"It seems all our signal to Thango had been cut off. I tried to reach our other proxies in Thango. It was unsuccessful." The voice explained. 

Hearing the expression everyone turned grim. What these this means. They didn't dare continue with their train of thought. Things are not simple as they thought. The white man squinted his brow, turning his head and looked at the ongoing battle. A fearful smile appeared on his face. 

"It seems we underestimate our opponent."

On the battlefield, Lady Mata and a group of ten people stood closely together watching the battle. The wanted to joined the battle and save their brothers and sister from these endless butchering. However, they've learnt their lesson not to underestimate the enemy. Who know if there are more powerful opponent waiting in the dark. 

"Ma, let retreat." A nervous voice said slowly.

"Would the enemy allow us to retreat?" Another replied clenching his fist.

"However, staying and watching as our men died a miserable death is not a solution either." The first voice retorted with hint of impatient. "If we focus on retreat. We have the chance to survive. And when we reached the base. We can use those powerful weapons to obliterate the enemies once and for all"

Hearing this, everyone was quiet. None of them could make the final decision. Only a single person could decide that. Veins protruded from their forehead while their eyes turned bloodshot. Thousand of soldier had been reduce to only a couple of hundred in a couple of minutes. And every single seconds was vital for the survivalist of their men. 

"Retreat" Lady Mata gnashed her teeth. 

Immediately, the PAR troop breath a sigh of relief. It was like they were finally release from the clutch of the devils. Without further ado, they abandoned the battle and run like their life depends on it. Perhaps, their life depend on it. Seeing the always proud PAR soldiers tucking their tails between their legs, looking miserable, drenched in cold sweats. Lady Mata was furious. Her heart tightened, looking at the retreating soldier. No it can't be called retreating…. Escaping soldier filled blood and sweats. There eyes had lost the luster that PAR normally has. 

Meanwhile, the Vulture knights didn't bother to chase the escaping enemy. They were busy smiling and shouting the number of kills among themselves. Since Vulture Knights didn't bother to lower their voice. Lady Mata and some powerful men heard their conversation. Lady Mata almost stumbled when she heard their shouts.  Her chest was moving up and down, her breathing was erratic. She took a couple of seconds before she could control her rage. 

'You just wait, this isn't the end.' She gnashed her teeth retreated. She was the last person on the battle while the other had escape with a large stride.

A few moment ago.

While Vulture second company joined the battle. The last group were heading toward another location with an extreme speed. The Knights were singing loudly while the strong wind carried their voices into the quiet plane. Cloud of dust raised from the roaring jeep whilst the different voice formed a perfect harmony.

"Captain, what do you think about the battle. How long would they last?" A young man driving the jeep asked.  Their jeep was in the middle of the company. A young man sat beside the driver while two other at the back sit beside widow, holding their riffle. One of the two was a young lady. 

Hearing the question, the lady didn't reply for a couple of seconds, looking at the empty plane. There was nothing to see, only an ocean of sands and sparse tree and rock was in sight.

"The battle depends on the Commands. However, I believe the battle will over between 20 to 30 mins under normal circumstances." The young lady replied.

"That too long." The young driver furrowed. 

"Probably not. The Command would not reveal all our power at once. So they would have to deal with them showing a little of our strength" The captain responded calmly.

After a couple of minutes, the company took another sharp turned and after driving for another tens or so minute. A big military base came to their sight. A couple of armed men stood at entrance of the base looking the surrounding with deep concentration. However, the sand dune obstructed the guards from seeing the intruders

At once, the jeeps stop in their track. The Vulture knight jumped out their trucks without making a sound. A group of captains gathered together and discuss briefly. After a couple of seconds, the captain began to issue of orders to their team members. They must finish this operation as quick as possible. 

Without further ado, a couple of men with sniper quickly get in position locking on their target. The didn't care about the four beacon. If the beacon was any threat to the snipers, their notification device would have notify them. And truly, Zeus had disable the four beacon a couple of seconds ago. Turning the four beacon into a piece of junk.

"Take out the target when you are ready." A voice echoed in the snipers comms. 

Receiving the order. A swift echoed in the air. Thud! The guards didn't feel a thing only for them to see everything turning dark. The fell like flies. It only took the Vulture sniper a couple of seconds to take out the guards. 

"Green light"

At once, the knight dashed toward the base with an extreme speed, leaving afterimage. Swiss! A couple of hundred meters were cover in a jiffy. This was covert operation. They needed to be swift. And if you're talking about swift operation. Nothing can beat Vulture knights. 

The knights rushed into the PAR base not making a sound. Entering the base, they were quickly divided into three group. Since their gun was not the normal earth gun. The covert operation was breeze. While also the Command had given them a goggle. Putting on the goggle, the camp appeared in a 3D mode. Showing the life signature of people in the tent. Everything in 20 meters radius of the goggle couldn't be hidden from the user. The thermalusense of the google sees through inanimate object. 

Before the PAR base realized what was going on. The Vulture knights had flooded the camp. Killing one or two people at a time only just need a single trigger from the knights. 'Double encapsulation.'

The PAR were stupefied. They couldn't understand how their enemy bypass their security without them knowing. Some tried to escape but it was for nut. All their escape route had been blocked. The PAR rushed to the control center, trying to initiate the emergency protocol. 

Getting to the control center. There last ray of hope was extinguished. Five Vulture knight stood at the entrance of the control and looked at the incoming PAR and smiled. Seeing this, the PAR soldier lost it. since their was no escape. Then they would take as much as possible with them to the other side. Their eyes turn fiery red. Their muscle bulge, veins protruding from their forehead and an enormous pressure came from their body. 

However, the Vulture Knight looked at the PAR soldiers like morons. If they were afraid of their transformation, would they have given them the chance to transform? A knight came out of the five and said. "Let me deal with them."

"You have 5 seconds."

"That too much"

The group of 10 PAR heard this and become more enrage. They may not be the strongest but they are way stronger than normal human being. Beside, they are PAR. How dare this people look down on them. They scoff and rushed toward the five knights. However, only the men in front took action. The others were too lazy to even look. 


The man in front of the five disappeared. And when he appeared. He was behind the 10 PAR putting his short knife into his pocket. "I told you 5 seconds is way too much." He said, looking at the ten men holding their neck.


The men fell with their eyes open wide. Till death, they couldn't fathom how the young man withdrew his blade and slice their throat without them knowing. The other four knight looked at dead men scoffed. Just then a notification appeared on their device. 

'Move out.'

The covert operation only took less than 5 minutes and whole camp had been wipe clean. The camp was filled headless corpse and ricked in blood. The thick stench of blood could be smell from a couple of distance from the base. The knights assemble at the front of the base for a couple of seconds before dashing out.

At present..

The retreating PAP breath a sigh of relief when they realized they were not been chased. However, they couldn't let their guard down. The fierce killing efficiency of Vulture knights gave them their worst nightmare. Human heads means nothing in front of their blade. They found it difficult safe guard their neck. No matter how you tried to defend, your neck would received the final blow. None of them had seen such brutal scene where thousand of corpse were headless. 

Lost in their thought and the comfort of escaping the angel of death. They failed to realized the rising dust coming the distant. When they realized what was happening the last batch of Vulture was only a couple hundred meter from them. Just then, a loud voice came from the distant. 

"You have no where to go."

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