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Happy house looked at Renata then back to the young man sipping wine. What the hell was this? She furrowed. "Who the hell are you and why would you enter my office without my permission.?" Happy House asked with a cold chilling voice. 

When Renata heard her boss, wanted to run away from the room. She blinked, her heart jumped, sweat dripping from her forehead. Can't you for once use your head. If he's a normal young man. Why would I stay by his side without doing anything? Hug. Renata shook her head. 'This is my end.'

Emma looked at Happy House from his wine cup and chuckled. "Sorry for my rudeness. I shouldn't have disturbed your nap." His lips curled upward a bit, looking at her secretary. "Why don't you tell me your boss is taking her nap."

Renata rolled her eyes. She wanted to slap some sense into this young man. What the hell! But she controls herself and puts on a forced smile. "Sir, that my bad. Sorry…"

Happy House raised her brow and looked at Renata, wondering what the hell was happening. Why is she fearful of this young man? She smirked inside. 'Whatever the case may be. I will have to teach this young man a lesson.' She straightened her back. 

"You can't come into my office and behave anyhow you like. You better give a reason not to kick your ass. The least of your worry would be you drinking my wine." Happy House's voice raised an octave. 

"Ha, my bad. I haven't introduced myself." Emma smiled, standing up and giving a respectful bow. "I am…..hmmm" he looked at Renata then Happy House with a confused look. "How should I introduce myself?" he asked with an innocent look.


Are you fucking crazy?

Happy House and Renata looked at each other with their eyes widened. Renata was being fearful of this innocent-looking young man while Happy House was furious. Why don't you tell me you don't know your name? she snickered. Her fury boiled. She was having the happiest time of her life and a clown came out of nowhere and disrupt it. "Renata. What are you still doing here? Get me the security."


Which security? 

The dead or what?

Renata opens her mouth but words refuse to come out. Seeing this, Happy House fury raised another bar. She pointed at her. "You…. Are you now refusing my order?" She shouted. She looked at Emma with a piercing gaze. "What are you still doing, get out of my office."

Renata couldn't keep quiet anymore. They would be dead if this continue. "Ma! I think you should listen to what this young man wanted to say." She squinted her eyes slightly, tilting her head to the left once. However, Happy House did not understand all this gestured. Emma caught what Renata was trying to do and laugh inside. 'This woman.'

>>I like this woman. But her boss is quite a dummy just like you.

'What do you mean. Am I dumb? Don't compare me with this woman.' Emma shouted in his head.

>>Tsk. You're of the same feather. Empty head.

Emma rolled his eyes and ignored Lily, focusing on the furious Happy. "What do you mean…. I should listen to this clown. Are you on drugs or what?" Happy shouted. These people are turning are nuts. What's wrong with her cool-headed secretary.

"Enough of my play. Let get straight to the point." Emma's voice was devoir or any emotions. He sat crossing one leg above the others. "If you don't know me. I know you. I'm the young man that came a couple of weeks to buy server farms from your company. I believe that should jolt your brain."


Happy wanted to lash at Emma but when she heard his word. The word hook at her throat and froze for a few seconds. She scrutinized Emma's face before her jaw dropped. "You… I remember….. You're that forsaken cheater." She pointed.

"Good to know your brain isn't faulty has I presume." Emma looked at Renata. "How do you cope with her. Is her brain like this."

When Renata heard this. She wanted to cry. Please don't even involve me in your mess. She knew all this behavior was just momentary facades. At any moment that this young man became serious, everything will be over. But she hope it won't resort to what she was thinking. 

Happy House do not know what was going on in Renata's mind. If she knew, she would have dug a hole to hide. "Your father's brain is faulty. Your deceitful words made us lose a huge amount of money. Now, that you are here. I will collect every penny with interest."


"I overestimate you. Your brain is faulty. Don't you get?" Emma shook his head. "Tell her." He pointed at Renata.

Happy House looked at Emma then back to Renata. It is not that her brain is faulty. But not in her dream did she think anything would happen to her company. "What did he mean." She exhaled, waiting to hear from Renata before she burst into fury.

Renata sighed. "Ma, we are under attack." She went straight to the point, looking at her boss's face.


Happy house blinked. Her brain couldn't process what she just heard. "…What do you say…" She asked in a low voice.

Emma watched this and almost laugh. What a show. He thought.  

Meanwhile, Renata understand what her boss was feeling. She knew how much her boss and put into the company. She bit her lip and said slowly. "Everyone is gone. Dead. We are the only one alive in the company." Her shoulder dropped. 

Happy house slummed on the couch. Her world shattered. She found it difficult to breathe, her breathing became erratic. Her heart thumping while smokes were coming from her head. 'no. this can't be. It's a lie. This must be a dream.' Suddenly, she stood and dashed out of the room.

Outside her office, she moved with a large stride, looking at everything with worry. Only her heartbeat and tap from her heel filled the passage. Every step she took a drop of sweat from her forehead. Creak! She opened the door of the first security room, slightly.


She stumbled back with her eyes widened. Her heart pounds to an extreme point. She couldn't look at the bloody scene twice. All her security aid had been mutilated, lying lifelessly on the ground, covered in their blood. She trembled, panting, looked in the direction of her office. 'When did all this happen.'


The door of her office and the young man in blue jeans and a tight fitted round neck walked out calmly. "How was it."

When Happy heard Emma's voice, her back drenched in cold sweats. She took a step back subconsciously. "W-Who…. are… y-you…" She stuttered, taking more steps back.

Hearing her question, Emma chuckled. "Don't you know me?" He tilted his head to the side, raising the edge of his eyes while looking at her. "You hurt me with that question." He placed his hand on his heart, sighing. "I'm the person you have been looking for these past weeks. Hmm? Do you remember?" 

Happy shook her head. 'In Vulture, I know all the powerful people. And this young man is not part of them. Oh! Maybe he's working for someone else or company.' Her eyes brightened a little bit. 'I can negotiate with him.'

"I don't remember dealing with you apart from the server deals. But we can work out a new deal. If your mind." Happy forced out a smile.

"How?" Emma put a finger on his chin, muttering an indistinct voice.

"Simple. I know you're working for someone else. I will pay you three times the amount you're paid. How is that?" Happy her mouth slightly, showing her set of white teeth.

"That makes sense." Emma nodded. He looked at Renata "What do you think?"

Happy turned her head and looked at Renata with a fierce gaze. 'You dare not support me… you're gone.' Seeing her boss's gaze, Renata twisted her lips and shake her head. "That will be nice." She answered avoiding Happy gaze and smiled lightly at Emma.

"Good!" Emma smile lightly. "I can see how you survive long in this dangerous city."

With a fake smile. "Thank you for the compliment. But women must do anything to survive. Don't you agree?" She smiled shyly.

"I agree. Now, send me $3 billion. I don't have all day. I have some appointment with others." Emma waves his hand toward Happy.



3 billion.

Happy and Renata almost collapse. They looked at Emma like a devil. Why don't you rob the bank? Happy shouted in her mind. She clenched her fist and maintain her calmness. 'I will give you. but you will pay for. Before Wilson returns to HQ. I must find where this son of a bitch hid and get my money back and the fucking organization behind him. Think you can mess with Happy House. Naïve.'

With a smile, Happy straightened her dress and walked inside her room, and went to a secret location inside her office. After a couple of seconds, she came out with her origin box. Though she planned to take her money back. Her heart still bleeds. This was all the company lifesaving money. And it was going like that.

"Let complete the deal," Emma asked in a hurry.

"Yes. Yes." Happy couldn't agree better. She needed to inform the others before this man disappear into thin air.


The transaction was made in a jiffy and Emma looked at the origin box for a few seconds. "I don't believe everything will be so easy." He raised his head and looked at Renata. "Don't you agree?"

With a gorgeous smile. "Yes.. She agreed easily than I imagine." 

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