Before, they could understand what was going on. Those people standing found their head flying in the sky while those sitting only saw a flash. That's all. Everything went blank.

"Huh! Where am I?" A coarse voice said slowly. 

"I thought you won't ever wake up." A voice teased. 

Turning her head, she was greeted with an amicable smile. Next beside her was Ji. She was looking at Mata straight in the eyes. At the corner of her eyes were traces of water. Looking into Ji's eyes, Mata blinked her eyes and tried to stand up with some difficulty. She groaned light and rest her back on the pillow. 

"Have you been crying?" Mata asked slowly. 

"What would I cry." Ji laughed, waving her hand. "Forget about me. How's your body. Do you feel any pain." Her voice trembled slightly.

Mata purse her lips "Are you trying to change the topic. Tell me why are you crying?"

Ji sighed. She averted her gazed from Mata and looked at the clean white room. The room was filled with various advance medical equipment. The big florescence light hang on the ceiling blazing directly into the room. Apart from these machines, there was nothing in the room.  Ji sighed again. Her eyes filled with water wanting to drop. However, she took a deep breath. She raised her palm to her face but stop half way and sighed again for the umpteenth time.

"Are you done?"

Ji gave and awkward laugh and look at Mata and exhaled deeply. "I can't believe what happened."

"Which part." Mata asked casually. 

"What do you mean by which part?"

"Of course. Is it the part where we lose the war. Or the part where we are still alive. Or the—"

"I get. I get." Ji interrupted quickly. "Jeez. Easy. " She rolled her eyes, looking at Mata with a widen gaze.

"Instead of pretending that everything is alright. You can let it out. I perfectly understand what you feel." Ji added.

"I'm ok." Mata shrugged. 

Ji shook her head. "It impossible for you to be ok." She got out of her bed and sat beside Mata, hugging her tightly to her chest. Mata didn't uttered a word. Her gaze flickered. Her chest going up and down, sniffing lightly. After a couple of minute in that position. "I think that enough." Mata tried to struggle free from Ji grasp. 

Ji squinted her brow. "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure. I'm not a kid" Mata grumbled.

"Ok. But to me. You're still a kid." She release her grasp on Mata. 

"Do you know where we are."

Ji shook her head and sighed. "Probably the enemy base. Since I wake up. I haven't seen anyone."


Mata frown slightly and relax. "How long have you been awake."

"I don't know." Ji adjusted herself on the patient and sooth Mata's hair. "I thought they're going to kill us or perhaps torture us…. But this.."

This was the though in Mata mind. She couldn't wrapped her head around what was happening. She was already prepared to die. The last attack would have finish her off. But didn't understand how and why everything change. Now, they are been treated. 


The door opened an a young woman step into the room with tabloid devise in her hand. Her white lab coat flow down while her shoulder length hair, dance gently on shoulder. She stopped in front of Mata's bed and smile lightly. Meanwhile, Ji and Mata widen their eyes and looked at the lady not knowing what to say. 

"How are you two doing. I'm Jimena." Jimena introduced with a tight lips smile

Ji and Mata looked at each other not knowing how to processing what was happening. Seeing their trouble, Jimena chuckled. "Don't worry. You are safe now."

Ji took a deep breath and asked slowly. "Where are we?"

"What do you think?" Jimena twisted he lips and giggled. "Of course, you're in the enemy camp."

A glass shattered. Both of them of them was still hanging on tiny line of hope. Alas… it was just a wide fantasy of them. Ji eyes dimmed. She lost the zeal to ask any question nor listen to whatever Jimena wanted to say. 

"Don't give me that look." Jimena said seriously. Her previous sweet smile disappeared from her face.

"What do you want from us. If you're thinking about gaining information from us. Better kill us right now. Because we won't devour any information about PAR to you." Mata said as a matter of fact.

Jimena shook her head. "You're stupid than I imagine." She curled her lips and looked at Mata with a condescending gaze.


Being call stupid by stupid doctor made Mata furious. She wanted to pounce on Jimena and gave her the beating of her life. Her pupil flickered with fire, she gnashed her teeth and too a deep breath. Ji looked at Jimena without any expression on her face. Her face and return to tranquil.

Seeing Ji expression. Jimena looked at the tabloid in her hand and nodded. "You've got a nice emotional control. I can't see why the commander keep you alive. But you…" She pointed at Mata. "Tsk. Use your head."

"What do you want from us." Ji asked calmly. 

"I want nothing from you. Only the Commander can tell you why he keeps you alive. Anyway, you also benefit me for my research. Follow me." Jimena turned, not waiting for their response. 

Ji didn't dilly dally. She stood and follow Jimena. Seeing this, Mata was flabbergasted. She widened her eyes and shouted. "Are you seriously going to do their bidding."

Hearing this, Ji sighed. 'I guess the continuous training had made her mind slow.' "So what do you expect me to do?" She folded her hand on her chest, looking straight into Mata eyes..

Mata opened her mouth but the word won't come out. Seeing this, Ji sighed and left without uttering a word. Watching the departing back of Ji. Mata gnashed her teeth and follow.

After walking for a couple of minutes, Mata and Ji entered a room. The room had nothing special. Painted in white with three chair and circular glass table at the center. At the opposite side of the room, stood a young man watching a fierce fight on the wall. The young man was in blue suit with an advance helmet over his head. 

"Be careful." Jimena whispered from the entrance before departing. 


Mata and Ji was stupefied by the warning coming from Jimena. Why would she told them to be careful. They took a deep breath and approached the seat. Is this the Commander. They thought. However, the fight on the wall caught their attention. Watching the fight, their jaw dropped. This wasn't a battle anymore. It was something else. They could barely see the movement of fighters. Blind light flicker on the screen continuously. Every attack was deadly. However, the fighter seems not to care about this attack. With an extreme speed and flexible movement skill, they maneuvered through danger like it was nothing. After a couple of minute of watching the battle they didn't know what to feel anymore. Their pulse was racing and their heart beat faster like never before.

Comparing their battle to this. Was like comparing a child's play to a death match. Beside, who in the right senses would compare both. All this while, Mata and Ji didn't realized their jaw was drop opened. Suddenly, the young man turned around and looked at the two. 

"Please close your mouth and find yourself a seat." He said calmly. 


What did he mean? They furrowed. The two blinked their eyes and trying to process what just… Shit! The two look at each other and close their mouth slowly. The young man took a seat and looked at the two. Feeling his gaze, Ji and Mata sat down awkwardly.

"I know you have a lot of question. Please ask." The young man said. 

Mata stared at Ji not uttering a word. Feeling the gaze on her skin. Ji took a deep breath. Though the young man in front of them didn't exhibit any sign of superiority. However, they last warning from Jimena and her fighter instinct told her to be extremely careful.

"Why are we still alive." Ji asked slowly. 

"Because I took a liken in you. Perhaps you can say I found something in you that pique my interest."

"Like what?"

"Your perception. You've achieved a level in your mind training that I haven't seen in anyone else."

Hearing this, Ji was flabbergasted. Perception! Mind. There are many people with great mind and perception. What is so special about her that warrant her to be kept alive. 'Perception, Mind training. Bullshit.'

"I don't—"


Two dart whistle through the air, flying at extreme speed toward Ji and Mata. Though the darts attack came out of the blue. The two didn't for once let down their guard. Instantly, Ji twisted her body in an impossible angle and avoid the attack by inch. While Mata tried to dodge the attack but she was a fraction late. The dart grazed past her shoulder.

"Do you understand now."


Thank you for reading Human Binary. I really appreciate your love and support for this book. However,

I will like to inform you Human Binary will come to an end in the coming week. But this book you're reading is only the FIRST CHAPTER. There are is still the second chapter.

The second chapter will be on my patreon page. 

Why did I do this?

No fund. 

I need a little bucks to pay my bills and hire editor for this book. But if I continue to upload it here. Then… 

Thanks for your support.

Love ya.

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