Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 147 - The Fourth Important Part Of Rune.

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>>Ops! This your AI ego is even ahead of you.

Emma nodded. 'I agree with you.'

>>Of course, you will agree with me. But what about that little girl?

'Forget about her Lily. She needs to learn. And please I need to learn also.'

>>Then tell me what you are planning with her. Don't tell me you're going to discard her just like that.

'No, I'm not discarding her. Currently, I'm busy with such a matter. When this is over, I'll talk with her.'

>> Hmm, ok. But don't let it be for long. Moreover, why can't you just send a message to her…

'Lily, what's your problem with Amanda?' Emma didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Lilly was his system, but she never showed any concern like this to him. Rather, he was almost tortured till death.

>>Nothing, I just like her behavior. Can't I like a girl again? Tsk! Just do what I ask you to do.

'Fine, fine.' He was already having headaches with Lily's nagging.

"Zeus, send a message to Amanda. Ask for her well-being."

'I've done your bidding. Now, free me.'

>>Good. For doing that, I will give heads up on what you're reading. Besides, I'm quite surprised by how quickly you created the universal language translator.

>>When you create the universal encyclopedia resources, it will help you a lot. How far you can go depends on your creativity. So go wide with your creativity. If you don't reach the top with what you have… Then I will die of shame.

'You can relax. In terms of creativity, if I took second place, no one would dare to take first.' He puffed his chest out and slapped it gently.

>>Seriously, I don't know what to do with your shamelessness. Anyway, Do you know what is in your hand?

'Introduction to rune creation.'

>>Do you know runes? Not just the measly interpretation the book gives it. Rune is life. It is the language of the universe. No matter where you find yourself rune is rune. Rune makes the impossible possible. Rune is limitless. Your imagination is your limit.

Hearing this, Emma's heart began to pick up pace slowly, pounding, his breathing became erratic. He exhales and inhales, but that doesn't solve his trembling heart. I must remain calm I must remain calm. But with this mantra, his heart pounds louder and faster.

What happened, his imagination was already running wide. Various impossible things were coming to his mind and with this thought. He panted and smiled foolishly.

>>Are you done fantasizing?

Hearing Lily's cold words. Emma snapped out of his fantasy world and rubbed the back of his head. He cleared his throat, 'What do you mean fantasizing. I'm just thinking about what I will accomplish with the rune as you say. Did I do something bad?' Emma asked with a straight face.

Seeing this, Lily shook her head. She was already aware of Emma's shamelessness.

>>Though this is an old rune book. It's enough to put you on the path of rune creation. Rune can be added to anything. Thus, increasing its power and efficiency. 

>>Now, listen. You've learned that there are three important things in rune. The source, intent, and mental strength. But the book does not mention the last one. The node.


Emma creased his brow whilst the word echoed in his mind.

>>Yes, the node is very important in rune creation. The node is the junction box of both the source and the intent. If you don't understand node placement and node coordination. Your rune will contain too many rune lines whilst exhausting your mental power. 

>>Many rune lines don't determine the power out of your rune or the efficiency. The book mentioned proficiency. Yes, proficiency is paramount in rune but what the book didn't mention was that proficiency comes in terms of node placement, coordination, and interaction.

>>Node is the communication bus between every rune line. So, if you are good at rune line drawing but fail at node placement and the others. Your rune will be mediocre at best. Whilst it explodes or is a one-time rune.

>>Do you understand what I'm teaching you?

Emma took a couple of seconds to organize his thoughts before answering. 'Node is the engine of rune lines. In short, node gives the rune scalability, flexibility, speed, and more.'

>>You're right. I know with your understanding of programming language you will understand nodes quickly. I'm right you get it perfectly. Understanding runes like the programming languages of the universe. So any software you create that doesn't have scalability, flexibility, speed, and simplicity. Then, you've got a problem.

>>I'm tired. I want to rest. It's been a long time since I have had such a long speech. Lilly said lazily.

'But I want to ask a question.' Emma announced quickly. He was afraid Lily would go on hiatus.

>>Ask quickly, I want to sleep.

And surely, Lily was sleepy but Emma was oblivious to this. He only thinks Lily deliberately chooses to keep quiet.

'You said Rune can be used with anything. Can I use it with earth technology?' His heart was in his mouth, ready to fall.

>>Yes. Everything depends on your node. Don't disturb me again. I want to sleep.

When Emma heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. 'You can sleep. Thank you for the lecture.' Emma knew this was really a huge help. His journey in rune creation had been shortened with that short lecture.

"Zeus, put what I want to say in an archive."

[[Generating secure archive… ]]

[[Archive created..]]


Emma began to explain what he understands about runes, his idea, and many hypotheses on runes. After 20 minutes, he finished with his explanation. Now he saw the rune in another dimension… 

He decided to take a quick bath to quench his ragging nerves. When he returned, his hair was damp and beads of water were all over his body.

He put on the Uglass and Ucomms, sitting on the ground in a lotus position. He didn't take the rune seriously before but now. Everything depends on it. He placed the book on his lap, taking a deep breath. He looked up. "Zeus, notify me only when something majors happen"

[[Ok sir.]]

With that, Emma opened to the next page and entered the world of rune.

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