The memory Wei Lianghuan left to Wei Ru was cold and bloody. Wei Ru was born out of wedlock, and her mother was a lover raised by her father. Before returning to the Wei family, Wei Ru's life was very comfortable. Father is not always around. Her mother didn't restrain her very much. Wei Ru lives like a wild horse. Freedom beyond measure. This kind of life probably ended at the age of 13, after her mother died in a car accident. Wei Ru was taken back to the Wei family by her father. Wei Ru's father and Wei Lianghuan's father are cousins. Both of them are in the same genealogy, but their relationship is not particularly close. In the Wei family, there are dozens of people of the same generation as Wei Ru. Wei Lianghuan is one of them. On the first day Wei Ru was taken home, she was taken to a villa in the suburbs. Dozens of brothers and sisters live here. Waiting for the arrival of the grandfather who was in charge of the Wei family at that time. After many years, Wei Ru knew that it was enough to change the fate of many people. Grandfather gathered all the grandchildren together in order to choose the successor of the Wei family in the future. But in that moment. Wei Ru knew nothing about it. Young and frivolous, she is experiencing the darkest day of her life. Wei Ru was rebellious and unruly since childhood. I saw dozens of brothers and sisters all at once. She's not friendly either. Deliberately interrupted the dialogue between Wei Lianghuan and other brothers, straightforward she said a lot of ugly words. In that group of children. Wei Lianghuan is not the oldest, but the most prestigious one among them. Wei Ru remembered that he had never stood in the middle of the crowd, but there were always lights around him. It's hard for him to keep a low profile. In all occasions, people will unconsciously see him first. Even so. Wei Ru still didn't see his face clearly. Thinking of Wei Lianghuan, Wei Ru has a vague and handsome outline in her mind. There is an adult calm and a trace of ridicule carelessness. Idle and indifferent, the tone of the mouth is also lazy. It seems that there is nothing worth worrying about. She is our sister and we need to teach her to be polite. That's what Wei Lianghuan said. Children are the best judge of the times. The most authoritative. With Wei Lianghuan's words, Wei Ru was "educated" very miserably. Although Wei Lianghuan was totally careless when he said that, although he did not deliberately instruct who to do what, he was Wei Lianghuan. His careless words can bring a devastating blow to a person. Especially after Wei Lianghuan inherited the Wei family, Wei Ru was completely isolated. Besides money, Wei Ru has nothing in the Wei family. In the Wei family, money is the most useless thing. Wei Ru was excluded from the Wei family, she could not participate in any family affairs, even she could not see Wei Lianghuan herself again. All she can do is to be raised by the Wei family, spend money on nothing, be a good-looking guy, and be friends with a young lady like Shen Lin, and die for the family when the family needs it. Shen Tianhao's cold-blooded decision can be rejected. As long as Shen Lin resists, there is still the possibility of not accepting it. And the Wei family, will not give you any possibility. Sometimes Wei Ru would laugh at herself and say to Shen Lin, do you know what is the most sad? The most sad thing is not that you have to sacrifice for your family, but that the whole meaning of your life is waiting to be sacrificed... All the people in the Wei family are like this. You can search Baidu for the latest chapter of "my husband's routine today is my nine peach novel (9txs. ORG)"! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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