Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 180 - Pulse Will Make Your Pulse Pause

Inside the sanctuary, Emma had been working like crazy. He off his shirt, showing his well proportional muscles, glittering with radiance. "No… No. not like that." He scratched the back of his head. 

"Yes! I got it!" 

The sudden shout of Emma surprises Zeus and Lily. Emma stood proudly and looked at the bunch of code with a satisfying smile on his face. After a few seconds of staring at the equations. He whistle slowly and left the room. Meanwhile, Zeus big eyes was looking at the bunch of equations in dismay. 

[[Surly, Master is a freak.]]

A couple of minute later, Emma return to his usual seat with tons of food in hands. The continuous drip of water from his air and sweat lavender filled the control room. The crunching of chips sounded while the gulping of drink added to the fray. Sometimes, a loud belch reverberated in the quiet room. 

Zeus small avatar stared at Emma with his jaw dropped. He didn't blink his wide eyes for a couple of minute. Staring at Emma. Though he was an AI. He understood the basic etiquette. However, since his creation. He never seen anyone eating without any manner like his master. 

A sudden video clip appeared on the enormous screen. Zeus watch the video and compared it with Emma. He shook his head and muttered. [[Master is the best. No one can compare with his eating habit.]]

"What… do…. you say?" Emma jumbled the word out with some difficult. Whilst some food drop from his mouth.

Instantly, the video clip disappeared from the screen. Zeus twisted his lips and respond. [[Master, why do you like to eat like that?]]

"..Y-you…. w-won't…"

[[Master, swallow the food in your mouth first.]] Zeus interrupted, slapping his forehead. How could a genius be dumb to eating manners. 

Emma didn't care about Zeus and continue the battling with the food. After what seems like forever, a loud belch reverberated throughout the control and deep sigh followed. "Eating gives me pleasure." Emma announced with satisfying smile on his face 

[[Then what would sex gives you if food gives you pleasure.]]

"What do you know. Nothing could satisfy me like a good food."

Zeus rolled his big eyes. [[Sure, master is always right.]]

"Let get serious." He rubbed his temple slowly, twisting his lips. "Show me the rail transportation route."

At once, the newly built rail route was displayed on the enormous screen. These include the three zones. Emma watched the data of the construction for a couple of seconds without uttering a word. Though he knew Zeus was monitoring everything. He must not rely too much on Zeus. He needed to have a hang on what was going in Vulture. Nothing beat your knowledge. Those are the words that came to his mind. 

"So, the construction will be completed tomorrow. How's the construction of the Pulse Train."

[[Sir, everything had been completed. We only need the core engine for it to start running.]]

"Oh! I forget." Emma stood up quickly and approach the board. He picked his pen and began to write a piece of equation on the board. After an hour, a various component was drawn on the board. 

"Assembled them and compile. Run the simulation immediately." Emma commanded. 

[[On it.]]

[[Assembling Pulse Core component…]]


[[Creating sandbox…]]

[[Running Pulse in simulation sandbox.]]

Emma return to his seat not bothering looking at the various images flying on the enormous screen. He began to work on the small monitor in front of him. Currently, he was working on the first prototype of the Starry Shuttle. The Starry Shuttle was circular. This Shuttle will be his personal ride. He embedded all his latest tech on the Starry Shuttle.

[[Simulation Successful]]

"Good!" Emma didn't raise his head from his work. "Send it to the factory."

"The twenty Pulse train should be enough for now and the future population of Vulture" Emma murmured. 

Pulse train uses the outer space tech. Tri-Ionization Plasmatic Fusion energy reactor. The speed was something that would shock the world. The average speed of Pulse would travel Vulture in one minute. Traveling around vulture would be super easy with Pulse. Like spider web, the Pulse track cover every major street and district in vulture. Besides, everything was integrated into the God's App and VIP bracelet. 

Payment are done automatically with VIP bracelet. The comfortability and safety protocol of Pulse couldn't be compared with others. Hijacking Pulse is false dream. Vulture is a city in sandbox. Everything was virtually controlled by Zeus. With the various powerful sensors and processing capability of Zeus. Before anyone could plan the attack. He would be caught. 


'Good morning, welcome to the voice of Vulture. Like you've all known in recent months. Our lovely city had been undergoing a series of changing which delight us. And one of these changes started with one company. Like you all guess it. Yes. CommandIntel. This company had push Vulture into a new era. The introduction of God's App, then follow by the God's Coin. In association with Starlight Genesis created VIP and VIP bracelet. VIP bracelet took the world by surprised. And we the citizen of Vulture was pleased that all these changes took place in right here. 

And today, another ground breaking transportation are going to be unveil by this fantastic Company. According to our source, these transportation is called Pulse. Yeah, you heard me. PULSE.  However, we couldn't find any details about these transportation but were sure. It nothing like the previous train ya all know.' The anchor commanding voice reverberated from every device listening to Voice of the Vultures.

Every citizen had been pumped for this great day. Since the press release of the new transportation. Everyone had been anticipating what the number one company would produce this time. But sure enough, they knew it wouldn't be any lesser than what they've accomplish before.

The central district was filled with people coming to watch the unveil of the new tech of CommandIntel. Shouting and murmuring of various voice echoed loudly while giggling and chuckling of small boys and girls couldn't be more clearer than the whistling of the rustling air. Reporters were moving back and forth to get the first gist of the event. While the viewer at home were also anticipating. Just a young lady walked to the high podium. An immediately, everywhere was in perfect silence. 

The lady dressed in blue suit, long air and almond eyes looked at the crowd with a slight smile on her face. Under the watch of thousand eyes. Her confidence never wavered. "Hello everyone. As you all know. We promise to make Vulture the number one city in the world with best tech available ever. Now, we've started the journey. And on this journey leads us to create this magnificent piece of technology. Like you all guess, it's a rail transportation…" Renata paused and looked at face of the people whilst the smile on her face blossom like an early morning sun.

The smile captivated the heart of people while enchantment in her eyes added to the killing effect on the people. While the people were staring at the face of Renata. A machine about 50 meters long appeared behind Renata. The machine was painted in silver with a stripe of blue. While emblem of three stars illuminated at the forefront of the machine. No matter how you looked at the three stars, it draws you into the world of star in the deep cosmos. 

"I present to you Pulse. The first of it likes. None can compare to it. You all think bullet train is fast. Then check Pulse. If your pulse won't race." Renata announced. Her voice rising an octave. 

All eyes turned to the giant beast behind Renata. Their eyes glow, they couldn't wait to test this beast out. The compelling colour of the train and the enchanting three stars made their jaw dropped. The quiet atmosphere turned into a word of murmurs immediately.

"I won't go into detail about Pulse. But you can check it on our official website. Now the first hundred people would be chosen randomly to test Pulse speed." Immediately a projection appeared beside Renata. Showing the people in central district. 

"Let the hundred people entered Pulse."

At once, a stream of people rushed into Pulse. Entering Pulse, various gasped filled the coach. The couldn't but marvel by the slick design of the interior. While they were still awe. A mechanical voice echoed from the PA. 

'Please find a seat. Pulse is about to take off.'

Everything that was happening inside Pulse were displayed on the huge projection. All eyes were on the projection. No one wanted to miss a seconds. These is the moment of history. Who dare to miss it.

"3,  2, 1, take off"



No one knew how Pulse depart. Everything just blurred in a blink and viola. it gone. However, the people quickly saw Pulse on the projection. However, the speed made their jaw dropped. No could believe what they were seeing but the fact remained. This was live event. 


Pulse appeared behind Renata like it never left. One minute! Holy Moly! Someone shouted.

"That Pulse. It makes your pulse pause.." Renata announced leaving the podium while the people were still flabbergasted.

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