"No, don't think about it." Ji Keran did not smile on his lips. He was a little sad and said, "my aunt came to see me, but just for questioning?"

"No, I'm just worried about you. After all, it's a coincidence. It's said that the girl surnamed Wen was also injured. After being injured, she was rescued by the country. Now she's still in a coma... "

Ji Jiaqian thought that she had just mentioned Wen Ruqi to Ji Keran yesterday, and the girl was in trouble. By such a coincidence, except for him, she couldn't imagine who would be harmful to Wen Ruqi!

Ji Keran heard that Wen Ruqi was in a coma and slightly picked his eyebrows. It seems that you don't have to worry about it. The girl can't say anything. She comforts her softly and says, "I'm worried about Miss Wen's unscrupulous words. If it's revealed, I'm afraid that I'm going to put my aunt in danger, so I'll send someone to watch her in the town hall. Besides, I didn't do anything. Doesn't my aunt believe me? "

Ji Jiaqian always believed Ji Keran's words. She was relieved.

When Ji Jiaqian thought of the news that the house of the Marquis of Zhenguo was attacked just now, her first thought was Ji Keran: "it's not you. The Marquis of Zhenguo has already been in the palace. Now people are in a panic. If someone in Beijing dares to break into the house of the Marquis of Zhenguo, she may go elsewhere. All the aristocratic families in this area have strengthened their guard and asked the emperor to allow them to order a few imperial guards to sit in the mansion. "

Ji Keran was stunned when he heard the young man's report, saying that Marquis an had invited two imperial guards to the palace and asked him to meet him.

The imperial guards were the emperor's own soldiers, but they were also of high rank and above him.

In love and reason, Ji Keran should go to exchange greetings to show respect.

But he was very upset. He was supposed to be the crown prince, but now he can only be respectful to a few bodyguards!

However, Ji Keran is also able to stretch and bend. He bowed his head and said with a smile, "then I'll go to the front hall. When my aunt comes back, I'm afraid grandma will wait."

"Yes, I only remember ran Lang, I'm afraid I'm going to upset my mother." Ji Jiaqian left with the tassel. Ji Keran went to see the two imperial guards.

Hearing that one of them was still the deputy commander of the royal guards, he was quite surprised: "I didn't expect to trouble the deputy commander to drive here. It's really a loss."

"You're welcome, young master Ji. It's your duty." The deputy commander, with a strained face, quickly went to check the nursing home in the residence of marquis an.

It wasn't long before there were shouts, obviously dissatisfied with the laziness of the nursing home.

At this time, an guohou came out. His face was paler than before, but he was in good spirits. He said with a satisfied smile, "you are worthy of the royal guards. The yard guard has been lazy for a long time. It's time to knock."

Ji Keran was not as optimistic as he was. He asked in a low voice, "how did grandfather recruit the imperial guards into the palace? Would they notice that..."

An guohou glanced at him, and Ji Keran swallowed the rest.

He used his crutch to poke hard on the ground and said with a sneer, "you have the courage. How can you do great things in the future? The one in the palace was afraid of all the families, otherwise he would not send the imperial army to all the families by this. We follow the trend to be less conspicuous. In this way, that person will feel more at ease. "

Even the imperial guards are invited into the palace, which means that there is no trick. Can the emperor not rest assured?

Ji Keran suddenly realized and said with a smile, "you are worthy of being my grandfather. You always think more deeply than I do."

An guohou looked at him with deep meaning and sighed: "you are always a little too impatient. When I'm away, you will be the one to pick the beam in the mansion. Everything is important to the overall situation. Some clowns don't have to pay attention to it, let alone pay attention to it. "

Smell speech, Ji Ke ran eyelid jump, always feel that the old man is not know what, this is a subtle warning to himself: "grandfather, grandson have written down."

When an guohou came out to blow a cool wind, he could not help but cough. Ji Keran quickly helped him to go back: "it's cold, my grandfather should go back to the house to rest, and my grandson will take care of other things."

An guohou nodded. He was really tired, and his body became more and more unsophisticated. He was afraid that he would not be able to hide it for long.

Seeing off an guohou, Ji Keran rubbed his forehead and realized that he was too impatient and aggressive these days.

The affairs of the Marquis's office are a lesson. If we can't handle them properly, I'm afraid we will be tied up in our future actions.

The imperial guards are in the house again. You should be careful in everything, but you can't be seen to be wrong at all.

Ji Keran suddenly felt that it was difficult to take a step, but the road ahead would not be so smooth to achieve great things.

No matter whether the road ahead is full of thorns, as long as we can get the final fruits, what are the difficulties ahead?

Ji Jiaqian had just gone to Mrs. Hou's yard when a teacup hit her step, which made her jump: "mother..."

She raised her head and caught a glimpse of Mrs. Hou's anger. She couldn't help but look down.

"You have the face to call me? I don't come to visit the elder first, but I run to the younger's yard. Although he is a nephew, it's better to avoid suspicion. There are so many pairs of eyes in the house, especially the imperial guards Mrs. Hou hates iron but not steel. She can vaguely see the difference between Ji Jiaqian and Ji Keran.In the past, the daughter had some vague feelings for Ji Keran's father. Later, when the nominal eldest son died, her feelings were transferred to Ji Keran.

It's just a lot of sustenance. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. As long as the eldest lady doesn't make a fuss, Mrs. Hou will turn a blind eye.

It's just that Ji Jiaqian is going too far. She rushes to find Ji Keran. It's said that the eldest lady has smashed a set of tea sets and two handles of Ruyi in the yard. Madam Hou is really afraid that she can't help complaining to an guohou.

Fortunately, Ji Jiaqian didn't stay long. She came soon, but she already made Mrs. Hou angry.

Ji Jiaqian timidly said: "mother, I will pay attention to it later..."

"I don't want to hear that. You've heard everything now. I've taught you. Can't you believe a man's words?" Mrs. Hou hated the fact that iron could not be made into steel. She really broke her heart to her daughter: "tell me, did you tell ranlang about the Golden Lock?"

"No, it was found by ran Lang himself. He was so curious that he opened the Golden Lock..." Ji Jiaqian murmurs to explain, just to go up Hou madam's vision, immediately can't go on.

Mrs. Hou sneered: "this is what ran Lang said, right? be curious? Because I'm curious, I don't ask for it. After I take it away, if you don't ask, I'm afraid he won't tell you. "

"No, he's not like that. He planned to study it and return it." Ji Jiaqian said, feeling that she was not strong enough. Indeed, as Mrs. Hou said, if she did not mention it, Ji Keran would probably have kept it a secret.

"You're the only one who believes these lies. Now that you know it, will he give it back to you?" Mrs. Hou said coldly. Seeing that Ji Jiaqian didn't say a word, what else didn't know?

"It's not a bad thing for you if it's not here, so forget it. You should stay away from ran Lang, who is likely to be the next successor of the Marquis's house. He will marry and have children in the future, but you won't be the one standing beside him. Don't forget that you are his own aunt in name! " She sighed faintly, and the whole person seemed a little old.

"Mother, I'm wrong." Ji Jiaqian suddenly found that Mrs. Hou had more white hair on her temples. She felt guilty and full of apologies: "I understand that ran Lang will have his wife and many children in the future. His life may have nothing to do with me any more. But as long as I can look at him and talk to him occasionally, I'm satisfied. "

Mrs. Hou shook her head, knowing that this silly daughter would not bump into the south wall and would not look back: "you look back at the mansion, don't come back for the time being, and don't go to other places."

Ji Jiaqian thought of Ji Keran's order and said carefully: "mother, I plan to go to Chuang Tzu to relax in two days..."

"Why do you suddenly want to relax? Is that what ranlang meant?" Mrs. Hou's eyes are like a knife. Ji Jiaqian turns her eyes and dares not look at her.

"No, I mean it myself. I'm bored to stay at home. Now the second girl in charge of the family has nothing to do with me. It's really boring to stay in Gu's house. "

"Well, it's up to you. But you need to understand in your heart what should be done and what should not be done. I don't need to remind you again and again. " Mrs. Hou waved her hand. She felt very tired and sent her away.

Ji Jiaqian, with the permission of Mrs. Hou, first sends Liusu to tell Ji Keran the good news. Then she asks hongluan to pack up and plan to go to Wenquan Zhuangzi as soon as possible.

The carriage had been prepared, but she simply took a few replacement clothes and personal items, and the others were prepared in Wenquan Chuang Tzu.

It's said that Ji Jiaqian is going to the hot spring villa to relax. Master Gu doesn't say anything, but Gu Yunyan sneers: "I'm leaving Gu's house in a few days. When will my mother come back? We can't have a mistress at home, or we're going to have a mess? "

Ji Jiaqian glanced at her and said with a smile: "what did the second girl say? With you at home, how could it be a mess? But if you're away for two or three days, you won't be in a mess. Isn't there your sister-in-law? "

Looking at Gu Yunyan gently again, Ji Jiaqian squinted and said, "well, the rules of Hou's house are very big. I didn't expect to invite a tutor for the second girl before. If I'm impolite later, I'll be in trouble. What do you think?"

Master Gu naturally doesn't want Gu Yunyan to suffer, but he also knows that she's going to be a concubine in the Marquis's house now. She doesn't know what's going on. If she knows, she'll make fewer mistakes in the future: "madam, what she says is reasonable. There are still a few days to go. Please ask a mother who knows the rules to teach Yan'er for a few days. It's all about the mother daughter relationship between you."

"It's natural. Such trifles don't need the master's command. Just rest assured." Ji Jiaqian got on the carriage and went away. As for the teaching mother, she only had to inform Mrs. Hou and invite a strict mother to come.

Even if only a few days, she will not let Gu Yunyan too well.

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