Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 49 - UAV - Unknown Lifeform Discovered

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The gate automatically opened for the young man. This young man was Emma. 'This is 100 times better than the noisy city. I can never get enough of this environment.'

"How is the security detail of this place?" Emma asked, not stopping.

[[Everything is the highest security. I assign a drone to patrol for any anomalies. If found, I will invoke protocol 465P6]]

Emma nodded. 

>>Why don't you move your base here.

'I will surely, but not yet.'

>>Why not? Lily asked in puzzled. 

'When I'm ready to come to open. I must have Vulture in my palm. Besides, I must have sufficient backup.'

>>Oh! Nice, you're not as reckless as I thought.

Emma rolled his eyes. 'You asked me to move my base here. I never said I wanted to move here in the first place.' He grumbled.

>>Shus! That was just a test.

Emma ignored Lily. Emma entered the factory without undergoing any security check. Zeus did everything. Inside the facility, there was a lot of open space with various machines installed on the lower floor. Emma stood on the top floor and looked at the machine and was pleased with what he sees.

Without further ado, Emma went to the controlled room. He sat in front of a computer and began to input a set of instructions on the computer. A few minutes later, he was done.

Emma left went back to where he could watch the assembly of the UAV. Emma looked at how the various machine carries out the instructions efficiently. The quiet facility only had the sound of various machines performing their work.

>>Why don't you use the sensors you create on this drone.

'I can't. No company could do such in Vulture. I will have to leave Vulture City to make those sensors.'

>>Can't you order it?

'No. Anything related to tech is strictly controlled. Besides, I can't expose my invention to the public. That's why I didn't buy a complete UAV. Thus, I could easily make changes to this UAV when I get those sensors.

>>Oh. What a meticulous plan. You rush the making of these UAVs because of your new company.

'Yea, according to Zeus calculation. The company would encounter 40% of physical threats. 30% of cyber attacks, and 30% of normal users. So, I can't use the normal drones anymore. Terra World members may be too late when the company is under attack. Thus, this armed UAV is needed.'

>> You've done your assignment. No one follows this Mama that won't be smart. However, there is a problem you have overlook…

'Which is?' Emma raised his brow in a puzzle.

>>When this UAV begins its operation. What would you do to cover their track? People will quickly detect that you're using airstrike to attack. I know your surveillance drone eludes their eyes because it makes no harm. But with these big guns… You should be prepared.

'Everything is under control. I'm already prepared for the exposure of this UAV. They are untraceable. If the UAV is under cyber-attack, a self-destroying mechanism. I installed it into them.

Every UAV needs a security check every 5 seconds. So, if they failed to undergo this check, it will trigger the mechanisms. Emma paused and looked at the completed UAV below with a smile.

'While also, if it under physical attack, the new identification algorithm already will identify the attack instantly and Zeus will eliminate the target immediately. While a strict search will be conducted and eliminating every person related to the attack. So, what do you think…?'

>>Though it is not 100 percent secure. It's good to be cautious. Besides, those people will not expect this kind of assault.

Beep! Beep!

[[Master, all the UAV is successfully assembled.]]

"How many are ready for launch right now."

[[10. While there are 5 for stand by.]]

"Good. Begin the launch." Emma commanded.

[[Yes, sir.]]

The roof opened and cool evening weather became obvious. The rustling of wind rushed into the facility. At once, the UAV rose one after the other. After a few minutes, all the UAVs had already left the facility. The roof close and everything returned to normal while the machines became dormant.

'That when well.'


Emma looked at the video feed coming from all the UAVs. The image quality was better than the normal drones. Also, all the subtle details missed by the previous drone were captured by them. 

"What's their altitude?"

[[3,000 meters.]]

"Any problem?"


[[UAV are going for performance check. Need confirmation.]]



[Hidden Mission completed.]

[Objective: Take the first step to have a considerate military power.]

[Reward: 20 Exp]

'There are many things the system hides from me.' Emma shook his head.


>>Of course. You're too weak to learn all the secrets for now. Focus on yourself and try to become stronger quickly. In time, everything will be obvious to the host. 

'I'm not in a rush.'

Emma left the control and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower while he continues to hum an indistinct melody. 

[[Unknown life form detected. Master attention urgently in the control room.]] Zeus's monotone voice came from the ceiling. 


Emma rushed to the control room, cold water dripping from his head. He cared not. He focused all his attention on the big screen. Emma looked at the big in a daze for a few seconds. His brain was short-circuited.

He couldn't process what he was seeing on the screen. He moved subconsciously toward the big screen to get a closer feel toward what's on the screen.

Unknown to him, his jaw had dropped.

[[Master, please evaluated the life form.]]

Hearing Zeus, Emma woke up from his stupor.


"Humm!" 'Why can't everything go according to a playscript. While I detect when I lunch my UAVs.'

Emma was short of words. He took a deep to regain his composure. He looked at the feed again with a calm mind.

"Search for this type of beast online," Emma commanded. 

[[Already done so. But nothing found.]]

"What do you mean nothing found?]]

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