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Close your eyes and turn your face into the wind. Feel it sweep along your skin in an invisible ocean of exultation. Suddenly, you know you're alive.


Amanda put on one of her best dresses for today's events. She steps out from her parent's home, standing at the doorpost, waiting. Yesterday, when Emma left her house. She suddenly received one of the latest Elementor laptop. Shocking her to the core.

Wondered. She didn't request a laptop or knew anybody that could give her such an expensive Elementor laptop until she received a message on her phone. Checking her phone. Amanda's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe what she was reading on her phone.

'Hope the small token helps you in working better on your new post. -Emma'

Since she received the Elementor laptop. Amanda had vowed to put everything into her new job with no thought of betraying Emma, ever. Not because of the Elementor laptop. However, because of the trust of Emma in her.

Right at that moment, she received the laptop. She had sprung into work. She hardly had any sleep when she went through all the documents Emma sent her.

Amanda's heart was racing when she was reading through the plan of the company. Amanda didn't know what to feel after reading the plan. She was shocked, scared, and likewise excited.

Shock. Because of the magnitude of the company scale. Scared. For the large budget of the company. Because she could fathom where Emma could find such a massive amount of money.

Excited, because she was the first employee and the CEO of an upcoming promising company. This would serve as a new beginning for her.

Inside the blue suit with a short skirt above her knee. Amanda looked extraordinarily gorgeous. Though she was still fragile.

But with the light make on her face, her glossy off shoulder long brown hair, red lips, straight, unblemished porcelain legs on hills. She was a transformation of a snake into a dragon.

Waiting for her ride, anyone that walked past Amanda had to steal a glance from her. Some that knew her were awestruck by her beauty. No one could predict she was this breathtaking.


A good-looking self-driving car park in front of Amanda without making a sound. They painted the car in black with a touch of wine color in some major spots. It could not compare the car with the common one used in Desert street.

The Difference was like gold to dirt. If a man cannot understand the beauty of life. It is probably because life never understood the beauty in him. However, now Amanda understood the beauty in her.

Seeing the car. Amanda smile and sighed. Those that witness her smile almost had their heart stop beating. It was a smile that put the radiant of the Sun to shame.

"If I could see her smile every day. I'll have nothing to regret in this life."

"However, if I could touch her hand. I'm willing to give my heart to her."

"Stop just useless dream. Some, like her, were bound to find someone respectable. Not the likes of you, useless people."

"Who are you calling useless?"

Amanda didn't hear all the gossip. Though, if she had heard all their shenanigans. She won't have to care. What was on her mind was how to complete her first objective.

Which was getting an office apartment for the company. She walked elegantly toward the car while the door opened automatically. Amanda sat with her back straight, crossing her leg over the others.

The door close and the car drove off. Meanwhile, every action Amanda took was watched by the onlooker. The short display of elegance mesmerized them all. And one man said subconsciously.

"Every of her step was just like a queen. Is she a queen?" He questioned, not looking back. However, no one answered.

When the man turned back. There was no one beside him. He raised his brow and looked at the surroundings awkwardly. Embarrassed. He stumped his foot on the ground and scurry away.

After a few minutes, Amanda alighted from the car. She looked at her surrounding in a daze. Her current location was the main street of Vulture City. It was the heart of the city.

There were many skyscrapers and many breathtaking buildings. Compare to Desert street. It was like Heaven to Earth. No one would believe that Desert street was part of Vulture City.

However, under this guise of this beautiful surrounding and building were unspeakable dirty deeds of Vulture City. They do not kill people openly on the street like Desert but are killed inside, discreetly. Amanda was aware of all the facade. She gathered her thoughts and walked toward the building in front of her.

Meanwhile, in the desert street. The Viper gang had already turned the placed upside down. Most especially, the location where three members of the viper gang were murdered.

The place was in upheaval. Most denizens of the street had to avoid the place like a plaque or escape from the wrath of the viper gang like their life depends on it though their life depends on it.

Those unfortunate people caught by the Viper gang were beating to a pup. Many injured people could be seen lying on the street with no one to help them.

After torturing various people. The Viper gang received intel. However, no one knew what the intel was. Briskly. All the mob of the Viper gang rushed to one specific location.

All the people were wondering where the Viper gang was rushing to. Shortly, everyone received the answer. It was Amanda's house. They stumped into her house, shouting many foul languages.

"What are you doing my house!?" Amanda's mother, Betty, shouted.

"Who the hell are you to questioning us.!" one gang member retorted furiously. Pa!

He slapped Betty, sending her flying, crashing onto the old dining table. The slap was like a thundering roar. Betty's frail body felt like a moving train hit her. For the next couple of seconds, she could get her bearing. Her eyes were blank. Everything was in total darkness.

Blood flows from the corner of her mouth. Betty's cheek contains the hand signature of the man that slapped her. Betty couldn't find the strength to stand up. She lay on the ground motionlessly. However, the gangs did not care about her.

"Search the house for anyone." Their leader commands coldly, with a cigar hanging at the corner of his lip. Puffing out the smoke confidently. His eyes were bloodshot, with a pistol tucked under his belt.

While the Viper gangs were ransacking Amanda's house. All the CCTV cameras in the surroundings were capturing the event. Also, a drone was up above, monitoring everything.

Zeus had already sent out a warning notification to all members of Terra World when he noticed the atrocities of the Viper gang.

Zeus had called Betty several times but her phone was in her bedroom while she was in the backyard, doing laundry.

The closest TerraLink was a few minutes away from the Amanda house. Leaving Zeus with no option but to wait for Emma to complete his mission.

Emma was currently running outside the Sanctuary. He was trying to finish the 3km run before the sun became too hot for his liking. Thus, unaware of the commotion caused by the Viper gangs.

"Leader, we couldn't find anyone inside the house." All the members of the viper gang that went to search the house returned empty-handed.

"Take her mother. She will surely come for her mother."

*****Author Note********

By Monday. We will begin the journey to our milestones. Please let accomplish this milestone together.

50 power stone +1 chapter

100 power stone + 2 chapter

Top 2000 + 4 chapter


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