After seeing them off from the corner gate, Chunlan threw the golden Yuan Bao's handkerchief in the brazier. When it was burned clean, she washed her hands with water again and again until it was so red that she almost lost her skin. She was disgusted: "it's cheap to waste the powder I still treasure."

This powder will not immediately kill the old lady, but it will damage their body foundation a little bit. As if caught cold, slowly become weak, less than five days to speak, less than 10 days to walk, less than 15 days to die.

From Jingzhong to Zhuangzi, it takes five days to get to the next town.

As she expected, it was impossible for her mother-in-law to open her mouth before she met someone, so she could not reveal Gu Yunyan's story.

Not aware of something wrong, the mother-in-law with gold ingot, corresponding to Cailin is grateful, must be tight lipped, until the drug attack, when they realize it, they can't say a word.

They don't know how to write. All the secrets are rotten in their stomach.

Chunlan dried her hands, turned her mouth and went to the kitchen. When Ying Cailin wakes up, she will be hungry. Breakfast must be ready early.

As soon as she got jinyuanbao, she immediately set off for Zhuangzi. She was afraid that she would be found with something good on her. She wanted to leave Beijing immediately.

Who knows, he was intercepted and sent to the dungeon of Xiao's house before he got out of the gate.

Xiao Yi interrogates the two women with her face covered. They can't stand the whip. They confess everything.

"Sister's gone?" Gu Yunkuai's face is full of surprise. She knows the beginning of the good play. Gu Yunyan's chess is almost the same. On the contrary, she is calculated by the Minister of Dali temple. Then Ji Keran appeared as she expected, only a quarter of an hour later, and Gu Yunyan suffered more.

Ying Cailin takes people away, but Xiao Jiawei doesn't stare at them any more. Who would have thought that Gu Yunyan could escape from two stout women after taking the medicine?

It has to be said that it is reasonable for people who die frequently to burst out with unprecedented abilities in order to survive.

Gu Yunyan in order to protect her life, suddenly put down two women, even successfully escaped, still called Gu Yunkuai heard a little surprised: "sister back home?"

"No, someone's staring at Gu's house. There's nothing unusual about Mr. Gu. There's no one in and out of the neighborhood." Xiao Yi dutifully said, and added: "according to the two women's words, the two girls of Gu's family should have been taken away by passers-by. The destination is Jingzhong. I'm afraid they are going back from other places."

It's just like looking for a needle in a haystack. Many ministers in Beijing have their ancestral home abroad, and their descendants and friends come to visit them in an endless stream. They really have no way to start.

"Well, as long as my sister lives in peace, don't provoke me again, I won't kill her." Gu Yunkuai sighs. Gu Yunyan has suffered a lot this time. She should stop fooling around.

In this way, she did not have to worry about what happened to her sister.

Xiao Xilin nodded and had no objection to Gu Yunkuai's words: "let people stare at Gu's family. Sooner or later, the two girls will contact master Gu. We can also master her whereabouts, so as not to make small moves behind her back, which is too defensive."

"Well, I listen to the adults." Gu Yunkuai nodded and nestled in his arms. Thinking that Gu Yunyan went alone and was finally bullied by the Minister of Dali temple, he felt heavy.

Originally did not want to Gu Yunyan suffered such a thing, so Xiao Jiawei told Ji Keran in advance.

It's a pity that Ji Keran let her down. The man deliberately went a quarter of an hour late, just to make Gu Yunyan unbearably oppressed by the Minister of Dali temple.

For what, Gu Yunkuai can also guess. Ji Ke Ran is ambitious and will try his best to win over the officials. However, he was very suspicious. Instead of influencing the other party and possibly betraying him, he had better hold the handle and make people have to obey.

Seeing Gu Yunkuai depressed, Xiao Xilin could guess one or two. He waved his hand to show Xiao to step down. He hugged the man in his arms and said softly, "it's not the lady's fault. It's also the two girls' fault. She is also calculated by Lord Ji. It can only be said that Huang que is behind. No one can guess that Lord Ji will do it intentionally. "

His impression of Ji Keran is really bad. Gu Yunyan is his concubine in name. Though she calculated by means of indecent means, the unfortunate person becomes Ji Keran.

But this is not the way Ji Keran should treat a weak girl like this. It's really shameless to use a girl's family in order to hold the handle of the Minister of Dali temple.

Perhaps in Ji Keran's opinion, Gu Yunyan had calculated him and made him lose face. In this man's eyes, taking Gu Yunyan to the backyard is that one day she can be used as bait for this day.

Gu Yunyan's appearance is the best weapon. Most men are lecherous. He is sure that if he digs down the well and baits, someone will take the bait.

Sure enough, he caught a big fish. How could Ji Keran let it go?

Poor Gu Yunyan was used to the end, lost her body, almost lost her life, only to understand that she had become an abandoned son. Ji Keran didn't accept her from the beginning to the end. No wonder he never touched her.It must be that Ji Keran disdains to be infected with a gift that he will give to other men sooner or later.

Gu Yunkuai lowered his head and buried his face in Xiao Xilin's shoulder socket. He didn't look up for a long time. Her feeling towards this elder sister is quite complicated. She is dissatisfied and resentful. At this moment, she feels that Gu Yunyan is very pitiful.

Gu Yunyan is always proud of her beauty. Who would have thought that one day beauty would become the source of suffering?

"I don't know who my sister is going with, and whether that person will be like the Minister of Dali temple..." She did not go on, Gu Yunyan will follow each other, presumably is also broken pot fall, let go.

Anyway, she has been broken by the Minister of Dali temple, and has become a ruined flower. What's Gu Yunyan afraid of?

As long as she could leave there, escape the two old women, and never go back to the Marquis's house to be manipulated by Ji Keran, she would be happy.

Her appearance will be the biggest trouble, but also the most favorable mask. With it, Gu Yunyan can be said to be invincible, no man can refuse.

As for being taken advantage of, it has been lost anyway, so why treasure it again?

Gu Yunkuai thought and unconsciously fell asleep in Xiao Xilin's reassuring breath. After watching the drama all night, she felt tired as the curtain came to an end.

Xiao Xilin raised her hand and described her eyebrows and eyes with her fingertips. She only felt that Gu Yunkuai's appearance seemed beautiful.

He frowned, thinking of the teasing of Madame Hou of Zhenguo. Before long, Gu Yunkuai's appearance might be more beautiful than Gu Yunyan's. when he went out, Xiao Xilin would have to keep an eye on Gu Yunkuai at any time, so as not to be robbed by someone who didn't have eyes, or to please her frequently.

The implication is that although Xiao Xilin is pretty, he doesn't know how to please the girl's family.

Otherwise, in the past few years, who is not hurt by Xiao Xilin's indifference and who is close to her girl's family, one by one?

Even Gu Yunkuai didn't accept himself immediately at the beginning. Instead, he hid far away. Xiao Xilin accidentally learned that her little wife felt that his appearance was too handsome, and she was too uncomfortable to stand beside him, which made her more ordinary.

Especially the strange eyes of the people around him made Gu Yunkuai dare not get close to Xiao Xilin. After all, they were really out of proportion when they stood together.

Now, Gu Yunkuai's facial features seem to grow up overnight, and gradually get close to his family. Xiao Xilin can imagine that in the near future, when his wife goes out, she will salivate more and more, and feel a little unhappy.

At last, he could understand Gu yunkua's melancholy worry. Now, he is really uncomfortable.

Xiao Xilin looked at the person in her arms. No matter how she looked, there was no difference in her eyes. But Gu Yunkuai was happy every day, especially he didn't mind the eyes around him any more, and he was more comfortable on his side, which he was happy to see.

Gu Yunke wakes up and finds himself in Xiao Xilin's arms. He almost lies on him and gets up red faced.

Xiao Xilin looked at her embarrassed appearance. Her cheeks were scarlet just after waking up. She couldn't help but kiss her eyes: "sleep a little longer?"

Gu Yunkuai's hoarse voice made his ears red, not to mention his handsome face, which made him feel dizzy.

She opened her face and listened to catkins carefully knock on the door: "madam, the master is coming."

Who the master is must be Gu.

Why do you come to see her at this time?

Gu Yunkuai was a little surprised. He looked at Xiao Xilin and didn't want him to worry: "I went to see my father. I think Ji's family had covered up my sister's business. My father was surprised to hear the bad news. I'm afraid he didn't believe it. So he came to ask me for a clear answer."

Xiao Xilin also understands that Gu Yunyan is the most important daughter in master Gu's heart. Ji Keran, in order to cover up, has to say something wrong. He frowns slightly: "don't you want me to accompany your wife?"

"No, sir, you have left a lot of errands. You have to go to the palace to face the saint later? Don't delay. I can handle such a small matter. " She was no longer the careful Gu San girl who was in Gu's house at the beginning, but the wife of Xiao's family. There was no need to be afraid of Gu master, or wronged herself in order to please him.

Seeing this, Xiao Xilin no longer said much. He got up and put on his clothes and went out.

Gu Yunkuai picked out a royal blue dress, put on a jade hairpin and combed his hair in a high bun. He was dignified and virtuous. She looked at the figure in the bronze mirror, and this face became more and more similar to Gu Yunyan.

I'm afraid the two sisters look very similar to Mrs. Gu, but Gu Yunkuai has not yet grown. She caresses her cheek. I don't know what kind of expression Mr. Gu will show when he sees her face?

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