Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 1172: Love and hate are just a line apart

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

I don't know how long after that, Shui Miaomiao opened her eyes, and there was white light in front of her. Because she was too dazzling, she closed her eyes and slowly opened them.

"Shuishui, you finally woke up, you have been sleeping for a whole day and night." Li Baoyi said worriedly, her eyes were red, looking at her with pity.

Shui Miaomiao found that a potion was hanging on her hand, and she opened her eyes, anxiously holding Li Baoyi's hand, and said, "I am pregnant now, I can't just hang the water casually, did you tell the doctor."

Li Baoyi pursed his lips and looked pitifully at Shui Miaomiao, his face was embarrassed and hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Shui Miaomiao sat up.

There is pain in the stomach.

She grunted.

There, warm liquid flows out.

Shui Miaomiao realized what was happening, covered her stomach, and asked Li Baoyi worriedly, "What about my child? Is the child gone?"

"The position of the thorn is wrong, the child is gone." Li Baoyi said with his head down.

Shui Miaomiao's head seemed to have been struck by a flash of lightning and fell on the bed, thinking nothing.

Slowly, his thoughts returned to his mind.

Mist gathered in the eyes.

How should she explain to Shen Mochen.

"Shen Mochen, did you tell him?" Shui Miaomiao asked Li Baoyi in a choked voice.

Li Baoyi raised his eyebrows, clenched his fists, and dared not look at Shui Miaomiao.

"Say, baby." Shui Miaomiao shook Li Baoyi's hand.

"Shen Mochen has returned, but, without knowing who it was, sent the video of Lingyi you saved the night to the Internet. Shen Mochen was very angry, his face was very poor, it was terrifying, as if he would eat people." Li Baoyi explained Said.

Shui Miaomiao groaned in her heart, and had an ominous hunch.

She lifted the quilt and sat up from the bed.

Li Baoyi pressed Shui Miaomiao's shoulder, "Shui Shui, what do you want to do."

"Where is my cell phone? Where is Shen Mochen, I have to explain it to him clearly." Shui Miaomiao said worriedly.

"Don't worry, you have to be very weak and have a small birth. If you don't raise well, it will be difficult to have children in the future. I will find you a mobile phone." Li Baoyi said with relief.

Shui Miaomiao couldn't lie down at all.

She estimated that Shen Mochen must be very angry, so that she just came to see her.

Li Baoyi handed Shui Miaomiao's mobile phone to Shui Miaomiao.

Shui Miaomiao quickly called Shen Mochen in the past.

The phone answered three times.

"Hey, Shen Mochen, this is Shui Miaomiao." Shui Miaomiao said hello first.

"What's the matter?" Shen Mochen's voice was cold, and it seemed cold from hell.

"Yesterday, oh, no, the day before yesterday, things happened abruptly. Those people suddenly appeared. It was me who was not good and did not protect our children." Shui Miaomiao apologized.

Shen Mochen twitched his lips and chuckled, "It's not that you haven't protected our children, but that you think Ye Lingyi is more important than my children and your life. You still love him."

"No, I don't. Ye Lingyi is not the kind of relationship you want." Shui Miaomiao said sincerely.

"Enough, what kind of relationship are you going to judge with my eyes, what I said to you, what you promised me, and don’t talk to Ye Lingyi in the future, seeing him hiding far away, what do you do? What? When he is in danger, you rush to protect him regardless of your life.

Shui Miaomiao, I can forgive you for loving him. This is your emotional choice, but I don’t forgive you for killing my child. "Shen Mochen finished his speech, and hung up the phone directly."

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