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Emma sent Booth flying, crashing on the road. Blood spilled out from his mouth and nose continuously while he wriggled in pain. The area was quiet.

Everyone looking at the scene was flabbergasted. Jaw dropped with mouth agape. They looked from Emma's back to the hefty man crying in pain on the floor.

What the fuck!

Shortly, Bell recovered from the initial shock. He pointed at Emma. "You dare lay your hand on viper gang. You're gonna." Swiss. Bell removed a knife under his cloth.

Also, the second man, named Cox, withdrew his hidden knife. He squinted his eyes and looked at Emma kindly. Right from the beginning, he had been observing Emma. 'Why does he seem familiar? Like I knew this man.'

"Leader, don't you think this young man looks familiar," Cox whispered to Bell.

They couldn't be faulted for not identifying Emma. The sudden change in Emma's physique made it difficult for them to identify him. Besides, they thought Emma couldn't survive the knife attack.

"It seems so." Bell glanced at Cox. "But it changes nothing, Familiar or not. He needed to die. Now!"

Cox nodded. "Of course!"

Trembling. Amanda glanced uncomfortably at Emma. She knew everything happened because of her. If something happened to Emma, she won't know how to continue living anymore. She moved closer to Emma. "Run. They can't do anything for me. I'll stop them." She whispered.

Emma looked at her and smiled under his hood. He shook his head. "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to me?" Emma announced confidently.

Amanda was speechless. She raised her brow. She bit her lip. "if you are trying to impress me with your strength. I get it. But that stupid of you. Run before it's too late."

[Wow. See how cheap you are. But you can't blame her for thinking like that. Girls with many suitors always think everything revolved around them. But I don't get it. Are you not trying to show off in front of her? Tsk]

Hearing this, Emma did not know whether to laugh or cry. He only shook his head.

"What are you whispering? No matter what happened. You are not escaping. Today will be your end." Bell announced disdain.

"Really!" Emma raised his brow. "From my own point of view. You are the one that won't leave here alive."

"Oh! Because you knocked one of us down. Do you think you're now superman? Hmm? I will wake you from your stupid dream." Cox sneered. He ran toward Emma, slashing his knife.

[Move one foot backward, sidestep to the left. Punch his arm and strike with a kick to his abdomen. You 2sec to perform the move.]

The rigorous training paid off. Emma moved according to Lily's prediction, avoiding the knife slash in a nick of time. With a good reflex, Emma sidestep to the left and punched Cox's arm without stopping. Bam!

Cox's arm trembled. He took a step backward. And just to expect Emma kick going for his abdomen. He was stupefied by Emma's reflex and moved. But as a street fighter. He quickly regained his wit, crossing his arm, blocking the kick. Bam!

Flabbergasted. Cox stumbled backed. The power in Emma's kicked was astonishing. He looked at Emma with a new looked. His condescending gaze was no more. He looked at Emma seriously. 'This young man is not simple as he looked'

Meanwhile, Bell and Amanda were even more shocked than those fighting themselves. It surprised Bell how Cox would lose in just one exchange while Amanda couldn't understand where Emma the fatty learn how to move like that. However, Bell recovered quickly and shouted arrogantly.

"I give you. You have some skills. But just because you have some skills. You thought you behave arrogantly in front of the viper gang. You're naïve."

'The first terminator had arrived.' Zeus voiced rang in Emma's ears.

Hearing this, Emma released the pent of stress he had been holding since the start of the brawl between him and the three men. He won't allow them to leave this place alive again. He had forgotten about the viper gang.

But now, the old wound had relapsed. He wasn't the old Emma. He vowed to vanquish the viper gang from Vulture city.

Cox and Bell looked at each other and nodded. They attacked Emma at the same time, not giving him any chance to fight back.

Just as they were preparing to attack Emma. A man with a mask covering his face appeared suddenly. Speedily. He ran toward Cox without waiting.


Seeing the approaching masked man. Everyone was shocked, except Emma. Getting closer to Cox. Proficiently. The masked man withdrew a military knife and slashed Cox's chest. Cox was dumbfounded. He didn't expect the masked man was here to attack him. Seeing the knife strike, Cox quickly tried to defend himself.


Cox deflected the knife strike but the knife, grazing his cloth. Cox staggered back. He adjusted his steps and stood firmly on the ground. The turn of events took shocked everyone. Amanda watched everything in a daze. 'How did it turn like this.'

Bell had recovered from his shock. The masked man tried to attack Cox again when he saw Bell's knife strike. Quickly, he changed his knife movement and parries Bell strike.

"You dare to interfere in viper business. We'll kill you first before we kill that maggot." Bell shouted.

The masked man did not utter a word. He only shook his head.

Zeus: 'Three terminators have arrived.'

[Your hidden hands had arrived. Wow. I loved your plan. Every sentinel being has one thing income. Desire. You manipulate their desire and make them work for you directly or indirectly.]

Emma ignored Lily's words and watched the unfolding events like a spectator. Puzzled. Amanda looked at Emma. 'He seems not surprised by the sudden arrival of the masked man.' She thought.

While Bell was preparing to face the first masked man. Another three masked men arrived at the same time. They looked at each other without talking. Seeing the arrival of another three masked men.

Bell and Cox were dumbfounded. Regaining a bit of strength, Booth stood up with some difficulty. Bell and Cox were already sweating bullets. They gripped their knife tightly.

"What are you doing? We're from the viper gang. If anything, happen to us. Our gang will hunt you down." Bell threatened.

Zeus: '5 terminators had arrived.'

After a couple of seconds, 5 masked appeared from a different angle. They moved toward the Bell's and his group.

Seeing another masked man. Bell, Cox, and Booth were trembling in fear. What was going on? They thought. Everyone in the neighborhood was watching the event casually. No one called the cops. They watch the scene like a movie.

Bell wanted to talk when a knife appeared in front of him. He didn't see the knife coming.


The knife pierced his chest, crying in pain. Thud! He fell on his knee, looking at a masked man approaching him. Seeing this, the other masked man did not dillydally. They attacked the other two members of the viper gang fiercely.




They butchered the three men from the viper gang with three knives cut in their chest. They died a gruesome death with blood covering the road. Instantly, when the masked men saw the death of the three viper men. They retreated swiftly.

Leaving only Emma and Amanda

Zeus: 'Threat eliminated'

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