Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 123 - I'm Just Getting Started...

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"I thought you would never make such a decision. But all well and good. Let's finish this quickly. Some people are expecting my arrival." He looked at the hidden security camera and showed a wide smile.

"Isn't it?"

Those on the top floor had their mouths wide open. They look at each other not knowing what you say. They were astounded and sweat began to drip from their forehead. How did he know where the hidden camera was?

The elderly man gnashed his teeth, veins protruding from his forehead, staring at the monitor he wanted to strangle the young man to death. How dare... 

His breathing became erratic, his heart moving and down. He was extremely furious. A young man wet behind his ear dared to look down on him. Also, the seed of fear had sprouted in his heart. He was just trying to pretend to be strong in front of his employees. But if things went south… he won't hesitate to use the secret passage…

"How can all these guards be useless against these men? Bunch of idiots. I waste a lot of resources on them… And they couldn't handle those weak--"


The three men raised their heads from the monitor and looked at the elderly man. What do you mean by weak… They asked with their wide eyes.

Seeing their gaze, the word hung in his mouth. He wanted to disvalue those men. But what's wrong with these people glaring at him like they wanted to give life sentence? He cleared his throat awkwardly and averted his gaze. 


"They are strong… but not that strong…. That's not what I'm saying. If our men used their brains, they wouldn't have died like a headless chicken" The elderly man complained. 

The three men looked at each other and shook their heads. Their boss is not in his right sense. They nodded and returned their attention to the monitor. Each with their various thoughts. Their only hope was the genetically modified soldiers. But with the look of things…. Things are not going according to their plan… Now, all of them were having internal prayers. Though none of them believe in God. Yet they decided to try their luck.

Vago and his team did not understand and did not care about Emma's nonsense. They surround him with their muscles bulging out of their uniforms. This is their last stand, it's either they live or die. 

Emma was amused by their tenacity to put everything on a last bit of luck. But it was a shame that their efforts were in vain. He had yet to use the heavenly stone punch skill and yet they couldn't withstand his raw strength. Then how are they going to defeat him? 

He sighed. 'The genetic modification is not up to par. Shame.'

While Emma was lost in his thoughts, Vago's eyes brightened with determination. If they escaped from here. What awaited them was death. Why not put everything on the line and probably they could win. He didn't believe they couldn't win with their advantage in population.

"Attack!" Vago commanded with a loud voice. 

Like hungry wolves, the genetically modified soldiers rushed and attacked Emma. Seeing this, Emma didn't have any change in his expression. Without further ado, he disappeared from his location and appeared in front of the closest soldier.


The soldier only heard the crack of his ribs and the outflow of blood from his mouth before everything went dark. Dead. With a single punch on the chest, the first soldier crossed to the other side. Without wasting a fraction of seconds, Emma sidesteps the incoming punch, coming from behind and sending a powerful kick. 

Emma did not check for the result of his kick but he heard the crack of bones and cry of anguish. Two powerful punches were roaring toward his face with little to no time to dodge. Moreover, he didn't have the intention of dodging the attack. 

He stretched his two palms and caught the arm of the attackers, he switched his position making the arms form an X shape. Hmm! The soldiers couldn't understand what just happened. However, they didn't have the chance to understand what the hell happened because they were pulled by a powerful force. They lose their footing, coming straight into Emma defenseless. 

Emma did not dilly dally, he sent a roundhouse kick directly to the first soldier's jaw. Crack. Ah!! While the second soldier met a powerful punch left face. At once, blood sprouts out of the man's mouth while he flies in the air, colliding with the others. 

Just then, an axe kick was already a couple of inches from Emma's face from the right angle. With the corner of his eyes, Emma saw the attack. Instantly, he crossed his arm. Bang! The kick collided with Emma's defense but Emma did move an inch. However, the soldier wanted to retract his leg but found it impossible. 

What the hell!

Emma held the feet of the soldier and sent a powerful hammer fist toward his kneel. Ah! Ah! The soldier felt his world crashing, thousands of pain assaulted his body. His muscles tensed, vibrating seriously. Sweat falls like heavy rain. The man regretted his actions. He wanted nothing but to escape the clutch of the devil but would the devil allow him. 

Meanwhile, Emma did not let go of the leg. He was furious. This man dared to hit him. He will let him understand why he shouldn't. Emma rains a continuous jab into the leg, turning the leg into jelly. 

Not knowing, the remaining soldiers stopped their assault and stared at Emma with their jaw slackened while also trembling profusely. They witnessed the other side of the devil. A man's leg was punched until all the bones turned into smitten.


With a hook kick connecting to the soldier's abdomen, Emma sent the soldier crashing toward the pillar. Deader than then. 

Then, Emma noticed all the soldiers trembling in fear. His lip curled upward a bit with a disdainful smile. Seeing this, the little courage in them disappeared. What left was fear, extreme fear.

Vago's bald head was full of sweat with his teeth clattering together. What should he do!? There is no doubt if they went against this devil. Their only outcome was assured… death.


Before the soldiers could understand what the hell was happening. Vago escapes from the nightmare, leaving his team to decide their fate. 


Noticing this, the soldiers were stupefied. Likewise, Emma. He opened his mouth but he didn't know what to say. In a matter of seconds, the floor was empty, leaving only Emma and the thick stench of blood and the dead bodies, littering everywhere. With a dejected look, Emma sighed.

"I'm just getting started." 

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