Li Luochen went to investigate. Among the children of his generation surnamed Wei, no mother died. And the nodes where they died were very strange. Basically, it was before these children came back to Wei's home. Li Luochen's mother committed suicide when his father came to him. Wei Ru's mother died in a car accident before she went back to Wei's house. Although Wei liangye's mother died abroad. But it is also the time when it is said that he will take over the Wei family. Are these things all coincidental? I'm afraid it's impossible, isn't it“ Father, if you think my mother is your favorite woman. If you still think I'm your son, please tell me the truth. " Li Luochen pleaded sincerely and humbly, "please tell me why my mother died."“ Son Li Luochen asked so frankly, his father also frankly said“ Just because I love your mother, just because you are my son, I can't say... I want to fulfill her last wish. Do you understand? " Li Luochen didn't understand: "what does this have to do with my mother's last wish? Did you say... "Yes, your mother told me before she died." Li Luochen's father sighed and said“ I promised her, no matter what happens. I won't tell you the cause of her death... Son, you have to understand your mother's good intentions! " Father said so, Li Luochen did not understand. What's going on? To keep his mother alive before she dies. It's hard to hide from him. Does his mother's death have anything to do with him? How come? impossible! When his mother died. Li Luochen is only six years old. He is a child. Anyway, it won't have anything to do with him! Li Luochen couldn't understand, but his father didn't want to say: "son. Sooner or later, you will be a father, too. You will also understand the feelings of being a parent... Parents are all devoted to their children. Even if it is to pay their own statement, but also at all... You know what I mean Father always let Li Luochen understand his meaning, but Li Luochen is more listen to more confused“ It will be another year soon. How time flies Li Luochen's father said with emotion, "year after year, years make people old! When the Spring Festival is over, you will bring your wife back. After that, you will live with me. " My father's words made the warm atmosphere disappear“ My father means that I'm not going to be in charge of the Wei family in the future. Is that what he means? " Li Luochen said with a self mocking smile, "my father wants me to be the same as other gnats? With his wife hiding under the protection of your wings, lazy finish this life? Like a piece of trash? "“ Luo Chen, listen to me, I think... "" this is what my father said to save me? " Li Luochen snorted coldly, "whet my will, fight back my fighting spirit... Does my father want to save me, or destroy me?"“ Luochen, you... "Father, you don't have to say, I fully understand what you mean." Li Luochen's self-esteem did not allow him to accept, "I will not accept your kindness! I'm living well now. If I don't need your help, you don't have to persuade me. " Li Luochen's father sighed“ Son Li Luochen's father said helplessly, "have you ever thought about why Wei liangye didn't replace you?" You can search Baidu for the latest chapter of "my husband's routine today is my nine peach novel (9txs. ORG)"! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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