Emma squinted his brow, and thought for a couple of seconds. He had already considered this, but he another project in mind that why he wanted to handle the satellite creation to others. But with Zeus upgrade. It changes everything. 'I only need some of the body part.  I can handle the rest. I will only deal with the core part while work on my other project.'

"Zeus, prepare a department for satellite creation. We are creating ours by ourselves." He pursed his lips and looked at ceiling, tapping his foot gently. 

"Get Lola for me"



After a couple of seconds, a seductive voice came from the speaker. "Mr. Manny. You long forgotten your dearest friend. This sadden my heart." Without seeing Lola, her charming voice was enough for any man to lounge for her.

Emma gave a short laugh. "Friend, sorry for not calling you sooner.  Will you forgive this friend of your friends? Hmm?"

Lola pouted and chuckled. "You won't ever stop amazing me. What can I do but to forgive my only friend. But you are going to pay me back for this. Remember, nothing goes for free." Lola laughed when she uttered the last statement.

Emma also joined the laugh. He understood what Lola was insinuating. He usually said those word. Though he can't be blamed. Those times, he was seriously in need of money. Not now, where everything was already fallen in line.

"You got me. Nothing come for free. But we are now friend. Can't you let this slide." Emma shameless demanded. He deeply feared what Lola request. She knew how unreasonable this seductive fox was.

"Hahaha. The almighty Manny is scared of my demand." Sure, Lola understand Emma's intention of rejecting her advance. "But as you have rightly said. We are friends, so I won't demand something excessive. But you must surely give me something, right." 

Emma both his hand in the air and surrendered to Lola demand. He knew he had already lose the battle before the battle begin. "Sure. Sure. But not now. I'm currently busy."

"Hahaha. I got you for once. I'm happy, who would have thought the mighty Manny would easily succumb to a woman." Lola teased. She knew it wasn't everyday she'd got the chance to tease Emma, and she perfectly understand what kind of man he was. Though he was young, she had never accosted any man, strong and disciplined. Not thinking with the thing between their legs. This was the reason she insisted to be friend with such a young man. As a business magnate, she could faintly sense greatness in Emma. Call it woman intuition, but she knew her intuition was never wrong.

"I know you're busy. What was going on in that your small city need your total attention." Lola added casually. 

Hmm! Hearing this, Emma raised his brow. "You'd know what is going in Vulture?" he was slightly shocked by how casual Lola announced what was going in Vulture. 

"Of course. Did you think what was going in Thango won't have someone monitoring it. If you think like that my dear friend. Then your thinking is quite naïve." Lola teased again.

"You can call me naïve. I won't mind. I never thought like that though. But it surprised me to find out that you people over there could monitor what was going on here. What's left for you people to monitor. Is the state of Thango not enough for you?"

"Hahaha. Don't take it personal my friend. But as long people still exist in that place. Some powerful people would want their hands on the life of those people. Though they may never receive anything notably from it. But it had to their prestige. Having the life of people in their hand makes them feel like God. Do you understand."

Emma nodded, "Yes." He perfectly understand what Lola was insinuating. His previous shallow thinking was quite childish. He needed to strategized. Things are not simple as it seems on the surface. He thought silently in his mind.

"So your small city is been strictly monitored. And the recent displayed of power in that city had raised some flag. Though I don't know which power you belong to. You better watch your back. Things won't be simple in that city in the coming days." Lola warned strictly. Her playful seductive voice was nowhere to be heard. 

"Thank you for the heads up." Emma answered seriously. He deeply appreciate Lola warning. He only called Lola for another purpose but he receive help that he couldn't possibly buy with money. 

"Oh, see you…" Lola teased and laughed playfully, returning to her usual behavior. 

"I need your help with something." Emma asked seriously. 

"Of course you need my help with something. Since I saw your call. I knew it was not a call because you missed me or to gossip. So, shoot." Lola retorted casually. 

Emma shook his head slightly. He knew Lola was too shrewd not to understand his intention. "Our company want to launch their personal satellite. So we need all the necessary properties for it and also the machine to launch it."

Lola Listen quietly to Emma list of demand without uttering a word even after Emma finish speaking. It took a couple of seconds before she could responded. "Do you know what you're demanding are above my capability?" she asked seriously.

"I know. But you are my only friend that I could turn to. Hmm."

"You don't know what you're demanding. Such tech are strictly controlled by Alpha. The production of such machine are ordered by Alpha. Any companies caught producing such tech would be haunted down like rats." Lola sighed.

Hearing Lola short explanation shocked Emma again. What in the world was going on behind the scene. This is getting complicated than imagine. He was not ready to dive into the muddle water, yet. He pursed his lips and thought but couldn't come up with an alternative. Though he could create his own satellite. But that would be time consuming and resource wastage when he could easily purchase those things. 

"Do this for me. And I will owe you one. Me, owning you a favor is the greatest deal you could ever made in your life. And I gave you for free."

Hearing this, Lola busted laughing. Her hysterical laugh filled the room. It took her a full minute before you stop laughing. "Stop being such a narcissist. What's so special about you and your favor. Shameless young man." Lola rebuked, not believing every ounce of Emma's word.

Emma shook his head. But he won't try to convince Lola. When the time comes, she would realize how fortunate she was today. And truly, Lola was fortunate, this unserious favor will save her and family in the nearest future.

"Anyway, has you have already safe my life once. I owe you that. I will pull some strings and see what I can do about it. but it won't be free. Or do you expect me to pay?"

"No. no. Your help is what I need." Emma smiled wryly. 

"Good. Hold a sec." With that, Lola fade from the call. 

Emma could guess what was going on. He looked at the enormous and thought for a couple seconds. "Zeus, I believe you heard everything, right."


"So, we are not alone. We need to speed up our preparation. Our control over vulture had raised an unwanted smoke. And that smoke needed to be quench immediately."


"Do we have enough funds to fortified our base."

[[No. Since we're going big. We can't shelter the exorbitant expenses]]

Hmm! Emma twisted his lips while his brain was running on Mach 10. After thinking for a couple of seconds, an idea occurred to him. Since he was the king of vulture. Why must he bare all the burden alone. 

"Zeus. We need to collect tax. Lowest 5% while the highest would be 15%"

[[Ok. When should I begin?]]

"Now." Emma answered without thinking about it. Thango had been rule by iron hand. so should he turn savior and carried all their burden for them. The answer is definitely NO. Besides, the people didn't asked him to be their savior. Every human in Thango was extremely greedy and selfish. If he acted any different then, he was stupid.

[[On it.]]

At that moment, Lola tired voice came from the other end of the phone. "It been long since I tried to convince someone. So tiring" she complained. 

"Sorry. You know, I'm the one and only friend you had. So, bare it for me." Emma spout out his shameless bullshit.     

"Hahaha. You won't cease to praise yourself at any small chance you get. Who told you're my only friend." Lola asked in disdained. 

"Oh, so I'm not your only friend. Ah! That hurt me. I only have you as my only friend." Emma clutch his heart pretending.

Lola busted laughing. She couldn't remember when was the last time she laughed freely like this. A hint of tears hanged at the corner of her eyes. "Your shamelessness bares no bound." Lola managed to uttered under her laughter. 

"A young man must be shameless to make a woman happy. Don't you agree?"

"Hump! Don't blow your trumpet too soon. Who told you, you make me happy?" Lola stopped laughing immediately. 

"Your laugh."

Lola was quiet for a couple of seconds, not knowing what to say. "In a week time, everything you demanded will be forward to you. if you need anything else forward it me. And don't forget to forward the money to my chain." With that, Lola hanged the call abruptly. 


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