Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 125 - The Collapse Of Havid

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"I will be back. Those assholes, wait for me. I will hunt you to the end of the world." He gnashed his teeth, opening the door. However, what accosted him made him stumble back.


The elderly man trembled, his teeth clattering together, pointing forward with his trembling hand. He opened his mouth but the word stuck in his throat. 

"What… Don't tell me you're not expecting me." A low dejected voice came from the door. Creak! The sound of footsteps echoed inside the door, leading the elderly man to take a step back subconsciously.

"Don't come near me… Devil…. Stay away…" He continued to retreat. Without him knowing, the elderly man arrived at the center of his office. When he realized, he wanted to cry. His only escape route had been blocked by the devil. But how the hell did the devil know about the hidden passage. 

"Am I that scary…" The voice placed a palm on his chest and sighed. "I've been anticipating our visit. But you broke my heart."

Seeing this, the elderly man wanted to puke out blood. He gnashed his teeth, taking a deep breath to control his heart from jumping out of his chest. 

"What! I thought you'd lash on me… But I guess a cunning bastard like you will have enough self-control." He sat on the couch, crossing one leg over the others. "Why don't you sit, so that we can get to know each other better. Don't you agree?"

The cold chilling voice of the devil gave no room for debate. The elderly man knew everything was now in the devil's hand. He sat down quietly while his brain was running on mach 10, looking for a way out of it.

'I bet the devil is behind the communication failure. Those mongrels will not notice any anomalies when they are busy with Happy House dismissal. Ah. I'm also at the gate of the abyss…. What should I do?'

"Do you know me?" The voice asked casually.

The elderly man shook his head. "No"

"Ok, let's begin with the introduction. You start."

The elderly man rolled his eyes. When was the last time he was treated like this? In the presence of the devil, he was nothing. This feeling made him hate himself, his blood boiling. But he controlled his emotions and suppressed all the raging emotions. 'A kid will be a kid. I can still buy my way out if I play my game right.'

Clearing his throat, "I'm Havid. The leader of the Havid organization and one of the three most powerful people in Vulture."

"Oh! I don't know. I never heard the name of your organization before. Why!?" He looked at Havid with some interest.

Seeing this, Havid's heart missed a beat. 'I knew it… There is still some hope.' A sharp glint showed in his eyes but disappeared immediately. However, the young man in front of him was no ordinary person. He snickered inside. 'The fish had taken the bait.'

>>Why do you like to do this? Send them to the afterlife quickly without going through this…Sigh.

'You won't understand…. People like them did not fear death. What they feared most was the loss of their fortune.'

>>So you wanted to take their precious treasure away from them. Hmmm. Ruthless, I like that.

"We like to keep a low profile and work from the shadows," Havid answered without any expression on his face.

"So that's it." The young man nodded. "Now, my turn, right?" 

Havid nodded. "Yes"

"I'm the founder of CommandIntel. The creator of God's App" he relaxed on the couch.

When Havid heard, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. His heart thumps, wanting to jump out of his chest. While his spin was drenched in a cold sweat. 

What the hell!

If you're the founder and creator of these things, why did you allow us to wag our tail in front of you? His finger dug into his palm but he didn't feel a thing. His mind was in a mess.

Who says CommandIntel did have a strong backer? What about him. Those stupid intelligence teams destroy my work for over 20 years because of their stupid prediction. Fuck!

"Now you know why I'm here" The young man announced casually.

Havid did not want to respond but forced himself to nod his head. He needs to find a way out of this alive. Now that he knew the identity of the devil, if he could escape… it would be easy for him to enact his revenge.

"I know I'm wrong. What can I do to receive your forgiveness." Havid asked solemnly.

"Simple" He shrugged. "Happy house pays 3 but I still kill her. So you should guess what your release clause will be."

Hearing this, Havid snickered. 'I know that woman is a fool and greedy. But in the face of death, why can't she use her brain? Stupid woman.'

"Forget about her, she's a fool. While I'm not. I know my release clause. I'll pay 10"

A smile blossoms on the face of the young man. "I know a person of your calibre will make the right decision" Without wasting a second, an origin box appeared in his hand. "I'm in a hurry. Let's complete the deal. You won't mind right?"

"No. No. Not at all." Havid shook his head. 'I'll be a fool to mind. Hurry up and leave, so that I can find a way to kill you. Stupid kid.' He stood up from his seat and went behind his table. 

He opens a drawer and presses a hidden button. At once, a keypad appeared. He typed the security code and a small compartment appeared. Inside it was only an origin box. 

Quickly, Havid picked the origin box with enthusiasm and matched toward the young man. They complete the deal in a jiffy. Seeing that everything had gone smoothly. A slight smile appeared on Havid's face. But then, he heard…

"What the fuck is this….!" The cold chilling voice makes the room temperature drop by a large margin.

Havid rolled his eyes, not understanding what was wrong. He panicked. 'Please don't change your mind.'

"Anything wrong?" Havid asked calmly.

"Anything wrong... Your head is faulty. How much do you send…" His voice raised an octave.

"$10 million" Havid raised his brow, getting more confused.

"Did I ask you for $10 million…"

When Havid heard this, his panic rose to another level. With a trembling mouth, he asked. "H-ow much do you ask?"

"Fucking $10 billion"


Havid collapsed.

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