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When the rag man heard their conversation, he trembled. His back was drenched in cold sweats. A thousand kill. Now, he wanted to cry for real. Why would the organization poke a hornet nest? But they said there is no powerful organization backing District 13. But where did all these men come from? Shit. God help me. He cried in his heart. 

"Let move. The cleaner as arrived." The First Guard commanded. 

At once, all the Five Guards with their squad returned to their jeep, preparing to leave the scene. The rag man raised his head with a slight smile on his lips. 'They've probably forgotten me. Leave quickly. With this intel, I will receive a lot of rewards from the organization. Hahaha.'

Before entering his jeep, the first guard look at a particular direction and said with an emotionless voice. "Take the shot. You've enough play."

The rag man raised his brow. 'Who is he talking to?' he wondered. Just then he heard grumbling from a distance. 

"First Guard, you are no fun" a husky voice came from the distance. 


The rag man looked at the distance with jaw dropped. Thud! He fell to the ground with a hole on his forehead, never to wake up again. But his last was. Why! Why would you toy with my fragile heart?

The guards continue with their massacre while the drench of Cold blood spread all over district 13. Every nook and cranny of the street ricked with blood. There was no room for spies, each and every one of them met a bitter end. 

Some regretted while some couldn't understand why they were being killed. They are only proxies for the spies, why would they kill them.

However, the Angels of death care not about that, they only care about the mission. To kill with no question asked... and that he will surely do. 

Inside the sanctuary, Emma watched everything nonchalantly, he felt nothing to the death of his enemy. if the city could burn then let it burn for he never cares. He thought they'd learn their lesson during the viper massacre, but that was his naive thinking.

Now, it is time for them… the greedy bastard to learn that he…. Starlight Genesis has come to stay and no one…. I mean no one could and would hinder its progress. 

Lost in his thoughts, Emma heard Zeus' monotone voice. [[master, the scientist, Arce and Jimena have made a major breakthrough in their research... will you like to give them a visit.]]

"Yeah, it is time to pay them a visit." He murmured.

After a couple of minutes, Emma's black signature car passes through district 13. Many men in white coats walked forth and back, busy sanitizing the street. The remaining residents of District 13 couldn't understand what the hell was going on. They only receive an anonymous call, telling them not to leave their room for the next 1 hour. While those walking were sent to a safe location, not to witness the brutal killing of the spies next door.

Suddenly, a clap of thunder roared in the clear sky, the earth trembled while everything froze for a couple of seconds, and the sound reached the core of every living thing in Vulture. 


In just a matter of seconds, the bright sky was covered in black clouds, everywhere turning dark. A chain of lightning illuminated the dark cloud, sending shivers to anyone looking at it. Immediately, another earth-shaking thunder roar echoed throughout Vulture. Then, the tingling sound came from the sky… A heavy wind blew out of nowhere, blowing powerful and destroying every feeble building on its path.

What type of rain is this?

Many eyes looked at the sky and wondered. Inside the Med facility, the heavy rain and thunderstorm do not affect the building. Not a single sound of the rain could be heard in the lab. The doctors were busy with their research to notice a young man standing by the door. 

After a couple of minutes, a young woman was preparing to leave the lap when her eyes caught the sight of Emma. Seeing this, her eyes widened, and stared at Emma lost for a fraction of seconds. When she recovered from her initial shock, Emma was a couple of feet from her. 

"S-Sir" She stuttered.


Hearing the lady beside him saying something inaudible. Arce raised his head. "Wha-" 

He couldn't complete his word when he saw Emma standing not far from him. 

When did he arrive?

However, he put the question behind his mind when he remembered the precarious situation they were in. "Mr. Manny. The situation is not good. We are under serious attack from the PAR and the powerful organizations…."

"Don't worry. I will take care of it." Emma responded without any change in his expression. "I heard you have made a major breakthrough. Show me."


Arce was flabbergasted by Emma's nonchalant attitude toward the situation but he recovered quickly with a forced smile. "Please" he gestured to Emma to follow him. 

Arce led Emma into another room with many Kpriv parts stored inside glass containers with various chemical compounds. 

"Mr. Manny. You're here." Jimena's sweet excited voice drifted into their ear. 

"I heard you made a breakthrough. How can I possibly miss it?" Emma answered with a forceful smile.

Jimena noticed something was not quite right. So she skipped all the pleasantries. "Yes. Instead of working solely on the gene serum. I came up with the idea to combine both DNA. The serum had been enhanced to stimulate human DNA while the beast… Kpriv are not normal mammals. they're intelligent species. After numerous tests, we haven't detected the source of their regeneration sequence structure and strong defense metabolism. There are many unknown variables on the Kpriv body structures that we have never encountered before. In short, we began to combine the unique properties in the Kpriv with the gene serum. With the help of Goddess, after 883 767 combinations, we found a match." Jimena concludes her monologue with a radiant smile on her face.

"That's good. Well done. We have the 2-star Kpriv. Maybe if you study it also. You may find some answers." Emma announced with a hint of happiness in his voice.


2-star Kpriv!

How strong will it be? 

"You don't need to know how strong it is…. But definitely, not your average joe."

Clap. Clap.

Jimena giggled. Her eyes brightened. "When can we have the 2-star Kpriv."

Emma rolled his eyes. 'As she fell in love with the Kpriv.' He shivers with that thought. "Soon" he looked at Arce but found his gaze normal. 'Thank God. This one is normal'

"When will you begin the human trial?"

"As soon as you give us the green light."

"Good" Emma nodded. "You can begin today.. I will send all the lab rats to you."

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