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Zeus was quiet for a couple of seconds before answering. [[According to human research, joke are common when some succeeded in anything. Master why did it seem you're annoyed. Did I do something wrong?]]

"Of course not. Don't you understand. I'm also pulling your leg." Emma laughed.

[[Ha! It was just a mere prank. Master you got me.]] Zeus laughed. 

"Zeus get me my car. We need to test this gene combination immediately." 

A group of men and women dressed in white overall coat were moving back and forth with a slight frown on their face. While some were giving serious instruction to others. The atmosphere was tensed and the breeze was quite heavy for the men in white overall coat that a bead of sweats formed their forehead. No one knew what was going on, but one thing was for sure, anything that was going to happen would be serious. No one had the time to gossip nor have the time asked around what the hell was happening. They could only communicate with their eyes when they accosted their colleagues or friend on the narrow passage, leading to various rooms and floors.

At the uppermost layer of the building, a group of people sat around a transparent round table and discussed. Their faces were dead pan serious, looking at their surrounding while some were checking their phones repeatedly. Whilst some were praying patiently, some were fanning themselves with a trembling hand. However, no one has the time or care about what others do. There discussion was too short to give a concrete evidence of what was about to happen.

"What do you think the commander is coming here for." A young woman with sweaty palm asked. Though she asked in a low voice, the stillness in the atmosphere carried the words to everyone ears. Hearing this, everyone parked their ear and looked at a particular direction. Though they have the same answered for umpteenth time. their raging heart couldn't but need something to quench the fire burning in it. 

"Please, anyone should not asked this question again. And those eyes, direct it somewhere else." Jimena grumbled. She and his brother were the ones carry the heavy burden. What these people are experience are just based on rumor about the commander. However, they, they knew what kind of person was Emma. And failure was not something he like. Though they hadn't failed him, but his brutal side that he showed them had been ingrain into their subconscious mind.

"Everyone should relax. We don't why the commander is coming for an impromptu meeting. But there shouldn't be any problem. If there is, he wouldn't ask us to prepared all those samples." Arce added with a forced smile. Deep inside, he himself was not even convinced about his nonsensical bullshit, how could other believes his bullshit. But at least, people need to hear something.

Hearing this, they sighed and sat lifelessly on the chair while checking the ticking clock. What they could now was wait, wait for their fate to be decided. While everyone was lost in their thought, Goddess mesmerizing voice came from the speaker.

{The commander has arrived. Every head of department should gather at the first floor in one minute.}


The atmosphere stood still, everyone looked at each other for a second. What! They sprang up and rushed out of the room like they were being chased. Some forgot to take the elevator, rushing downward, saying whatever mantra to calm their heart was about to jump out of their chest.

At the first floor, two set of group arrange themselves orderly while looking at the door. Jimena and Arce looked at each other and looked at their team. Seeing the state of their member, shivering and sweating profusely. The sighed and shook their head slightly while returning their gaze to the door.


Emma walked in his blue signature suite, and helmet over his head. He halted his footstep when he saw the people in his sight. Hmm. What the hell is going on. He thought. However, those people looking at him and seeing him stopping on his track were trembling, their spine filled with cold sweats. Their thought gone wide. Some couldn't stood straight and rested on the person beside them. 

Arce cleared his throat and swallowed the lump in his dry throat. "Welcome, commander." He said with a cracking voice whilst putting on a force smile. He had to hid his trembling hand into his side pocket for others not to see. However, action and reaction before Emma couldn't escape the helmet microscopic camera. 

>>Your little AI had implanted your fear into these people… a lot. When you're not God, how could they be shivering like kids. 

'Though I don't' know what Zeus did. But them shivering was normal. The live they had in Starlight Genesis couldn't be achieved in anywhere in Thango or any other part of the world. What they fear is not me, but not losing their source of comfort and protection.'

>>Yeah. You are right. Your little organization was impressive in that aspect. A lot of people are now looking onto you now. You must be proud.

'Proud. I never for once have that feeling. The more people rely on the more your burden and the more the higher probability of failure. So, I never see myself as savior or anything. I'm just trying to fulfill my dream and not leave a mediocre life.'


"What's going on?" Emma asked, his voice devoid of any emotion.

Jimena took a step forward and said. "Nothing. We're here to welcome you." Though she tried to put on her best smile, the nervousness in her eyes couldn't be hidden from Emma's scrutinizing gaze.

"Huh!" That was the only sound that came Emma. He walked past the nervous scientist without uttering any more words.

Inside the main lab, Emma looked at the dissected Kpriv body parts casually while Arce and Jimena were a couple of steps behind him. There are many beakers, tubes and various advance genetic machine everywhere.  After studying the various provided by the Jimena and Arce.  Suddenly, Emma turned and looked at the twins.

"Do we have available test subject." He asked out of the blue.


Caught of guard by the sudden question, it took the twins a couple of seconds before they recovered from their initial shock. "Yes. Yes. There is enough test subject"

Hmm. Emma nodded slightly. "What do you think about the gene modification I ask you to create. Do you think it is viable or a pipe dream of mine?" He looked straight into the eyes of the twins.

Jimena had already regained a bit of her confidence when didn't have any hostile look or intention since he arrived. She answered confidently. "In science, nothing is impossible. Though we haven't found the right combination, yet. That doesn't mean it impossible. It may take us longer time, may be years, decades to solve. But it is possible. It not a pipe dream, commander."

"Besides, some of the problems we encounter was due not able to understand the Kpriv anatomy. This was the first in history. So, we need to perform intensive research on them before we can delve in into their gene modification. What we doing was based on human anatomy and gene modification." Arce added quickly. 


"If you find the solution to these gene research. Can you break it down into categories?"

The twin glance at each other and raised their brow. "Commander, have you found the solution?" Jimena asked with a pounding heart. This will be a major breakthrough in genetic and will usher human science into another realm. But can the commander find a breakthrough when he knew nothing about gene modification? Jimena thought silently in his heart. 

"What if I do and what if I don't. you only need to answer my question."

"What my sister is trying to say is that we can do it. as long we find the solution. We can turn it to anything you want." Arce responded calmly with his best smile. Whilst cursing silently at Jimena foolishness. Meanwhile, Jimena had also realized her blunder and trembled slightly. She was just too happy when she heard the solution of their problem. When it come to science and gene, she always forgot herself. 


Emma averted his gaze from the twins and walked casually to the opposite room. "Goddess, load the file."

{Yes commander.}

The twins silently follow Emma into the next room. This where the core research was taken place. Heart, brain and major important organs of Kpriv body was store in care in conical flask. At center of the room was a big monitor computer where all the archive about the research was store and retrieve.

"Go and sturdy file I sent and tell me what you think." Emma announced casually.

Without further ado, the twins left with a large step toward the big monitor. There love for science and research was visible in their eyes. Quickly, the twins began to study the file. It was barely a few seconds when a gasp escaped from the mouth of the twins. They widened their eyes, staring at the monitor, not believing what their eyes was seeing.. Their heart raced, pounding fiercely, wanting to jump out of their chest. 

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