Qiuhong calm face, wait for Gu Yunkuai in soft couch lie down, come forward to check her small arm, Gu Yunkuai dodged: "may as well, you don't tell adults, lest he worry."

There was a little pain in his forearm, but he could bear it. Gu Yunkuai felt full of tiredness. He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

Willow catkins tucked in the quilt for her. When she retreated to the door, she grabbed Qiuhong and said anxiously, "the girl has a bad appetite these two days, and she is always sleepy. What's wrong with her body?"

Qiuhong can't help worrying when she hears the words: "why don't you ask the doctor to come and have a look, and then tell the adults?"

But Qiu Lu suddenly said, "why don't you mention it to Madam Hou of Zhenguo, and then ask her to ask the imperial doctor who knows the root and the bottom?"

This proposal is very appropriate, catkins rushed to the next town to report.

When Mrs. Hou of Zhenguo heard this, she jumped up and said to Xueyan, "take master Hou's post to the palace and ask Dr. Zeng to come here. There's no need to disturb lin'er, so that he won't be happy in the end."

Xueyan should, quickly take the post to the palace.

Catkins see some silly eyes, and some anxious, hard not to Gu Yunkuai this seriously ill, he found late?

Seeing that the maid's face was pale, Mrs. Zhen guohou understood that she wanted to be crooked and said with a smile, "don't worry. Your wife is just afraid it's a happy event."

Dr. Zeng was soon invited. Mrs. Hou of Zhenguo apologized: "please, chief physician. I can't think of anyone who can trust you more than you."

This is the praise to Zeng Taiyi. He touched his white beard and said modestly, "madam, I'm serious."

He had to consider what he said in the palace, but he was more comfortable in front of his wife. The Zeng family and the wife of the Marquis of Zhenguo are family friends. In addition to the five clothes, the two families are close. The Marquis of Zhenguo also has a lot of maintenance for the former in the palace, which makes him the leader of the former.

Over the years, zengtaiyi has rarely done anything. When he got the letter, he rushed to Xiaofu immediately.

He put his two fingers on Gu Yunkuai's wrist, squinted and looked carefully, and soon used three more fingers.

Catkins atmosphere also dare not, for fear of affecting the pulse of doctor Zeng.

Qiuhong also stares at Zeng Taiyi's fingers, almost to make a hole. Only autumn green look a little relaxed, but also nervously looking at the doctor.

After a long time, Dr. Zeng finally put down his hand. Before he spoke, he saw Xiao Xilin come back in a hurry. His imperial clothes had not been changed. He was always meticulous. His hair was a little messy. He was afraid that he came back from the palace in a hurry.

His wife glanced at him and jokingly said, "it's not that people don't ask you to come back first. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Gu Yunke wakes up after a full sleep and looks at a room full of people.

Especially sitting in front of the couch is a gray haired old man. Xiao Xilin stands in front of the door and strides forward. Mrs. Zhen guohou looks at her with a smile on her face.

"Three wenches, this is Zeng Taiyi."

Gu Yunkuai was puzzled. Why did he suddenly ask the imperial doctor to come to see her?

Xiao Xilin sat on the other side, holding her hand, worried.

Dr. Zeng happily touched his beard and laughed: "Taifu, Congratulations, madam."

Gu Yunkuai was stunned, and Xiao Xilin held him carefully, his eyes suddenly brightened, and his joy could not be covered.

Although Mrs. Hou of Zhenguo guessed it, now she was listening to Dr. Zeng's words with tears in her eyes: "God has eyes, so soon the Xiao family will have a queen. In the future, Xiao's house will be bustling. Three girls are really blessed. "

Xiao Xilin motioned Xiao Yi to give Zeng Taiyi a big purse. Knowing that it was a good thing, Zeng Taiyi accepted it happily and left with the medicine boy.

Mrs. Hou of Zhenguo said: "be careful in the future. Don't get angry. When the month is old, walk around the garden more, or you'll be choked when you have a baby. You can't eat too much, but you can't eat too little. I can't eat it before I'm happy. What can I do in the future... "

Gu Yunkuai hasn't come back, Xiao Xilin seriously wrote down one by one, and her serious appearance made her laugh at last.

Mrs. Hou of Zhenguo said almost. Seeing that the couple's eyes were intertwined and no one else was around, she didn't want to stay any more, and quietly retired. Naturally, she would wait for the Marquis to come back and tell him at the first time!

Xiao Xilin's eyes finally moved away from Gu Yunkuai's face and fell on her flat abdomen. He didn't expect to be a father so soon.

He wanted to put his hand over Gu Yunkuai's abdomen, but he was afraid that he would hurt the child too hard, so he hesitated.

Seeing this, Gu Yunkuai took the initiative to seize his hand and put it on his belly: "this month is still small, I don't think I can see anything. Don't be so careful, you can't dare to touch me all the time

Xiao Xilin laughed and nodded: "be careful, you'll sail for ten thousand years. If the people around you are not enough, just ask your aunt for two experienced mothers. If there is a lack of food and clothing, just ask the housekeeper to do it. "

"Well," Gu Yunkuai said with a smile. Xiao Xilin gently pressed her little arm. She immediately drew back her hand in pain and couldn't help humming.Xiao Xilin's face suddenly changed. He gently grasped her hand and pulled open her sleeve. He found a red and swollen piece of her forearm. He could see five finger prints. It showed that someone had hit her. He was shocked and angry!

"What's the matter? Who is it?"

Gu Yunkuai has a heart to cover up, catkins but urgent complaint: "uncle, the master came to accuse his wife, also moved his hand."

She only saw master Gu clap his hand, but she didn't expect that his little arm was swollen with such force. It would be ten days and a half months before she could see anyone?

I knew that master Gu was going to slap Gu Yunkuai. She used her arm to slap him. It was so swollen. Fortunately, it didn't hit him on the cheek. Otherwise, she would suffer.

Originally, they couldn't eat much during the day, and they could use more at night. If their appetite was bad, wouldn't they starve their children?

"Qiuhong, tell the porter not to let them in later." If you dare to fight against his wife, master Gu is so ambitious!

Xiao Xilin was angry and said, "send more people to look for the second girl in Beijing. She can hide for a few days, but she can't hide for a lifetime!"

Doesn't master Gu believe that Gu Yunyan is still alive and has done such ugly things again?

Then find out the man and throw him in front of him. Do you believe it or not!

Gu Yunkuai knew that Xiao Xilin was very angry. He covered the back of his hand and patted it gently.

Xiao Xilin looked at her unhappily and sighed helplessly: "madam, you can't hide everything from me. If I didn't pay attention just now, I would have suffered a lot."

"If you don't touch it, it doesn't hurt so much, so you don't care..." Gu Yunkuai said this half, in his eyes some can't go on: "next is not an example, really."

She did not expect that master Gu was pale and weak, and he had so much strength.

Fortunately, the arm blocked it, otherwise the face would be destroyed. Maybe it's the idea that Mr. Gu has made. Looking at her face which looks like Gu Yunyan, it's not pleasing to the eye. I just want to slap her badly.

Thinking of this, Gu Yunkuai couldn't help feeling a little dejected. She fell out with Gu's family completely. The place she once called a writer no longer exists.

The thought in her heart disappeared completely with the slap of master Gu.

After that, Gu Yunkuai didn't plan to get involved with Gu's family any more. Master Gu is unkind to her. Why should he be righteous to him?

"My sister will come out sooner or later, but you don't have to spend time and effort to turn people out." It's not easy to find someone in such a big city. Xiao Xilin has a lot to do. There's no need to worry about Gu Yunyan.

Gu Yunkuai's thoughtfulness finally calmed Xiao Xilin's face and sighed softly: "I have locked several families. Recently, some relatives from outside have returned home."

The tracks of the carriages on the trail were not deep, and there were not many luggage inside. It was obvious that they were not distant relatives. There was only one carriage, and there were not many slaves to follow. It must not be the family who moved to Beijing. On the contrary, it should be the children of Beijing. I'm afraid they came back to Beijing after playing.

In this way, the scope is smaller and it is much easier to find.

Gu Yunkuai nodded and didn't care. She lowered her head and stretched out her hand to cover her abdomen. Now she has more important things, and she doesn't care about Gu Yunyan.

She didn't expect to be pregnant with Xiao Xilin's child in such a short time.

Gu Yunxiao couldn't help but smile when he thought that Xiao's family was thin and the arrival of this child could finally make the house lively: "taking care of my family has nothing to do with me. If I hadn't taken care of my upbringing, I would not have met my father today. Only his slap knocked away the fluke and the remaining affection in my heart. Now in my heart, only my husband and children are my family. "

Xiao Xilin's face was full of love. She put her big palm on the back of her hand and said softly, "Gu will soon regret losing your good daughter."

Gu Yunkuai doesn't know if master Gu will regret it, but she knows that this father is stubborn and may be implicated by Gu Yunyan one day.

Mr. Gu didn't think about food and tea when he went back, and he had trouble sleeping and eating. In particular, the Marquis's office said that Gu Yunyan had fallen and had no bones left. He couldn't even have a decent funeral or a complete body. He was very sad and fell ill in a few days.

Gu Xuanyi is in a mess. On the one hand, he has to prepare for Gu Yunyan's affairs, on the other hand, he has to take care of master Gu and deal with the official affairs of the Yamen. He wants to split people in two.

But at this time, yanzixin fainted, scared him to invite the doctor.

The old doctor said with a smile, "Congratulations, madam."

Gu Xuanyi can't believe it. He's been looking forward to it for several years, but now he's looking forward to it?

Yanzixin wakes up and hears the old doctor's words. Her eyes are full of tears and choking. She can hardly speak. Zizhu takes out a handkerchief to wipe her tears and soothes her in a low voice, so that yanzixin won't hurt herself too much.

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