As I came into the room of requirements' main room, the first thing I did was to lock Dora's door with some obscure spells. And a warning spell. I'll remove them as soon as Dora reaches within one metre and the warning spell goes off.

Now, shall I start?

-Ma-ma?... Mama! Mama!.... Mama!

Right then, I heard my little familiar calling me through the bond! I could feel that it was very panicked.

I ran back to the room while sighing.

"How many times do I have to tell you? It's 'pa-pa' not 'ma-ma,' Nyxie?"

Nyxie was running around the bed. And she managed to set the bedsheets on fire.

"Sigh, I'm too young for this."

As soon as I came back into the room, she ran upto the edge of the bed and waited. As soon as I was with reach, she jumped off and spread her weak and underdeveloped wings.

I didn't want to find out if she can fly yet, so I quickly caught her in my embrace.

Sigh... she does have intelligence. She didn't jump earlier. Either instinctively or knowingly that she might get hurt. Instead she waited for me to come to her. She's only a day old damnit.

Looking at the cute dragon purring in my arms, I wonder if I would be able to raise her well, or just spoil her rotten.

Then we'd have another Draco in Hogwarts. Fact, coincidence, Draco is the Latin word for dragon.

She'd be like: "This young mistress is the only intelligent dragon in the world. This young mistress has been raised by a Puremagic wizard. You filthy dragonfirebreeds and chickenbloods deserve to be slaughtered."


Nononnonono. Not happening.

Alright, I have my work cut out for me now! Christopher Maxwell, the great Pure Magic wizard, is going to be reading muggle books on parenting for the considerable future.

So, with Nyxie resting couch nearby, I started doing warm-up. My joints cracked like crazy as I did the stretches. I was quite banged up yesterday and it only fully healed now.


After doing the stretches I finally realized just how much physique has changed after the bonding.

First was, the power. Sadly I'm not in Xianxia fantasy so I can't just gloss it over by saying something like, my strength has increased by 100 Jin.

Because, no one here has would actually bloody understand how much power that really means.

Second thing I've already noticed is flexibility. I feel more flexible in a sense that my bones, joints and ligaments have all become stronger and more flexible. I might be even be able to lick my elbow now! Too damn OP, right?

Now speed? I'll check when I go on my morning run.

Reflexes, I'll have some of Dora's rapid fire round to check it.

Well, these are just some passive physical changed that are the result of my body transformation. Since this is called a magical bond, the main improvement comes in magical abilities.

Usually, the abilities you've gained from your familiar can only be fully utilized when you relentlessly train in them. For example, if a person bonds with a Phoenix. Then first of all, the improvement of the body would depend on the strength of the bond. And the magical abilities? Well the most basic would be fire. And even to acquire that, you'd have to train like, a lot, if you don't have a strong enough bond. And you can forget getting the rest of the abilities if even your body hasn't gained much improvement from the bond. Just some fire resistance and increased magical powers would be all.

Seeing Dumbledore, he showed some OP fire magic in the sixth part against the inferi, I would be sucked dry even casting a quarter of that. BUT, I don't remember him gaining super strength that the Phoenixes have. That means his bond wasn't that strong and his body didn't go through much of a transformation to perform phoenix's other magical abilities. I didn't see him 'Flame' ( teleportation through fire) without Fawkes, and I sure as hell don't (wanna) believe he gained the Nirvana (rebirth from the ashes).

Oooooh, that would be scary. Imagine Voldemort opening Dumbledore's grave, the elder wand right within his reach...only for the old man to rise up suddenly! the Undertaker style! Now.... who's more scary? Voldemort or Dumble-taker?

Thankfully, he can't do that....right? 🚩😂

It's not his fault that his connection wasn't that strong. The guy was just too firm in his beliefs and Fawkes also has his own character before they bonded. And they since there're already quite old when the bond formed, the strength can't be that much.

So, seeing as my body took....hours to restructure, and my bond is quite strong (And grow stronger since both of us are young), my gains shouldn't be as shabby as Dumbledore, right?

The best thing? If my theory is right, then I don't need the relentless training part. That is just for people who can't feel the magic and thus can't tap directly into the bond's powers.

Let's check this out.

I closed my eyes and felt the bond connecting me and Nyxie. It wasn't anything like a thread connecting the two of us, no. It was more like I could just sense her presence and her magic concentrated deep within my own magic.

I dug even deeper....and sensed the power lying dormant within. I could sense it! But when I tried to pull, it wouldn't budge!

After trying a few more times, I had suddenly had an enlightenment.

Why not try opening it the same way I open the trigger?

So, first concentrate,

On the count of three.





Three! *BOOOM*


An involuntary groan came out of my mouth. The first thing I realized was that my senses magnified. A lot. My own screen sounded very loud so me. I could smell the leftover food lying here from yesterday. I felt a burning sensation in my eyes, and then my eyesight became even clearer. The best recorded vision in humans is 20/10 vision—the ability to see objects clearly from 20 feet when a normal human can only see them at 10 feet. But I could clearly see the titles of Dora's books lying about 30 feet away from me.

But these were not the reasons why I was groaning in pain. It was because of the transformations happening all over my body, even my teeth! First was the emergence of the shiny black scales scales that suddenly grew out go my skin, then my body suddenly bulking up and in both muscles and bones. I fell to my knees in pain as I slammed my fist on the floor to endure the pain.

I had to endure! There was something vital I had to do before I stop this transformation!

I quickly had the room summon...a full length mirror!

There's no way I'm gonna stop without looking at my transformation. I'm a geek by heart.

When I looked into the mirror, the first thing I saw were my eyes. My electric blue pupils were nowhere to be 'seen'. Instead, now they had turned to Amber coloured slits, just like Nyxie's. I didn't know how tall I was due to the fact that I was crouched on one knee. My shirt was torn and my whole torso had lean and compact muscles in perfect symmetry. But the most noticable things were, my hair, which had turned spikey black, curving to the back of my head, like dragon horns. And small hexagonal black scales appearing on parts of my body, like on side of eyes, on my chest, shoulders etc. My teeth had also grown a bit sharper.

"Wow." What is awesomeness? THIS is awesomeness!

With my task completed, I quickly cut off the magic supply, only to realize I barely had any left inside me. I laid on the floor, pantung as thankfully, my body started turning back to it's normal size.

Sigh...these days, I've been feeling like I've become Sasuke from Boruto. OP powers but always out of chakra (magic).

"Ugh.." I slowly got up and looked down at my body. Though everything was aching like hell, surprisingly, there was no visible injury. Guess that's the result of those hours I suffered restructuring my body.

"What the-!"

Then only did I notice the small crater on the floor, which was slowly getting repaired on it own.

I suddenly remembered banging my fist on the ground due to pain.

"Oops. Ha...."


I began laughing. Man, if I can control this this perfectly, it would be pure awesome. Just now, when accessing the characteristics, I pull out a bit too much due to my previous failed attempts. I ended up pulling a bunch of powers at once!

"I... guess I'll take it slow."


A.N.: Power stones. Gimme . 🥺🥺

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