Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 254 As long as I am alive, I will remain the master of the world! (7k)

Since the return of the Moon King, the dark moon that could only be seen on certain days is now hanging high in the sky.

Under the reflection of the two moons, the white ice Pegasus is more and more dazzling.

No one knows how this ice Pegasus appeared.

They just suddenly saw it appear in their field of vision.

This made many people jump up in surprise.

Adela and the goddess are both powerful creatures that most ordinary people have never heard of.

They just think that the ice Pegasus in front of them is very elegant and beautiful, so even if it suddenly appears, not many people think it will be a very dangerous creature.

People are very subjective visual creatures.

Only some veterans and captains in the Honor Army became slightly nervous.

They have not seen the ice Pegasus either, but they either know that this creature is likely to come from the spirit world, or have heard of the white Pegasus that has been flying since the Age of Gods.

However, with the appearance of Augustus, they are not so anxious and nervous.

Although each of them may be stronger than Augustus, who is just a mortal, they unconsciously regard it as their spiritual pillar.

Whether a person is strong or not has nothing to do with whether he has power.

At least Augustus made them think so.

It was Augustus who made them know that joining the army is not just for a full meal, they can also participate in the noble cause involving the whole world like those big men.

And what surprised people even more was when Augustus appeared.

The white ice horse also neighed and walked towards Augustus.

At this moment, even the slaves who couldn't write their own names knew what was going to happen.

This magical and beautiful creature chose Augustus!

Looking at the beautiful Pegasus approaching Augustus, some ordinary people and the Honor Army couldn't help but kneel down and start praying and praising.

"This must be a gift from the original!"

"The original gave Augustus a gift!"

"What a beautiful horse, I dare say those noble masters have never seen such a beautiful horse!"

Slowly, people's voices turned into praising the original.

Because they all thought that this was a gift from the original to the Lord of the World.

And Morn, with a complicated look on his face, reached out and touched the head of the Ice Pegasus.

The white spiral horn and the soft snow-white mane were so eye-catching.

After touching the other party for a while, Morn asked:

"Why are you here?"

Morn had seen the other party several times, although in different times and with different identities.

Now that the other party came over on its own initiative, it means that it still knows him.

Although the white Ice Pegasus is powerful, it can't speak. It is naturally considered smart, but it is obviously not as smart as humans.

This is also the weirdness of many strange creatures in the spirit world. Compared with their powerful strength, their IQ is really completely unmatched.

In response to Morn's inquiry, the white Pegasus just neighed and pawed its hoof angrily.

People were confused about this, but Morn, who had been keeping his hands on it, understood it clearly.

Morn didn't see everything, but it was enough.

Because he saw that the king from the wilderness took off his armor and giant sword, and this giant-like man was asking the ice Pegasus in an extremely equal manner whether he was willing to be the messenger of his son.

At first, Pegasus did not agree. Although the king was regretful, he did not force it. But when the white Pegasus saw that the giant was squatting on the ground carefully, selecting beautiful colorful stones as gifts for his other children.

It agreed and took the initiative to put on the saddle carefully prepared by the king.

It felt that the country and family where such a father lived must be a very gentle place.

I think that at that time, the king from the wilderness must have been looking forward to the surprise of his son when he received this gift.

But unfortunately, Morn also saw the light curtain hidden by the goddess.

Aurora did not know that her husband had arranged everything, so.

More Morn did not see it, but Morn and the white Pegasus heard the heartbreaking cry of the goddess.

It really was her character that had already determined the ending.

Morn was very happy to see Aurora, a woman, suffer.

But for the king from the wilderness, Morn has always been respectful.

After a bitter smile, Morn asked the white Pegasus:

"So, did you choose me? But how did you get here?"

In response, the white Pegasus first neighed excitedly, and then shook his head in confusion.

"You did choose me, but you don't know how you got here?"

In the clip that the white Pegasus showed Morn, it did escape from the light curtain that the goddess exploded herself, and then crashed into the present world. And appeared here in a daze.

The white Pegasus also nodded with his head intact to indicate that it was indeed the case.

"My lord, is it that? The one we have heard of? The one that soars over the glacier desert in the spirit world?"

A captain of ten thousand asked this question with curiosity and surprise.

Obviously he knew what it was.

Morn nodded and said:

"Yes, it is it, the winter beast, the spirit of the glacier desert, the Pegasus that has soared from the Age of Gods to the present."

"Oh my God, the original is absolutely loving you, sir. I have never heard of such a thing. The creatures of the spiritual world actually took the initiative to enter the world and choose their masters."

As the captain spoke, he raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Sir. You don't seem to be very happy? You don't like it? It's so beautiful!"

The white Pegasus also snorted in dissatisfaction, but it did not leave as before.

It seemed that it had seen this person in front of it, but it seemed that it had not seen him before, but it felt that this person must be a very gentle person suitable for it.

So it didn't want to leave.

Moon smiled and touched the mane of the Pegasus to comfort it.

At the same time, he also explained:

"It's not for this. I like it very much, but since it has appeared, it means that it can't be avoided."

After he was assassinated, the six elders who first stabbed him with a dagger, that is, the six Roman angels later, threw the bloody dagger into the Roman well outside the Senate connected to the Tunguska water vein.

Then, this huge water vein that he had discovered and drained began to dry up irreversibly.

The landforms of the Old World, which had begun to improve, gradually returned to their original state.

People said that this was a punishment from God for betraying Augustus.

But at that time, Moon did not take it seriously.

But it was not until he returned to the Old World.

He suddenly remembered the unintentional words he had said before.

It was a passage imitating the final battle in the Bible.

At that time, I said these things without any other meaning, I just thought it was very interesting.

But now everything in the front is right. Six angels and bloody daggers, dried-up wells and rivers, and even the army led by five filthy spirits.

If Moon could still say that it was just a coincidence before, then now.

The sky opened, and a man riding a white horse appeared.

Can only one-third of the people be saved?

I hope it won’t be as bad as the worst.

Origin, if you are still watching everything, don’t be so desperate.

Let all this be limited to the dry river!

"Tomorrow is the decisive battle, right?"

"Yes, sir, tomorrow we will have a decisive battle with those damn slave owners. Please rest assured that they are just a bunch of trash with empty numbers."

Moen continued to stroke the soft horse mane and smiled:

"Almost the entire world's army is not a bunch of trash with empty numbers."

The captain of the Honor Army still said firmly:

"We have seen many exaggerated enemies in the past. We will not lose, sir!"

They have never lost following Augustus. Although they did not follow Augustus to the end, they know that later people walked over their corpses and shoulders!

"I think so too. So are you ready?"

"Every one of us is ready, sir!"

Although the gap in this battle is so big that he doesn't know how to win, so what?

No one of them has ever thought about how to unify the world before!

But in the end, Augustus led them to do it!

So now they can definitely win.

But what surprised the captain was:

"I'm not talking about this, I'm asking, are the supplies and food ready?"

"Sir, those don't seem to be of much help tomorrow."

Even the captain of the Honor Army couldn't help but say this.

Moen just smiled and said:

"That's not prepared for tomorrow."

"Ready, sir."

"That's enough!"

Moen patted the other's shoulder to encourage him, and then said:

"So go and rest, there are still many things to do in the future."

"Yes, sir."

The captain wanted to ask more questions, but in the end, his nature as a soldier made him choose silence.

Seeing that the other party wanted to ask but could only hold back, Quintus empathized with him and hugged him and said:

"I always thought that I was the only one who would be like this, but I didn't expect you to be the same. Now I feel much better!"

"Thank you very sincerely, I can sleep well tonight."

Great, it's not just me who always doesn't understand Augustus's thoughts. It turns out that I'm not stupid, but Augustus really sees too far.

The captain stood there more and more dumbfounded.

What should we do tomorrow? ——

When the sun rises, the glow of the two moons is completely hidden.

The fleet that covers the sky and the sun comes from the northern sky.

Their number is truly enough to cover the sky!

On the side of Morn, although he is followed by the Augustus Honor Army that has won every battle.

But compared with the opponent's extremely large number, and Morn refused Quintus' idea of ​​reorganizing the surrendered army and incorporating it.

So, even with a large army behind him, Morn still looks almost lonely and pitiful.

But compared to the Romans' jokes, Morn, the Honor Army, and even the ordinary people who followed voluntarily and were no longer slaves, were not afraid at all.

They knew very well who was right between them and the other party.

Even if they lost today, they would live forever!

In fact, the more people there were on the other side, the more proud and funny they were.

Look, those cowards actually brought so many people to deal with us!

Morn looked up at the fleet in the sky.

Without waiting for him to make any move.

Moen saw an extremely luxurious airship falling from the fleet in the sky.

After taking a look at the signals and flags sent by the other party, the captain beside Moen said:

"Sir, they are asking for a talk."

"Just what I want."

Quintus frowned and said:

"Sir, they must want to humiliate you and make you admit defeat. Don't worry about them, just start the war! The other side is basically reinforcements. As long as they suffer losses, they will retreat on their own."

Moen smiled at Quintus:

"It's still unclear who will humiliate whom. Are you interested in going with me?"

The captain said seriously:

"Sir, this is really a bit dangerous. You'd better not go."

Moen just smiled and jumped on his white Pegasus and walked towards the other party.

Seeing this, the captain and Quintus could only hurry to catch up.

When the airship fell, six Roman angels and leaders and messengers from all sides got off the ship early to wait for the arrival of the other party.

When the six Roman angels saw the white ice horse appear, they were surprised that the other party had tamed the winter beast.

But they did not react much.

The army above them had already proved who was the winner.

So when Moon rode the elegant white horse to the front.

The six Roman angels said jokingly:

"Augustus, great Augustus, we almost thought you would not come!"

Another one also laughed:

"After all, the gap between us seems to be a little big!"

Looking at his fingertips, people laughed.

In response, Moon just chuckled and replied:

"Three eras have passed, and you still don't even have the courage to face me head-on."

This sentence made the six Roman angels choke on the spot.

The smiles on their faces gradually calmed down, and they turned to say:

"Respected Augustus, your eye saw us and didn't dare? Aren't we right in front of you? Or even if we came back, you are too old and can't see the truth clearly?"

Moen looked up at the dark clouds above his head in surprise and said:

"You dare to come to see me after hiding under so many people, can you also call it facing me head-on?"

"Why, aren't you angels? Am I not a mortal? Since when did angels need so many people to give courage to mortals?"

This made the six Roman angels look down at them who were just in the shadow of the fleet.

They were a little embarrassed.

Back then, they only dared to assassinate, and now they only dared to hide in the crowd.

After forcing a smile, the Eastern Roman angel said with a fake smile:

"Because you are the great Augustus, the former Lord of the World, we must show you enough respect. Unexpectedly, you don't seem to have the courage to face us."

Moen, riding on the back of the white Pegasus, asked with a smile:

"How do you know that I don't have the courage to face us?"

The Western Roman angel looked at the other side's Pegasus and said:

"I'm afraid you won't be able to stand steadily after getting off the horse. Otherwise, why don't you dare to get off the horse to show basic etiquette?"

The Pompeii Roman angel raised his head and smiled:

"And in order to show the greatest respect for you, we even invited this person!"

The huge flapping sound resounded through the world, and the huge wind pressure even raised dust.

In the fleet that was already covering the sky, a giant that also covered the sky flew out.

The roar of the dragon resounded through the sky at this moment.

When the giant appeared, the six Roman angels were extremely satisfied to see the astonishment in Augustus' eyes.

"It seems that you have recognized who the other person is. Yes, he is the evil dragon Drakarian from the same era as you!"

Who is the strongest dragon after the Age of Gods? No matter who is asked, he will definitely say Drakarian!

Although he does not have the name of Sanx, and although he is not an ancient dragon without a curse, his strength is absolutely beyond doubt.

The legends he left behind are also countless.

Many people even think that he is the strongest creature under the gods.

From the Age of Gods to now, the only time the evil dragon Drakarian was defeated was when his teeth were broken by the indestructible secret gem.

Moen also retracted his gaze with a strange look on his face, and turned to lower his head and said to the six Roman angels:

"Why should I dismount?"

"Because you dare not show your cowardice, because if you dismount, we will see that you, as a mortal, have trembling legs."

The Roman angels are extremely confident.

But Moon just shook his head and said:

"You once swore allegiance to me, I am your monarch, and then you betrayed me, so why should I, as your master, step down for the traitor?"

The six Roman angels felt their mouths twitching again. Morally, they really couldn't stand it no matter how they looked at it.

So they turned and said:

"Sir, we are deeply sorry for what happened before, but we have to do it. After all, you are too arrogant. You actually put yourself above the gods and kings."

"This is disrespectful. We must correct it because you can't see it yourself."

Moen sneered:

"Don't flatter yourself like this. Everyone knows that you are just stupid enough to think you can inherit everything from me."

The six elders, the six original traitors, were choked again at this moment, and their faces became more and more blushing.

They originally wanted to rely on their absolute advantage to severely humiliate the Lord of the World who once did not dare to look up at all.

This is how to escape from your own cowardice and unbearableness.

But they didn't expect that they would be so embarrassed from the moment they met until now.

So they said angrily:

"It seems that you still haven't learned what humility is. Well, we originally wanted to give you a way out. By the way, we also wanted to give those behind you a way out. After all, you have indeed made achievements."

"But now, it's too late, you and your lackeys must die!"

Moen laughed:

"Just you stupid, cowardly losers?"

The six Roman angels also laughed, but they laughed in anger. They all opened their hands to show everything behind them:

"Can't you see what's around us and in the sky?"

Upon seeing this, Morn turned directly to the dwarves and said:

"The King under the Mountain delivered the dwarves to me at the last moment when he could no longer hold on, and personally built the Roman Seat for me as a symbol and handover of my dwarves."

"In return, I gave you the long-lost prosperity and stability. So, answer me, are you still willing to admit that I am the Lord of the Dwarves?"

The dwarf elders who were not from Qiqiu, but who came to represent Qiqiu, stood up directly from the queue, beat their chests respectfully and said:

"The dwarves will always acknowledge your authority, the great Lord of the Dwarves, the only legitimate successor to the King Under the Mountain, the eternal Lord of the World, Lord Augustus Julius!"

The expressions of the six Roman angels changed instantly, but before they could accuse the dwarves of betrayal, they were shocked to hear Morn say to the elves:

"Answer me, Golden Flower Lord Trapolis. After the Eternal King left, when the Holy Tree fell into silence and the Shadow Sun was unable to support itself, who gave you great help?"

Trapolis, who wore a golden flower on his chest, also walked out of the crowd, lowered his head towards Moen, caressed his chest and said:

"It is you, the great Augustus Julius, the eternal friend of the elves, the only one we recognize as the lord beyond the borders!"

The expressions of the six Roman angels changed drastically at this moment.

But things are far from over.

Because Moen has already looked at new candidates.

"The mark on your chest is an emblem that I have never seen before, but I have seen the two-color wavy pattern on your head, on your arm armor, and in the flag behind your back. You are the people of the river valley. Three epochs ago, your My ancestors survived because of me, so, descendants of the people of the valley, tell me, what do you think now?"

Even though the flood in the river valley is no longer a threat, even if the former capital city has disappeared, when Augustus asked this question, the descendants of the people in the river valley still came out respectfully and said in unison:

"We will always remember your kindness to our ancestors, the great Lord of the Valley, the Lord of the Saada ancestors, the respected Great Osada!"

He wears many crowns on his head, each with a name written on it, and each crown symbolizes the highest power in the world.

This time, the six Roman angels were completely panicked.

Because of the elves and dwarves, it makes sense, but once all the people in the river valley have been dead for many years, what happens to the people of the river valley?

Just as they were frightened, Moen looked to the left again and said:

"Your armor tells me that you are the descendants of the fierce bull Sadas. The ancient kingdom has come to an end. However, as the last descendants of the bull, do you still remember me, my former ally?"

Several more people came out with their heads held high. They all took off their horn helmets and bowed their heads to Morn and said:

"Lord of the Bull, Friend of Sardas, Dispeller of Death, Legend Saint-Etienne, even though three eras have passed, even if we have never seen your heroic appearance, since you are back, then we will return I will listen to you!”

The six Roman angels once laughed at Moen for his shaky legs, but now, their legs are beginning to feel weak.

But the other party had no intention of stopping yet.

"The Round Table of the Storm King, the knights of Lungominiad, I have never met your king, and I have no friendship with your goddess. However, I once brought stability to the Storm Sea, so, the knights of the Storm Land Guys, answer me, whose side are you on now?"

The round tables resolutely stepped out and said:

"The Round Table will always uphold justice, the Round Table will always remember what it means to be a knight, and the Round Table will definitely remember your kindness, Lord of Rome, Pandava of the Sea of ​​Storms!"

With a pop, a Roman angel fell to the ground unable to hold on any longer.

At this point, even if not everyone thinks so, I'm afraid the rest of the people will take advantage of the situation and side with the other party.

And, really not everyone thinks so?

After all, the gods and kings had a tacit agreement that no one would be present, but they all sent their envoys.

Moen, who was riding on the white pegasus, had already looked at another group of people and said:

"I have no memory of your armor, I have no knowledge of your flag, and I have no impression of your appearance. But your skin color and your accent tell me that you are Dacians, and it was I who stopped you three epochs ago. That massacre against the Dacians, so tell me your decision."

The Dacians with darker faces and lower voices lowered their heads and came out of the queue, knelt down facing Augustus and said:

"The savior of Dacia, the manifester, the great hand of mercy, the voice of emerald. Unless the Dacia people die, they will never forget you!"

The atmosphere became more and more high, and Morn continued. He looked at the people in the west and said:

"Your weapons let me know that you are from Brazil Midaya. In the millennium of the ravages of the earth fire and the evil demons, it was me who integrated the world and soothed the resentment and curse left by the eldest son. So what do you think, people born and raised in Brazil Midaya?"

The Brazilian Midaya people holding flame-shaped weapons stood out with serious faces and bowed respectfully:

"The redeemer, the comforter of the eldest son, the Boshi who played hope, even if three eras have passed, we will never dare to forget you, because the gods did not respond to us, it was you who saved us!"

Moen's voice was far from over, and the crowd also held their heads high and waited for Augustus to call on them.

He wore blood-spattered clothes, and everyone knew his name, and no one knew it. He led the armies in the sky and confronted the people. A sharp sword came out of his mouth, which could kill the nations. He will rule them with the iron rod of rebuke and stomp the faces of the gods.

When the last messenger was pointed out by Morn and bowed his head.

Morn looked at the six Roman angels who were already in despair and said:

"I am a dead man who has returned, an incompetent person who has not left many things, but I also think that I have made some achievements and left a little grace, so the descendants of the world!"

"Who is willing to help me eliminate this group of fallen people who betrayed me!"

As the Lord of the World issued a call, everyone drew their swords and pointed at the only six betrayers present.

And above the sky that covered the sky, the Roman fleet had been destroyed and fell without any preparation.

The winner was decided.

But the only Eastern Roman angel who could still stand still wanted to fight for the last time, and he set all his eyes on the sky.

He shouted out a name with all his might:


As long as the evil dragon was willing to come down, at least he could still rush out and have a chance to survive. No one from the gods and kings was present. They could not resist the world, but the evil dragon might be able to snatch them from the world.

But, the sky was empty, and the dragon had long disappeared.

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