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I know that the whole point --- the only point --- is to find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go.


Coming out of the room. Emma was accosted with the new arrival of the viper gangs. Instead of retreating. He supported Betty with one arm. While he held the gun in his right hand, shooting while dodging the bullets.

A bullet for each person. Emma was like a terminator carrying a coffin. 15 seconds later. The corridor was full of dead bodies.

The injured man following Emma had his jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He gulped, trailing after Emma like an idiot.

Is this the previous nervous guy?

How is this possible?

He shouted in his mind. There are many conflicting questions coming to his mind. But no one was available to answer him.

Shortly, all the rooms in the corridor had been cleared. Emma's group had assembled together. Only a single of them was injured. The others were only fatigue but could still move on.

"We've one minute to leave this place." Emma looked at the five men's faces. "We have one corridor to cross before we're free from this hellhole." Emma released the empty magazine. While reloading his guns.

"You," he pointed to one of the men. "Take care of her. If anything happens to her… Your life is over. I will spearhead the attack you lot will cover me. Any question."

The five men shook their heads. What could they say to this freakish of a person? They were unconsciously scared of the sudden transformation from Emma.

"Good. Let paint this place red." Emma announced with a deadly smile.

Emma leads the group quietly toward the last corridor. Emma and his group stooped at the edge of the corridor. He peeped.

The corridor was not long but was exceptionally quiet. Emma knew their enemies were waiting for them. But would they coward in fear. No.

Emma was quiet while the others followed. Emma and a man took the left wall, while two other masked men took the right wall. They bend slightly while gripping their weapon tightly.

The atmosphere was thick. Emma dare not let his guard down. His eagle eyes were moving from one angle to another.


Two viper gangs came out from their hidden spot, yelling with a shut gun in their hands. However, before they could shoot their guns, they were gunned down by Emma.

Instantly, the corridor descended into abrupt silence. Everyone held their breath. The thumping sound of heart echoed in the corridor. Everything was transfixed. Only the whisper of the gentle breeze came from the corridor.


A sound came from the edge of the corridor. But this sound was like a trigger that they had been waiting for. All the viper gangs rushed out from their hidden position, shooting furiously.

The empty shell of the bullets was raining with tickling sound coming from them when they hit the floor added a sensational atmosphere to the gunfights.

Baum! Baum!

A double-barrel shot reverberated in the corridor. Quickly, Emma's group rushed to the available room by their sides. The guns continued at their hidden spot.

"Shit!" Emma was furious. They almost escaped from the room. But the viper gangs were just too much.

[30 seconds to go.]

>>Are you out of luck… Hmm.

'Out of luck your head.'

"Zeus, what is the timing of the shooting," Emma asked, raising his brow.

[2 seconds interval, 1 second.]

Emma exhaled. He looked at the two weapons and murmured. "It is what it is."

Emma slides into the corridor while shooting with both guns. The viper gang holding the double-barrel had a bullet piercing his forehead. Emma moved with lightning speed, covering the distance between him and the next target.

Baum! Baum!

Emma makes a run on the wall with a backflip, dodging the torrential bullets skillfully.

Baum! Baum!

Emma shoots the two men hiding behind a trolley. He didn't stop his attack. Emma shoots anything that posed a threat to him without batting an eye.

Emma jumped, slide, and did anything to dodge the bullets skillfully. He was like an angel of death to the viper gangs.

No one could fathom how a man could easily dodge various bullets sustaining no injuries. Heavens! It looked like dance choreography. Perfectly executed.

The turn of events flabbergasted the leader of the viper gangs. He looked at the man walking toward him in shock and panic.

Blood covered the man from head to toe.

However, those blood were not his. The leader was frustrated. He was already out of ammo. But he won't let his saw fearful side.

"You thought you were invincible, right?." the leader snickered. "You're naïve if you think so. No matter where you hide. The viper gang will hunt you down. Those close to you and your family will never have a moment of peace. Run. Run." His eyes turned red.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

The leader laughed hysterically.


Emma shoots the leader on his forehead. "You don't have to worry about that. Before they come to me. I'll give them a royal visit."

Emma turned and looked at the others. "Everybody ok?"

All the masked men nodded. What could possibly happen to them? When the angel of death was killing their enemies. How could their enemies have time for them?

Seeing this. Emma released the pent-up stress he had been holding up. He could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

>>That was epic…. You show me another part of yourself and I don't see it coming. But you have many lapses and made many reckless judgment calls.

'That for your own headache. I had killed the enemies. If you don't like it. Go fuck yourself.'

>>…. Speechless.

Emma accepted Betty from the masked man, carrying her in princess style, walking out of the building. Outside the building. A car was already waiting.

It shocked everyone in the vicinity when they saw some masked men coming out from the Viper gang's building after the enormous rain of bullets coming from the building.

The people murmured and whispered among themselves. But Emma and the others didn't bother with them.

Emma entered the awaiting car. While the other masked men disappeared along the street quickly. Nobody dares to stop them or question them. Without telling.

They knew.. Anyone that could walk into the viper gang and come out alive is not an ordinary person.

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