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Seeing this, Emma held his breath for a couple and tried to digest the information properly. He reread the description. He looked at the yellow object and burst out laughing. He laughed hysterically for a couple of minutes, neglecting the dizziness on his brain. Reading about the Lighter Stone made Emma realize the Stone would not hurt him. This was just the intent in the stone assaulting his mental space. And should he worry about his mental space collapsing? Nay. The basic requirement was 30 cm whilst he had 100 percent of the basic requirement. 

"The heaven really wants my progress to be fast. Everything is fitting perfectly into the puzzle." He gripped the stone tightly 

Emma took a deep breath from his laughing and looked stone again grinning. The sudden assault on his mind began to lessen. This did not come as a shock. He already expected but it was not the time to learn intent. He knew he may have large mental space, but any moment of carelessness may send him to a journey of no return. And did he want to venture on a journey of no return? The answer is definitely no.

He returned the Lighter stone to the box gently and picked the last item in the box. And the last item was a book. Not precisely, more like a journal. Emma raised his brow when he saw the journal but he didn't look down on the book because it was a journal. Immediately, Uglass had translated the book while the basic encyclopedia had shown the material used in making the journal.

The book was also made from Halga wood which he quite expected. Without further ado, he withdrew a seat and began to read the journal. The first page of the journal had a big word. The Life Experience of Wata the Great.

"Huh," He twisted his lips slightly and opened to the next page.

'For anyone reading this. I, Wata. I'm no more in this world. However, my legacy must continue to spread far and wide. This is the knowledge I acquire through my hard labor. Anybody who wants to stop the spread of this Knowledge will receive the curse in this book. 

I Wata was from the Ventrilaz race and from a rich family. However, we were enslaved by a powerful race which I will not mention. This race had something powerful in its arsenal that fascinated me. Physically, they are not stronger than our race. However, a single man from that race could subdue thousands of our men without breaking a sweat. According to history, our race tried to fight back but found it was futile before finally succumbing to their tyrannical power.

While everyone was planning and scheming on how to subdue the person in charge of our city. I focus on what others neglect. The sources of their power. However, to get to the source of that power I know it wouldn't be easy. So I did what people consider beneath them. I became the slave for the knowledge that I wanted to acquire. My family disowns me, people spite me. However, I never for once waver on my goal. 

After 10 years, it was then I was exposed to the power of runes. I was elated to the point that I ignored all my suffering. Though I was used more like an animal. I began to learn runes gradually. Then I realized a shocking truth. Our species were in tune with mental power from birth. This truth took me a couple of days to digest. However, this renewed my motivation. 

I created my mental space after 2 years. I became a plaything for the kids of the family since that was the only arena I could learn faster. I created my rune pen after a couple of tries and errors. But I did it eventually. 5 years later I created my first rune. It was created on my weapon, a fire rune. When I tested the weapon, I was so stupefied that it took me a couple of hours to believe what just happened. A beast that will take 20 of our men to kill with so many difficulties after losing some men, but this beast could not sustain a single attack from me.

Then, I realized the rune did not sprout fire from my weapon. The sharpness and strongness of the weapon had doubled. Then I doubled my zeal. 30 years later I became a rank 1 runesmith. But by then, I couldn't hide my knowledge and strength in mental power. However, I already prepared for that. Before the people could arrest me I already escaped deep into the forest with some of my trusted people.

Years later, the knowledge of runes became widespread among my people. When our enemy realized this it was a little too late. It was then my people realized all my sacrifices but I don't care. But I vow what I pass through to learn this knowledge, any of my people will not have to face it, to learn. My knowledge was free for whoever was ready to learn.'

Reading to this place, Emma took a huge sigh. He couldn't fathom the resolve of this man. He nodded his head, "This man was really a great man." He murmured. Can he do what Wata did? He shook his head and turned to the next page.

When Emma read the content of the next page, he was flabbergasted. He was stupefied. He rubbed the Uglass, not blinking. His breathing became erratic. He swallows the lump in his throat. He adjusted his seat And began to read the content slowly.

Emma began to read how Wata created his first rune pen. The more Emma read the description the more his breathing quickened. Wata was truly a magnanimous man. The description was vivid and detailed to the smallest details. Without trying, Emma could already create a rune pen. And with the capability of Zeus he knew, many areas could be upgraded. What he thought to be a major problem was easily provided by Wata.

When Emma read the content of the next page, he was flabbergasted. He was stupefied. He rubbed the Uglass, not blinking. His breathing became erratic. He swallows the lump in his throat. He adjusted his seat And began to read the content slowly.

Emma began to read how Wata created his first rune pen. The more Emma read the description the more his breathing quickened. Wata was truly a magnanimous man. The description was vivid and detailed to the smallest details. Without trying, Emma could already create a rune pen. And with the capability of Zeus he knew, many areas could be upgraded. What he thought to be a major problem was easily provided by Wata.

"If I have the chance to meet you in the future. I'll surely hug you" Emma murmured with his face full of a grin.

>> Tsk. Shameless brat. Who needs your hug?

'Who told you that? Not just anybody can have the hug of this grandpa.' Emma patted his chest.

>>Don't overestimate yourself. A person of such caliber will not waste his precious time on you. Besides, who told you may have the chance to meet such a great person. Hump! First, create your rune pen and inscribe your first rune and let see your capability. 

'Oh! Are you challenging this grandpa? Hum!'

>>What if I challenge you. Hum. What would be the stake? Lily asked not backing down from the challenge. However, this stupefied Emma. The Emma he knew would not be so petty to argue with him. However, he wouldn't be Emma if he backed down from a challenge.

'You teach me any knowledge I ask you' Emma responded confidently. 

>>That your request is ambiguous. But I will simplify it for you. When I realized that knowledge is paramount for your development. I will teach you. however, if you asked for knowledge that is not absurd also. I will teach you. however, you only have one chance for this.

Hearing this, Emma's shock skyrocketed. He didn't understand what the hell was going on with Lily. But whatever it is. He knew it was going to be a good thing. Though he couldn't understand where this confidence was coming from. But deep inside, he trusted Lily to a reasonable extent. And besides, what can he do against her?

'Sure. Tell me your request.

>>My request is not something you are concerned or worried about. When the time comes. I will need you to do something for me. Though it may be dangerous. With enough preparation, you wouldn't lose your life. Besides, whatever I ask you to do will surely benefit you. what do you think?

Emma took a couple of seconds to think about this. Though he didn't know what he was venturing himself into. He knew it would be bad. Surely, it may be dangerous. However, everyday life is full of danger. And he didn't know where he would venture in the future. But one thing is for sure. It would be a walk in the park. So he was ready for the challenge.

'I agree.'

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