Huanxi Boy: Drunk Song Qian Came To The Door, I Was Numb

Chapter 304 Sister Lizi Pursued Speed And Was Bumped Into The Hospital! (Please Subscribe, Please Cu

Cao Group.

President's office, private lounge.

Cao Ze is planning to call Tong Wenjie and ask her to come to the rescue.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Dai Xi opened the door and walked in.

"How did you come?"

Tian Fen asked Cao Ze who was lying in the bathtub soaking in doubt.

After all, this is your own private space, and ordinary people cannot enter it.

"Boss, Li Na asked me to come!"


Seeing Dai Xi's expression of hesitation and hesitation.

Cao Ze understood immediately.

I felt very speechless in my heart, Li Na is really Xia Guo's best friend!

Dai Xi looked at Cao Ze's handsome face with an obsessed look on his face.

I still remember that when I first joined the company, he solved the difficulties I encountered.

And also under the care of Cao Ze.

Dai Xi was able to successfully obtain a lawyer's license later.

It can be said.

Cao Ze is the beacon in Dai Xi's career, illuminating her progress.

So after hearing Li Na's instigation.

Although she was greatly shocked in her heart, she was still a little shy and uneasy.

But Dai Xi finally came.

After all, she has long been deeply infatuated with the handsome and rich Cao Ze.

"Boss, let me wash it for you!"

Holding the idea that what comes is safe, Dai Xi also became more courageous.

She came to the big bathtub, and immediately started to touch Cao Ze without saying a word.

Cao Ze's eyes widened suddenly, with a startled expression on his face.

Just when the side effects of Wu Qin Xi came, he didn't object.

the other side.

magic capital.

Grand Hyatt Mansion, 1201.

Gu Jia took the report card and rushed to Song Price. 03

After handing the report sheet to Song Qian, Gu Jia poured a glass of water to suppress her shock.

"What is this, huh?"


"Gu Jia, are you not worthy?"

Seeing the hospital report card, Song Qian asked in surprise.

"Yes, so my heart is in a mess now!"

Gu Jia, who had regained her composure, sat down beside Song Qian.

It never occurred to her that she was pregnant.

But think about it too.

After all, when she was with Cao Ze, she didn't take any measures.

"This is a good thing!"

"Don't worry, Ozawa will not be unhappy!"

Song Qian said with a smile.

"Really, I'm still a little worried!"

After all, Gu Jia is different from Song Qian, so she frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, you're not the only one!"

Song Qian took Gu Jia's hand and began to talk about the confinement center.

After listening to her words.

It took Gu Jia a while before she finally regained her senses.

"In this way, it is also a way!"

Gu Jia agreed with Song Qian's proposal.

"I want to tell Ozawa about this happy event!"

After Song Qian finished speaking, she took out her mobile phone and sent a prestige message.

I just waited for a long time and didn't see a reply.

"Gu Jia, don't worry."

"Ozawa went to the company today, maybe he should be busy now!"

Seeing Gu Jia's slightly disappointed expression, Song Qian smiled and comforted her.

Cao Ze is indeed very busy.

I was so busy until the evening that I didn't even have time to look at my phone.

When he walked out of the company, he saw Li Na in the parking lot.

When the woman saw herself approaching, she got into the car quickly.

"Secret Li, you are very unkind!"

When he came to Li Na's car, Cao Ze knocked on the window and said.


"Boss, is Dai Xi down?"

Li Na, who rolled down the car window, asked with a look of embarrassment.

As good girlfriends who live together.

Li Na was still waiting for Dai Xi to come home from get off work together.

"You look down on me?"

Hearing Li Na's words, Cao Ze questioned speechlessly.


Li Na was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

"I didn't mean that, I just didn't expect Dai Xi to be so weak!"

She blinked and said with a smile.

She knows Cao Ze's strength, so naturally it can only be that her best friend is too weak.


"Next time if you let me dove again, I will show you my art of flower arrangement!"

After Cao Ze pretended to be vicious, he hummed and left.

"The art of flower arrangement?"

"When did the boss register for the class? As a secretary, I don't even know?"

"Hey, no!"

"This boss, unexpectedly..."

Li Na, who came to her senses, had a dumbfounding expression on her face.

Cao Ze had just gotten into his Range Rover when his cell phone rang.

The call was from Xue Zhili.

Said that he was invited to have dinner together, and there was something to discuss by the way.

For this group's vice president, Cao Ze is very important.

After all, there are Xue Zhili, Andy and Jiang Jun, so he can be so leisurely.

Cao Ze immediately agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he saw the prestige sent by Song Qian.

"Ozawa, Gu Jia is pregnant!"

Seeing this message, Cao Ze went numb!

Immediately called Song Qian to inquire about the situation.

After learning that Gu Jia agreed with Song Qian's idea, he chatted with Gu Jia a few more times.

Ask the other party to temporarily slow down the pace of work, take care of yourself, and so on.

After hanging up the phone, Cao Ze drove towards the destination.

Jingmen Revolving Restaurant!

When Cao Ze walked in, he immediately saw Xue Zhili.

"Cao Ze, here!"

Hearing the other party's voice, he smiled and walked over.

"Sister Lizi, why did you remember today that you want to treat me to dinner?"

After sitting down, Cao Ze looked at the menu and asked with a smile.

"That's because I need your help with something!"

Xue Zhili smiled while pouring tea for Cao Ze.


"tell me the story!"

Cao Ze was a little curious, this guy was actually useful to him.

"I want to borrow a little something from you just like Qu Xiaoxiao!"

Xue Zhili's words.

Cao Ze, who was drinking tea, almost spit out a mouthful of tea.

"Did Qu Xiaoxiao tell you?"

He asked in shock.

Xue Zhili nodded.

The slight smile made Cao Ze very speechless.

This song goblin, just seek the scriptures by himself.

He even invited his friends to come too!

What do you think of yourself as Elder Cao of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?

"Cao Ze, you don't favor one person over another, do you?"

Seeing him in a daze, Xue Zhili asked with a smile.

"How can it be, you are the capable leader of our group."

"You didn't let me down, and I certainly won't let you down either.

After thinking for a moment, Cao Ze smiled and said.

Shortly after.

The food was served, and the two chatted about the specific details.

After all, Xue Zhili is different from Qu Xiaoxiao, she is a person who pursues speed.


three days later.

What makes Xue Zhili dumbfounded is that some things have to be done step by step!

Otherwise, just like her!

He was held in Cao Ze's arms and sent to the emergency room.

Seeing Cao Ze's Xiao Yan in the emergency room again, he was speechless.

But she also knew in her heart that it was not Cao Ze's fault.

"Yesterday, Gu Qiao was just discharged from the hospital, and today you sent another one!"

"Why, do you think we are your private hospital?"

Hearing Xiao Yan's ridicule, Cao Ze touched his nose in embarrassment.

"You go back first, I will take care of her for you on day shift today!"

"By the way, I will give you a set of the new Shumei makeup product."

Knowing that Cao Ze had something to do, Xiao Yan said.

"Okay, I'll send someone over later."

Even if Xiao Yan didn't say anything, Cao Ze planned to send her off.

Cao Group.

Shumei Beauty Co., Ltd.

The atmosphere here today is extremely tense.

Because new beauty products are about to hit the market, everyone is looking forward to the mainland.

When Cao Ze came to Yuan Ge's office, she was staring at the sales data.

"Boss, you are here, please sit down!"

Seeing Cao Ze enter the door, Yuan Ge quickly got up and gave up his seat.

"Well, let's watch together!"

Cao Ze nodded and sat on Yuan Ge's chair.

Yuan Ge suddenly felt restless.

After all, the level of sales this time directly proved her ability to work.

Although Yuan Ge is very confident.

But after all, this is the first battle for the newcomer to the Cao Group.

"Boss, the new beauty product distribution, online and counter sales channels have all...

Yuan Ge brought a chair over and introduced beside Cao Ze.

Looking at the curve on the computer screen, Pi frowned.

"Our beauty products focus on the high-end market."

"Why is the proportion of the counter's delivery not as good as online?"

Cao Ze pointed to the data on 787 above, turned his head and asked Yuan Ge.

"Boss, the thing is like this."

"For our new product, I have designed three series in addition to Zhenpin, Treasure and Genuine.

"Among them, 80% of the most expensive products are placed in special counters, focusing on the high-end market..."

Yuan Ge, who is in charge of this new product, began to introduce Cao Ze.

Hear her calm analysis and keen judgment on the market.

Cao Ze couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

He just wanted to see Yuan Ge's reaction on the spot.

Arrive at twelve noon.

The data on Yuan Ge's computer began to increase at an extremely fast speed.

Just an hour.

The Zhenpin series has sold 50,000 sets, and the rare and authentic products have reached an astonishing 200,000 sets.

The employees of Shumei Beauty Cosmetics Company immediately screamed with joy.

This is not only a big sale, it is simply a liquidation!

Countless people were still unconvinced by Yuan Ge, the airborne vice president.

At this moment, looking at Yuan Ge also showed deep respect.

In order to celebrate the big sales of new beauty products, Yuan Ge held a celebration party.

Although Gu Qiao, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was unable to participate, she invited Cao Ze over.

The employees of the beauty company suddenly looked at Yuan Ge differently.

After the celebration is over.

"Yuan Ge, let me take you back!"

Seeing Yuan Ge who was slightly drunk, Cao Ze was a little worried.

Shortly after.

Cao Ze supported Yuan Ge and came to her home.

Gu Qiao, Gu Qiao...."

Cao Ze called twice, but did not receive a response.

"Where is my best friend, come out and have a drink with me!"

"I'm very happy today, Shumei brand is a great success..."

Yuan Ge supported by Cao Ze.

When I heard Gu Qiao's name, I immediately became interested.

Drunk, she yelled happily.

Obviously, Yuan Ge was really drunk.

"Sick to death, where did Gu Qiao go, why isn't he at home?"

Cao Ze was a little speechless, and planned to put Yuan Ge on the bed and leave.

Who knew that just as Yuan Ge was asked to lie down, when he turned around and wanted to leave.

Yuan Ge grabbed Cao Ze's hand, his beautiful face was full of reluctance.

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