Dragon heartstrings, dragon hide are some things that were repeated multiple times in the canon, showing the dragons immense significance in the wizarding world. So, the only thing the dragons lack to become the ruling intelligence.

And if that wasn't enough, I already know that the dragon has gained something else from me as well....something unique (as far as I know) with terrifyingly potential:

𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜.

My head hurts even more when I think that these are just two characteristics. There should be at least one more thing that the creature would gain from me.

No matter how I think about it. But this seems awfully similar to the build up of those movies in which a mad scientist goes nuts and creates a monstrosity that later goes on to become a threat to the world, with one thing common in all of them: The mad scientist always dies at the hands of the monstrosity. xxD

Anyway, I wasn't afraid since we'd already bonded. So If it becomes a monstrosity, I'd become one as well together with it.


It is time. Right now, its almost midnight, the baby dragon is ready to hatch and I'll have the creature hatch at 12 o'clock. Twelve a magically significant number, and midnight has ritualistic significance.

Even though all this is true, but I would've still hatched it at midnight even if it had no magical significance if I had a choice.

Dora scrutinized the egg lying in my arms. "I wonder what kind of creature it is."

"Have a guess." I shrugged.

"I think it would be a kind of dragon."


I tried not to show any surprise on my face. She nailed it.

"Why do you think so?" I asked, trying to look nonchalant.

"I know a bit about dragons. I....had a friend who had an interest- no, an unhealthy 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 with dragons." Her bright expression dimmed quite a bit.

Ah...go figure.

Charley Weasley

I would've guessed who it is even if I hadn't accidentally read Dora's mind that day.

Sigh...I don't want her to be sad because of a bastard who's fate has been already sealed.

So, I spoke, "Haha, I know that kind of people. They'll go to any lengths to get what they're obsessed about. Won't even consider other people's feelings if they didn't have anything to gain from it."

Dora looked at my expression, which was full of disgust. And her expression changed.

"Has someone taken advantage to you?" Her voice had real anger in it.

It looked like she was going to neuter whoever had the gall to take advantage of me.


'Wasn't that supposed to be my line?'

Well, at least now she's much more lively. And not thinking about that bastard.

I should keep going.

"Yeah, you know, there're always people like that." I kept my angry expression.

"There was this guy who was too obsessed with money. He pretended to be my friend, but in the end, all he wanted was not my friendship, but my money."

I looked at Dora,

'How's it? Can you relate?' I had to stop myself from smirking.

Yeah, this should kill whatever lingering attachments she has with that dude.

Just then, the alarm I set rang. It was time.

And thus, I asked my newly bonded familiar, who was quite restless to meet me, to break out of it's shell.

The lights in the room dimmed and a spotlight was created on a table placed in the centre of the room. I placed the egg of a cushion lying on the table.

Anticipatory music began playing in the background.

The egg started to move to and fro in it's place.



Cracks began appearing along the smooth surface of the egg and Dora and I held our breaths as the Anticipatory music reached it's climax.


Then, a small, cute claw poked out of the egg, followed by another one.

The claws clawed at the surface of the egg, and soon, its small head came out. It had glistening black scales, and two small horn stubs on its head.

It looked around the world for the first time with curious amber coloured eyes that clearly held intelligence far more than a normal baby dragon.

Then, it's eyes settled on me and it let out a cute sound sound-


And, I could somehow understand it's meaning



"It's dada, little one."

I quickly approached it and helped it remove the remaining shell.

I took it in my hands, and slowly climbed up my arm and made itself at home on my shoulder.

The small dragon a healthy body. It did not at all looked like the 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 that Hagrid had hatched using insufficient magic.

This dragon was...𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭.

The black scales glimmered rainbow light, and when it spread it's wings, Rainbow lines moved along on them, spread out like viens.

Dora, who was quite wary of the unknown creature just a while ago, had her guard broken through with the first glance and had her heart captured with the second.

"Aww SO CUTE!!!"

She quickly approached me and began looking at the dragon up close.

"Of course she is cute. Look who her master is." I said smugly.

Dora also grinned as she looked me. We smiled at each other.


Both of us looked at my shoulder to see the dragon hissing and growling at Dora. It then spread it's wings and wrapped them possessively around my head as she glared at Dora.


*cough* *cough*

I cough to break the awkward moment.

"So, what do I name it?"


A.N.: Indeed. What 𝘥𝘰 I name it?

Also, I'm in need of powerstones. Could you lend me some? I'll totally return them when you guys write your own novel.

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