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A few minutes later, the young fatty lost his consciousness under the pile of junk. Suddenly, a white wisp flashed like a comet traveling ten times the speed of light and entered the young fatty. His body shook violently for a few minutes before it halted.

His blood stopped gushing out, and his body regained its luster. Immediately, the Fatty shook slightly and returned to his motionless state. Meanwhile, a rift opened in space and an unknown object came out, entering earth's orbit.

With the advancement of earth technology, they failed to notice the strange object descending into the earth. The speed by which the object was descending was in great velocity. The strange object entered the Thango continent and into the unpopulated area above the junk site.

While all this was happening, the Fatty eyes blink and also his finger moved slightly. Shortly, he opened his eyes. "Is this the underworld…" He murmured.

"What is this?"

When he set his eyes on the dry blood on his hand, he widens his eyes. He immediately raised his head, taking a seating position while pushing all the junk away from his body. He looked at his chest and abdomen and saw a knife wound. The deep wound had close together, leaving a scar, depicting scary injuries.

'Is this another world....' He rolled his eyes and looked at the surrounding. 'Hmm, definitely another world.'

"What! I'm given a second chance!"

Ha! Ha!

The young Fatty started laughing uncontrollably. Tears started coming from his eyes. He checked his body again to confirm he was not hallucinating. Seeing that everything was real, he rubbed off his tears and prepare to stand up with a wide grin all over his face.

'This life I won't make the same mistake.'

Instantaneously, the big unknown object crashed into the heaps of junk. Crashing into the heap of junk, immediately, something forcefully flew out of the enormous unknown object and hit the back head of the elated fatty. Everything happened in a blink of seconds, catching Fatty off guard.

The Fatty blinks his eyes twice. 'Fuck!' He fell and loses his consciousness. The unknown object that hit Fatty was stuck in his head. The unknown object looked like a diamond but it was not a diamond. The shape of the unknown object turned pyramid and then it changed to prism and so, the object continued to change its shape with unique colour.

The rest of the unknown objects show sudden light, depicting the light coming from the object like a diamond at the back of the fatty. The process of the two lights continued for a period.

Suddenly, the enormous unknown object disintegrated into nothingness. Also, the object that stuck on the Fatty head disintegrated. However, instead of disintegrating into nothingness like the major part, it was turning into a liquid-like state, entering into the brain of the young fatty.

As the process continued, the core of the object remained with no form of defection. On the other hand, it had entered deep within the fatty brain. After several hours, the fatty head had healed, leaving no scar or any form of the previous incident. While the enormous unknown object had disintegrated into nothingness. No one would believe such a strange incident had occurred during the night.

The fatty opened his eyes and saw an almost broken ceiling. The ray of the morning sun was coming in from the broken door and many porous holes on the wall, lighting the room. His body aches from the previous incident. He groaned and tried to stand up, looking all around from the unknown dirty room he found himself. Suddenly, memories of the previous owner of the body flooded his brain. He held his brain, groaning in pain. After a few minutes that looks like forever, the pain stopped.

The owner of the new body digest all the memory without making a sound.

"So the owner of this body was just like me. But why can't I inherit someone with a better life? I guess my dam stupid luck follow me here."

After regaining his composure, he became puzzled. 'This is not where I was before.'

"Who help me?" He murmured.

While still in thought, the creak of the door echoed throughout the dilapidated room. A young fragile girl with a bony body entered the room with a bowl of soup in her hand. Anyone seeing the young girl will know she would have been a beautiful young lady if she was properly taken care of.

However, this type of girl could be seen in every hook and cranny of Thango. Though not only girls were in this state, both males and females, old and young were in this predicament of malnourishment.

Seeing the Fatty awake the "Oh! You are awake." She had beautiful small dry lips.

Fatty blink continuously while his gaze was at the bony girl in front of him. He was trying to remember where he had seen this girl before. Shortly, memories of the previous surface in his mind, and saw the lady.

"I know you…" Fatty stared at the girl's face intensely. "I remember… You're Amanda."

Hearing her name, the bony girl had sweet smiles all over her face.

"I know you will be hungry. Eat this." She gave the bowl in her hand to him.

Truly the fatty was hungry when his tummy grumble when the talk of food was said. The Fatty tried to hide his face when his stomach grumbled. Amanda chuckled when she heard his stomach acknowledging her word. Immediately the room descends into an awkward silence.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Amanda broke the silence. "What are you doing in the junkyard? Besides, your clothes were stained with a lot of blood."

"I ….. I…." Fatty stuttered not looking at Amanda's face.

"I don't care whatever you are doing there." Amanda interrupted with her usual smile. "I heard the Vipers were coming after you yesterday. I hope yesterday's event would teach you some things. I hope you won't waste your precious life for nothing insignificant." With that, Amanda walked out of the room.

Hearing Amanda's advice, Fatty couldn't eat the food. He stared at the morning sun from the broken window. He was not the previous owner of the body. He was another person entirely. But they had the same name, Emmanuel Jackson.

Amanda walked into the with a half-broken glass cup, she stopped at Fatty side and put the broken cup down gently.

"Thank you"

"Don't mention. I will return to my abode. I have work to do. I will advise you not to leave this area, not many come to this area though." Amanda turned and walked away.

Reaching the door, Amanda paused. She turned back and faced Fatty. "I don't know your name. I can't be calling you fatty when you know my name."

Hearing Amanda's word, Fatty raised his brow and looked straight into Amanda's face with a light smile on his face. He knew he had to follow the lifestyle of Fatty or else people may discover he was not the real Fatty. Besides, this is a new world, everything he knew was from the memories of the previous owner of the body. He knew the name of the Fatty. He smiled.

"Emmanuel Jackson.. But you can call me Emma."

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