A slight smile appeared on the elderly woman face. Definitely this young woman is crazy. Oh… her name is Crazy.

"Call me Ji."

"Ji, good."  Crazy nodding her head with a shot laugh. "Previously I thought that woman" She pointed to Lady Mata. "Was the one with a little fighting chance. Ji, you prove me wrong. Hahaha. I'm satisfy with the battle."

"I'm satisfy with the battle also." Ji replied calmly. 

"Now, I will increase my power. Previously, that was 20% of my power. I will add another 20… no.. 10%... hmm" Crazy furrowed thinking what percentage of power to add.


The elderly woman widened her eyes and stumbled backward. her peaceful expression turned to horror. Her trembled slightly. Furthermore, she wasn't the only one shocked. All the PAR soldiers were stupefied. This Insane! Lady Mata breathing became erratic, she tried to calm her raging breathing but her mind was in disarray. 20%! Fuck!

Watching the stupefied expression of the PAR, the young man chuckled. This was just the beginning. If they all think this was their strength, they are in for it. none of them had entered the battle mode transformation. This was just pure human strength. And everyone knew, if Crazy were to enter battle mode, then, that elderly woman won't know how she would have died. 

"Close your mouth." Crazy chuckled. 

The elderly woman closed her mouth slowly, trying to process what was happening. Did I waste all my life for nothing. 3-star my foot. The elderly woman wanted to cry but with no tears.

"Do you think this was my peak strength? Wrong. If I use half of my strength. You won't last a single attack…. Hmm!" She twisted her lips and looked at her captain.

"Just do whatever you want." A woman voiced sighed amid the Vulture knights. Everyone knew her behavior. If it wasn't for Command. She wouldn't have allowed her to battle the elderly woman. 'I hope this woman can recover from this nightmare.' she thought shaking her head slightly. 

"I know captain would allow me. Captain is the best" Crazy giggled. She looked at Ji and show her teeth. "Let fight. I will increase my strength by 20%"

"10%!" The captain shouted in a hurry. 'What wrong with crazy. Ah. My team ranking is going down the drain.' 

Hearing the panic shout, Ji and the others furrowed. Is she that scary!? Ji became dreadful. She raised her guard to the limits. She gripped her whip tightly, creating a battle stance and looked at Crazy with deep concentration. 'For her to be called Crazy. I should expect a crazy thing.'

Sighed. Crazy pouted and stump her food on the ground. "Captain, when we are back in camp. I will have a life and death battle with you." She murmured. However, those people on the battlefield are no ordinary human. Their sensory sense is way above the roof. Especially, the Knights. Every one of them heard Crazy murmuring. 

'My peaceful days are gone.' The captain muttered. 

"Ok 10% then." Crazy furrowed. However, her aura changed. The mischievous smile on her face gone.


A blinding light appeared on the battlefield. Just then, a piercing sound echoed on the battlefield. A huge dust raised in the sky, amid the dust a silhouette stumble back a couple of meters. It was Ji. A traces of blood appeared at the corner of her lips. Her face paled while her hand holding the whip trembled. She licked the blood at the corner of her mouth and raised her head, looking at the young woman who was approaching her step by step.

'I nearly died from that single exchange. 30% of her strength and I can barely see her sword attack.' Ji grumbled inside her mind. 

None of the PAR soldiers saw Crazy attack. Everything was just too fast. They looked at each other but only to see the dumbfounded expression on each other faces. Shit. This way above their capacity. Meanwhile, Lady Mata bit the corner of her lips. She faintly saw the attack. However, how Crazy throw the attack was still a mystery to her. She raised her head and looked at the hundreds of the knights trembled. If this was 30% of her battling power. Then what about the others. Are they as powerful as her? If they are not. Then, what if they go all out? Can she defeat them? She shivered with that thought.


Crazy appeared in front of Ji like a phantom. No afterimage, no breeze. Just like a ghost. All the pores on Ji opened, her hair stood straight, her muscle tensed. Bead of sweat formed her forehead. Her instinct was shouted danger. She barely raised her whip to defend herself when a brightened light appeared before her pupil. 


Ji barely defend the first sword light. However, the attack was yet to be concluded. Another sword appeared on the other side of her eyes. What! Ji screamed in her mind. The attack was just too fast for her reflex. Before she could twisted her body and defend herself. The cold side of the sword slapped her chest. 


Ji grunted. Her ribs were fractured, her lungs contrasted. Some of her organs punctured. Blood rushing to her mouth. she stumbled back. Her eyes blurred but she caught sight of another attack coming. Fuck me!


Ji was sent flying in the air. Blood gushing out her mouth. She crashed on the ground and puke some of her organs outside. Her face whitened. Her chest moving up and down with some difficulty. She raised her head slightly, leading to more blood gushing out of her mouth. she didn't care about her injury. she wanted to see the person that rendered all life work useless under a couple of moves. And behold, she saw Crazy not dropping her kick. Her leg raised in the air, still in the stance of the final roundhorse kick. Seeing this, Ji fainted.

Crazy twisted her lips and dropped her leg slowly and her mischievous smile appeared on her face. She looked at the unconscious Ji and furrowed. 'Did I wen too far.' She sheathed her sword. 'Probably not.' She left the battling ground not looking at the face of the others.  Meanwhile, her captain finally breathe a sigh of relief. 'This girl would be the end of me and my team.'

Lady Mata couldn't blinked her eyes. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Looking at the unconscious Ji. She didn't know what to feel anymore. But one thing made her heart raced. Fear. She tried to subdue this fear with her Will but it was futile. In the presence of apex predator, lesser being would coward in fear. Though she was fearful of these people. She want to battle it out with them. She took a deep breath and looked the young controlling the battle. 

Feeling a strong gaze on his body, the young man turned his head and looked at Lady Mata direction. His lips twitched and slight smile appeared on his face. "Your turn." He said.

Immediately, the quiet battlefield descended into murmuring. While the PAR didn't have any obvious change. Since one of the strongest couldn't last longer under 30% of Crazy attack. Then what about Lady Mata. They shook their head and resign their life to fate.

Without further ado, Lady Mata matched out with her back straightened. She withdrew her two short knives and looked at the Knights with battling intent. She wanted to test her limit under these foreign powerful people. She thought she had the right to be proud and haughty. But she was naïve. In the presence of these people. It nothing. 

"Since you are the leader of this campaign. You must have an ok strength." A young man holder a spear walked out from the other side of group. He had an average look. But his gaze was sharp and piercing like a spear. 

Seeing the young man coming. The Knights shook their head and the burning desire to watch the battle died down. This radical change in their eyes wasn't oblivious to Lady Mata. She furrowed and wondered why. However, since she couldn't find the answer to this question. She cleared her mind and focus on the battle at hand. 

"I'm called one spear. What yours." One spear asked, stopping a couple of feet from Lady Mata. 

"Mata." Mata answered, changing her stand to a battling stance.

"Good, Mata. Let start." One spear nodded. 


Mata appeared in front of One spear with her two Knives going for the neck. However, under this attack. One spear had yet to make any moves. When the knives were couple of inches from his face. He made a move. He sidesteps the attack, moving his spear in a swift circular motion, generating powerful whirlwind, disrupting Mata stance. In a blink, Mata and One spear change their position. Their back was facing each other. Seeing this, Mata was flabbergasted. Her heart racing seriously. She quickly turned herself to face One Spear. But only to be accosted by the waiting tip of his spear.

"You're powerful than Ji.. But your reflex is so-so."

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