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I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.


Emma looked at his stat and smile briefly. Fusion energy and the punch skills stupefied him. Especially the reactor energy. If the government or any powerful organization knew, he had this type of knowledge. They won't hesitate to turn him into a lab rat. He controlled his erratic breathing.

'How do I how to learn this.' Emma asked.


>>Host need to say the word 'Learn'


>>Do you want to learn Tri-Ionization plasmatic fusion energy? Yes/ No.


Instantly, a stream of knowledge rushed into Emma's brain. Emma held his head in pain and close his eyes. He felt thousands of ants were biting his brain. He gnashed his teeth and endure the pain. After a minute, the pain subdued. Emma breathes a sigh of relief, opening his eyes.

>>You just need to think about it.

Emma nodded.

Immediately, Emma thought about the fusion energy. It appeared in his mind like an open book. The knowledge and component flabbergasted him in creating the reactor energy.

What! His mouth widened, forming '0'

How could this be?!

>>Yeah, I know, I know. Previously, I told you, you're frog at the bottom of the well. You think I'm proud. Your technology is still at the infant level. You're just learning how to crawl.

Emma nodded subconsciously. After a few seconds, he regained his composure. "We are doing many things wrong."

>>That had to be expected. This knowledge you have now. Your world will eventually attain it one day. But it may never be in this century or millennium. However, you're ushering the era into a new age.

'I hope that a good thing.' Emma thought.

'Lily, this only contains the knowledge of the low-level stage. I presume that after I'm proficient in a low-level stage that when I can learn the medium level, hmm?'

>>Yeah. You're using your head just like me. You're not asking stupid questions anymore.

Emma rolled his eyes and wanted to puke out blood. 'You're a system. You don't have head! Why must you brag about what you don't have!'

>>Shuss! What do you know? My process capability, my core, is my head. Tsk! Tsk!

Emma shook his head and ignore Lily.



>>Do you want to learn Heavenly Stone Punch? Yes/No.


Emma experience pain, but it was not up to the pain he had when he learned Tri-Ionization plasmatic fusion energy. After a few seconds, he recovered from the pain. He checked the heavenly punch skill, and he discovered the difficulty was over the roof. He sighed.

Nothing comes easy.

Meanwhile, Zeus had been calling Emma right from the moment he sat down on the chair. But Emma had been busy with the system.

[[Master, are you okay!]] Zeus's monotone voice echoed through the speakers.


Emma woke up from his trance. He blinked his eyes. 'I guess I forget about Zeus.'

"Yeah, I'm ok. What going on?"

[[I've been calling you for the past 2 minutes but you failed to respond.]]

"Oh, I'm lost in my thought. Don't worry about it."


>>Your Ai is quite cute.

Emma ignored Lily. "Zeus, update."

[[Master, Amanda had already gotten the office running. She had tried to get in touch with you, but you're not available. She worried about you.]]

"Oh! I see. What about Terra World?"

[[The network lags. We need to upgrade to a new server and upgrade Terra World.]]

"What about the transaction?"

[[Not effective anymore. User convert their coins into physical money.]]

Emma raised his brow in thought. Ta, Ta, Ta. The tapping echoed in the silent room.

"How is the new server we acquired.?"

[[Working perfectly. Those people sent to find the location of the server farm had been taken care of.]]

"Good. Began the deployment of the Terra World."

[[Deploying Terra World. 30 minutes to complete.]]

'I need people to depend on Terra World,' Emma thought, squinting his gaze.

"Show me the major infographic, what people buy and what people need. And where they got them"

Instantly, the large screen changed, showing the infographic of demand and supply in vulture city. Emma studied the infographic for a few minutes.

"Zeus, note the major company that controls the economy of vulture city. We need to create our own network. So, start planning. But now we need to acquire a mall. Get me a mall that we can easily acquire"

>>Why do you need a mall?

'To control people's needs. I need to control what they eat, drink and wear.'

[[Search complete. 1 founded. Magnode mall is a family business that is in the brink of bankruptcy.]]

"Good. Get me, Amanda."

[[On it.]]

Inside a luxurious office, a pretty young lady working on a file had her phone suddenly rang. She looked at her phone and instantly, her eyes widened. Quickly, she picked the call.

"Hey, I have been trying to get in touch with you." Amanda cocked her head left and rolled her eyes to the right corner of the ceiling.

"I know. But I was busy with something important. That's why you can't get in touch. How's everything?" Emma asked casually.

"Good. Everything works perfectly. But I need the app for the next step." She smiled and tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"Began the promotion. We will unveil the app in three days." Emma jutted his chin.

"Really!" Amanda gave a toothy smile.

"Yeah. But I want you to acquire the Magnode mall by tomorrow."


"Why!" Amanda screwed up her face.

"Nothing. Just buy it. I will transfer the money to you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know"

Amanda was puzzled but nodded. "Ok"

After the call ended, Emma lost in thought. Suddenly, he jotted from his thought by Zeus's call.

[[Master, a group of men are visiting this location. Yesterday, it was a different group. According to their body language. They're waiting for people.]]

"Oh! Really! Get me clearer footage"

Instantly, the video feed on the big screen improved. Emma watched the video feed in puzzlement.

>> Do you want to go or not?

'I would like to know what this is all about. Why they parade around the building.'

"Zeus, get me the previous five men and monitor that building. And get me my gear. Let us check what hides in that building"



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