Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 178 - We're The Weakest...

The fierce battle moved the two from the usual battle ground. Jones remain passive, retreating every seconds. Meanwhile some of the Vulture Knight were wondering what was happening. They knew how strong Jones was. But how come she could attack her and remain passive. And if this continue. She would soon be defeated. 

"I believe we've seen enough!" The young man behind the captain whispered. Only the captain heard him.

"You're right. we've the perfect data on how strong a 2-star PAR battle strength." 

"Jones, wrap everything up. We've got everything."



Tiger raised his brow when he heard the short conversation. Is she not serious with the battle? The thought flies into his head. However, he dismissed the thought. Can she be any stronger than this.   

"Humph!" He snorted, adding more power to his attack. 

However, everything changes. Previously, Jones was passive. Now, her footstep changes, sending a sudden palm attack toward Tiger's chest. Noticing the sudden change in Jones battle stance and seeing the incoming attack. Tiger quickly cross his arm to defend the attack. 


Tiger was forced to retreat a couple of steps backward. he rolled his eyes and looked at his trembling slightly. He was beyond shocked. His calm heart picked up speed, pounding greatly. Every inched of his muscle tightened. He took a deep breath to calm his raging heart. He looked up and Jones had change. Her changes were not too obvious. her muscle only budge slightly. However, the pressure coming from her was alarming. She looked directly into Tiger eyes. And Tiger spine drenched in cold sweat. The forgotten fear appeared out of nowhere, disrupting his breathing, turning it to disarray. 


Tiger squinted his brow when he noticed Jones disappeared from her previous position. At once, every ounce of body was screaming in fear. Without further ado, Tiger turned back and found a powerful whistling sound a couple of inches from his face. He barely raised one of his arm to defend the attack. However, Tiger still underestimate the battling awareness of Jones. 

Before the punch collide with Tiger's arm. It suddenly took another turn. Changing from fist attack to palm attack. The palm attack didn't contain an extreme power. However, it was slippery, breaking into Tiger defense. Jones twisted his palm and added a little force, forcing Tiger to open his chest. Everything happened to fast. It barely took a second. Jones reflex and coordination shocked Tiger. He couldn't comprehend what was happening. But he was trying hard with everything he got to defend his life. 

The slight opening in Tiger's was all Jones needed. Jones battling style was different from the others. She love to beat her opponent with techniques, rendering the useless and helpless. Pa! Jones soft hand slapped Tiger chest and crack of bone echoed through the silence plain. 


Everyone watching the fight took a deep breath, imagine how painful that was. However, Tiger didn't have the time to care about his broken ribs. He retreated a couple of step to create a distance between him and Jones. However, how could Jones allow that. Jones cover the distant and twisted her waist and send a powerful toward his thigh. 

Tiger wanted to try to defend the attack but the kick was a trick. The kick changes his route and kick his jaw. Ah! Tiger almost lose his footing. He staggered with a wobble leg before regaining his foot. Blood sprayed from his mouth. Tiger dizzied. He shook his head but the powerful punch made his brain to work slower than usual. With the corner of his eyes. he saw another incoming kick. 

'Can't you see I'm not in the right frame of mind to fight. I just need a second for fuck sake.' Tiger shouted in his mind. All his arrogance had disappeared into thin air. 

Tiger block the kick with his two arms. Crack. The vibration from the attack spread throughout Tigers body. Some of the bones in his two arm had been broken from the kick. 'Where is this power coming from.' Every seconds in the fight was turning Tiger insane. Jones physique barely change but couldn't understand the enormous power was coming from. More so, Jones battling instinct was frightened. 


Another rib was broken. However, this crack was deadly. It spread throughout his chest. It was only a fracture of distant from his major organs. Tiger retreated more than 10 stepped backward. The transformation made their body lessen the pain the felt when injured. It was only after the injury was extreme would the pain receptor becomes active. 

However, seeing the trembling Tiger. Evra jaw dropped. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The powerful Tiger was dancing in pain. He shook his head and looked at the unconscious ones. If any one saw Tiger's display. They won't believe he was 2-star officer of PAR. When Evra eyes rested on Jones. He coward in fear. He knew that Jones was the most fearful of the seven. He breaks Tiger from inside out. 


Evra spine drenched in sweats. He thanks the heaven for not allowing to face such a dangerous woman. Meanwhile Tiger, didn't know what to do. Every part of his body was screaming in pain. He couldn't lift his arm. Every bone had been broken. While inside his body. Every organs and intestine had changes places. Some had been beaten into paste. If he was an ordinary man. He would have long died. 

Tiger wanted to stopped his body from trembling. However, his body was responding to stimuli. It was a subconscious reaction coming from the brain. It couldn't' be stopped. The body had reached it limit. And any thing from this, it would shut down finally. 

Jones looked at Tiger without any expression. She didn't attack Tiger. She perfectly knew what was going on inside his body. And seeing him like this, gave Jones a satisfying smile. She nodded watching Tiger like a piece of art. Meanwhile, when the Vulture saw Tiger and saw the smile on Jones face. They sighed and shook their head. Jones was more brutal than any other knight in the team. All may look overbearing and fierce. But compared to Jones brutality. It was mere a child's play. And seeing a 2-star on the brink of tears. This confirm their guess. 

"Jones, I ask you to wrap the fight. Not make a man older than your father cry." The captain rebuke Jones whilst her smile widened. 

"Sorry captain. I'm just trying to finish my master piece. What do you think captain? Is it not beautiful?" Jones smiled showing her small white teeth. 

Hearing this, the last defense in Tiger broke. So from the beginning he was nothing but just a work of art from his opponent. Tears drop from the corner of his eyes unknowingly. Tiger was lost. His proudest achievement was nothing but this. Life was unfair. He knew what he had to undergo before he arrived at this position. But a child from a nowhere tore everything from inside out. Saying it was a piece of art. 


"Are you crying." The captained asked, widening her eyes.

Instantly, all eyes turned to Tiger. Seeing all on him. Tiger tried to straightened his back. However, the sudden pain that assault his body make to let go of that thought. "I-I would never cry over a measly battle." He tried to looked domineering but the trembling legs and hands making him comical. 

"Are you stupid or what. Our perception is not something you can argue about. There are traces of tears at the corner of your eyes and look beside you. Is that not tear on the ground." The young man behind the captain uttered.

'Fuck! When did the tears dropped from my eyes?'

Noticing he had no way out of it. "You can say whatever you like. You're the winner, I have nothing to say." Tiger replied while his eyes caught the flabbergasted gaze of Evra. He cursed inwardly. 'Shit. They should have beaten you into a pulp also. Did I have any face left?' He cried. 

"Leader is crying." Evra muttered, blinking his eyes not believing his eyes. 

"Since you lost the battle. You can forget returning to wherever you came from." The captain pause and looked at the face of the PAR and continue. "Boys, detain them."

Before the knight could move, the trembling voice of Tiger echoed. "Can I know how strong you are. Or perhaps you are the strongest team in vulture" Tiger asked. He already knew he couldn't return. But has a veteran of battle. He wanted to know how far behind he was. 

Th atmosphere was quiet. No one made a noise. The whistling of air and rustling of animal in the rocky plain fill the quiet atmosphere. The sudden change in the atmosphere shocked both Evra and Tiger. Looking at the face of the Knights. The previous arrogance had disappeared. Only a dejected smile crept on to their face.

"You have no idea what you're into." The captain said slowly.

"We're the weakest"

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