Abruptly, Renata stood up and checked her watch. "Shit! I've spend more time than required." She murmured. Without further ado, she prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Amanda wake up from her slight trance. "Can you tell me about this work?"

Hearing this, Renata stop in her track and looked at Amanda for a sec. "Nothing much. You just need to leave Vulture for a while."


Inside a big facility, at the center of the facility was gigantic space. Numerous were moving back and forth carrying various device in their hands. They walk in group of two and threes muttering some indistinct words. And the center of the gigantic were three machines. This machines were more than 50 meters tall, painted in blue and white streak. People mounted on these beasts and were working seriously. 

The project began over a week ago and it had arrived at this juncture, almost at completion. The company threw everything to this project to make it as soon as possible. The engineers working on these machine worked 24 hours. The engineer are divided into shift. Every work data are synchronize over monitoring device. Any engineer could continue where others stop without having any difficulties.  At the right side of this gigantic facility was a small room. The room was the only room in the facility. The for front of the room was made of transparent glass, making it easy for people in the room to look down and watch over the ongoing project. 

Inside the room stood a young man, looking down at the ongoing project without any expression on his face. Just then, a slight creak echoed in the room. An elderly man, named Jasper entered the room with tablet device in his hand. 

"Sir," Jasper said in a low voice.

"What?" The young man answered without looking back.

"The assembling of the carriers had been completed. We can begin the launch anytime the final test and been done." Jasper responded, looking slightly down at the couple of data appearing on the tablet screen. 

"Good!" The man paused slight before continuing. "Ready the three transporter. We are lunching all three at the same time."


Jasper widened his and looked at the young man in front of him for a couple of seconds without blinking. Shortly, he recovered from his initial shock and stuttered. "S-sir, I, I—"

"Don't worry Mr. Jasper. Everything will work according to plan. I can't afford to lose at this time. besides, the amount that had been pour into this project doesn't warrant any room for failures." The young man voiced confidently. 

Taking a deep breath, Jasper nodded. He had been part of Terra Word and a previous head engineer in space rocket engineer before every went south and come down to Vulture to leave his life away, not expecting anything in return. He had nothing to lose anymore, that why when Terra World appeared on his phone. He was scared or anything. What he needed is adventure and probably Terra world could be adventurous. Behold it was quiet adventurous than what he imagined. Many mission had posted on Terra that it found interesting while he did some for fun and joined other people to completed. 

With Terra, he been to places he didn't think he would venture into, giving him the thrill he wanted. About a week they posted an urgent need for space engineer and others. He didn't twice before he applied. When he saw the schematics of the project, he was flabbergasted for quite some time before he regained his senses. Not until the project are complete and launched, he didn't think what they were building could be achieved. Though he couldn't be blamed for thinking such, there many jumbotron included in the beast that he had never seen or heard before. Also, they never follow the law of science.

"Since, we are launching the three machine. I got to go and prepared everything for the launch of other two." With that, Jasper departed why the conflicted look in his eyes never disappeared. 

The young man lips curled upward a bit. Though he didn't look back, he was perfect aware of Jasper thinking. If he was not the creator of those things. He would also feel the same. How was he going to tell them it was rune. And if he tell them, how would he should show and explain to them how it works. For only those that had unlock their mental space study the intricate of the rune he created. Besides, he only plan rune learning and development would only be exclusive to the member of Starlight Genesis alone. 

[[Sir, every preparation is completed.]]



In another part of District 13, inside a medium size auditorium. A group of people were seated, talking to another, smiling. Just then, a languish jasmine smell filled the room. Instantly, everyone turned their attention to the direction of the smell. Every nose creased, raised, smelling the cooling fragrance. 


A blue over flowing gown flustered inside the auditorium carrying the mesmerizing smell. Everyone inside the room looked at blue overflowing gown, sweeping the ground from down to up slowly, taking their time. The gown was slightly cut by the left showing the flawless with skin of the individual. Seeing the flawless leg, almost everyone inside the room took gulp subconsciously. Their moved from the leg upward toward slim waist. The tight fitted gown couldn't hide the enchanting curves. Every step of this individual send those looking toward the edge. Everything inside the room pale to the scene they were watching. Most failed to blinked.

"Hello everyone." An angelic voice filled the room. 

Who said angel didn't existed!? 

Their father! 

"Hello" A chorus voice came from the right.

Hearing this, the sweet voice smiled, sending the weaker vessel into oblivion. However, those that face the smile only had a slight reaction. These are the military. Though the military had been recently form. Every one in the military had undergoes a military in one place or the others. While also, on their device. They need to perform a certain objective at a certain time. from simple exercise to nerves breaking exercise. Their training have no time or schedule place. But the rigorous of the training almost made some to quit. But when they saw the benefit while remembering their environment. Everyone persevered. Besides, who knew what would happen if they decided to quit. 

And a couple of days ago, they were all injected a gene modification serum. Gene modification serum was not a new tech to the soldiers. They've seen people inject with such serum. Though it may be rear in this part of the world, not in other continent. However, the effect of the serum sent the people over hill. Whilst they were informed that no negative side effect and no cool down effect. This was too good to be true but when they undergo various test after the were injected with this serum. They realized everything they were told was 100% true.   

Now, they are no normal human. Every one of them was three to five times stronger than normal human being. Every inches of their senses were enhanced to the extreme. Whilst also it gives them control over their body. So, when they saw such enchanting presence, it only fascinated for a seconds or two before they regain their senses and their disrupting emotion was quickly settled. Their expression return blank. Their well developed muscle tightened to their uniform and blank expression gave anybody looking at them a no go area. 

"I'm please to met you. I'm Amanda." Amanda dark greenish eyes looked at the Knight with a light smile on her face. Hearing the introduction of Amanda, those that were lost in their fantasy began to wake up. Hiding their face when they saw some disdainful gaze coming from the Knights. 

"I'll be the head of these mission." Amanda said seriously while the slight smile on her face disappeared. "I don't need to tell you important of this mission. But any failure or negligence means death." She added without any emotion on her face.

Seeing the abrupt change in Amanda face shocked some people in the hall. These are the normal people from Terra world picked for these mission. However, those that were updated thought other wise. Amanda face had appeared on the media and on the net a couple of times. So she quit a celebrity in Vulture. But due her recent disappearing from action and the abrupt changes in Vulture make everyone to forget about her. 

Though Amanda may be smiling sweetly and looking adorable. She had her share of humiliating experience. And this seconds chance she was giving. She wouldn't allow anything to come in her way. While a measly feeling of adoration or praise got her head. Killing. That was easy. 

However, some were shocked to their core. Since when you join Terra and follow their laws. Your safety is guaranty. It had been tested and confirmed by many people. You can't killed Terr people and scot free. Besides, for you kill Terr people. You must have done a lot of preparation. And who would that, just to kill a nobody.

Amanda didn't care what was going on the mind of the people. She continued. "Check your link for your team leader and wait for instruction from me."

"Now, listen to your assign city location."

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