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Kreeeee! Kreeeee! 

The moment the 2-star Kpriv die, all the normal Kpriv felt a loss in connection to their leader, making a loud sound. They stop in their unending fierce attack, crying in pain of their loss. Emma and his group stop their attack and looked at wailing Kpriv. They couldn't tell if they're mourning the loss of their leader or not. But the look on their face displays some pain.

After a couple of wailing, the Kpriv looked at their leader for a few seconds before around and left with an extreme speed. Watching the departing Kpriv, Emma furrowed, not understanding what the hell was going. 'Are they finally retreating or what? But why would this revengeful beast retreat when they saw the death of their leader.' He shook his head. 'Anyway, it's a good thing.'

Seeing the departing Kpriv, all the Ghost Hunter breath a sigh of relief. Though they put the normal beast at bay. However, the fright from the 2-star beast almost gives a heart attack. Looking at the dead beast littering everywhere they sighed while also they looked at their injured colleague, not knowing whether they are living or not. This left a bitter taste in their mouth.

"Check the injured. We need to move swiftly. We don't want to find out what those beasts are up, right?" Emma shouted.

"Laka, preserve this beast." He pointed to the 2-star beast. "We are taking it back home."

Looking at the gigantic beast, Laka rolled his eyes. How the hell am I going to carry this freaking huge beast home. He shouted in his mind. Seeing his expression. Jojo snickered. "Don't worry. After you spend like a year. You will surely reach home." 

Hearing Jojo sarcastically comment, Laka gnashed his teeth. "I would have punched your face if we're in Vulture. Big mouth." He muttered.

Jojo raised her brow, not hearing Laka muttering, and asked. "You say!"

"Nothing. Mind your fucking business." Laka turn and left, thinking of various methods to carry the beast.

Meanwhile, Emma heard the shut conversation between Jojo and Laka. He chuckled. "Jojo. You are to support Laka." He commanded sternly. 


Jojo's eyes widened. She had just rubbed salt on Laka's injury, but now she was sent to the same shit hole with Laka. She opens her mouth but words fail to come out. She closes her mouth and recovers from the shock, looking at Emma for a few seconds, before sauntering after Laka. "Commander, you that on purpose." She shouted not looking back.



All the Ghost Hunters laugh at Jojo's misfortune. The tense atmosphere dissolves with the laughter. Laka stood before the 2-star beast, looking at Jojo with a smug glow on his face. He could barely contain his laughter. Seeing this, Jojo wanted to find somewhere and hide. 'This fucking embarrassing.' 

Witnessing this, Emma nods. He looked at the injured Ghost Hunter without any expression on his face. Meanwhile, the helmet AI was scanning the vicinity for any anomaly using the butterfly's eyes.

10 minutes. A young woman approached Emma. Her name, Mabel. "Commander." She called.

Hmmm! Emma turned to her. "What is the issue."

"We've checked all the injured Hunters. Fortunately, we lost no one. However, most of them we've to stay in bed for a couple of weeks." Mabel reported, standing a couple of feet from Emma.

"Well done." Emma breathes a sigh of relief. He didn't want to lose any more men. They've sacrificed enough for this mission. 'It's time to check what those beasts are doing in this ruin. Perhaps I can find some answer to what the hell is this world.'

"Team A, set a perimeter defense around this ruin. Team B. Do you see our trophy? I believe you don't need me to tell you what to do with it. Team C. On me." Emma commanded. 

Hearing the word Trophy. Their eyes brightened. Everyone understood what the commander meant. Various thoughts and wide imaginations appeared in the minds of the Ghost Hunter. They knew when they return. their life will never remain the same. Thinking of this, they smiled, springing to action. Especially, team C.

Watching this, Emma shook his head and lead his team into the ruin. There are 20 people on the team, everyone held their assault rifle while they held their breathing. Emma waits for the surveillance butterfly to get ahead before, proceeding. They took every step with caution, looking at the building's interior with a narrow gaze. 

They enter a room that looked like an auditorium, everything in the room was in shambles and too old. Broken materials littered everywhere, crack appeared on the walls and the grounds. Emma scanned this material but the AI couldn't detect the resources used in making them. Since he couldn't identify the objects. He proceeds to another room. 

Every room they entered had nothing useful. However, this did not discourage Emma. He continues to move from one room to another. After a couple of minutes, Emma notice they're moving downward the more they move. This didn't surprise him. He expected such. However, what surprised him was how the rooms were constructed, giving the users illusion they're still on the surface.

Another minute passed without detecting anything. Just then, they arrived in front of a huge door. Seeing this, Emma looked at the metallic door but found some strange drawing on the door. Emma took a deep breath and push open the door. Opening the door, what came in sight was long stairs going downward while everything was in darkness.

Emma did not dilly dally. He stepped on the steps, moving downward. It took them twenty minutes to arrive at the last steps. Arriving at the last steps, Emma exhaled. He look up and detected he couldn't see the steps anymore. He shook his head and continue moving forward. What came in front of them was another gigantic gate made of unknown material. The gate was glistering in the darkness.

Emma moved closer to the gate, scanning the gate. Quickly Emma detect the gate had some missing parts. It would be difficult to detect this missing section if he did not use the system to scan it. 

"Look around for anything that could relate to this gate." He commanded. 


His team was surprised, they looked at each other faces not understanding what their commander meant by something that may relate to the gate. Nevertheless, they began the search for the unknown. Their glistering flashlight illuminates the dark passage, displaying various big cracks on the walls. The cracks were enough to collapse a normal building. Yet the ruined building never shows a sign of collapsing. 

"What a sturdy material." Emma rubbed his hand on the wall. 

After 10 minutes of continuous search, everyone was getting frustrated for not identifying what the hell they were searching for. Then a shout echoed in the dark passage. "Commander! I think this is related to the gate."

Emma with a large stride approached the middle-aged man. At the far side of the passage was a thumb-size object, laying at the corner of the wall. Arriving beside the man, he saw the object and picked it up. He narrowed his gaze, scrutinizing the object. While the helmet system was running a comparing algorithm.  

'Found.' The helmet Ai notify. 

Seeing this, Emma walked toward the huge gate confidently while his team, puzzled, where would the thumb size object would fit in. Standing in front of the gate, Emma looked at the gate for a few seconds, before placing thumb-size at a small opening at the right side of the gate. 


Immediately, Emma put the object. It fit perfectly while the gate made a sound. At once, Emma and his team took a couple of steps backward, with their rifle pointed at the giant door, ready to fire at any moment. Creak! The giant gate opened slowly, while turbid air escape from the gate. Emma and his team didn't take a step forward for a couple of seconds, waiting patiently for any anomalies. However, nothing happened.

"Let get inside."

Emma lead his team inside the gate and they saw rows of giant statues with antennae on their heads. Seeing this, Emma approached the statue carefully. He knew this was no earth. And those statues may be the resident of this world. The statues were too lifelike. They seem to be able to jump out of their form at any moment. 

"How could they make such a statue" Emma wondered. 

Just then, Emma noticed another door at the center of the room. He entered the room and was confronted with enormous space. At the center of the enormous room was a giant alter and beside it was spatial fluctuation, creating a small vortex. On the floor he noticed a strange line, glowing, connecting both the alter and the vortex. 

Emma raised his brow 'What could this line mean.' He thought. He took a couple of steps forward, scanning the strange lines. Suddenly, he heard a powerful strange voice. The voice shook the room to the core causing his heart to stop beating for a couple of seconds.


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