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[First, I need you to be in good condition. All this stupid excess fat in your body should be chop off. Second, you need a crash course on your education. We need to develop your slow-witted brain into full capacity.]

Hearing this dammed thing calling him slow-witted brain left a sour taste on Emma's mouth. However, he kept quiet and swallow everything. Taking a deep breath.

"How do I remove all the excess fat," Emma asked.

[Before we start, we must lay some ground rules.]

"Since you're bounded with me, we are now one. So, why the ground rules?"

[I know. Don't remind me of how unlucky I am to be bounded with you. You are lazy by the fact of your brain cells. So, if you want my help. We need some ground rules. Don't worry, it is not something bad. I can't do something bad to you when we're almost one now.]

Listening to the response, Emma breathe a sigh of relief. "Ok, what are the rules. I also had some rules to add."

[tic-tic. What right do you have to add some ground rules?]

Emma stumped his foot. "I may be useless. But if not for me, you will be gone by now. Don't push your luck too much. You're just an Ai. If you push me too much, I don't mind removing you from my brain. Though, it may affect my life. I won't mind. I'm already useless. So if I add that one to the list. It won't be a problem"

Emma paused. "Moreover, you're using my body for free. Shouldn't you contribute to my wellbeing? Why all the negative words? If you can't accept me and assist me has who I am. Please, you are free to leave." Emma finished his monologue.

[ .... ]

After a few seconds, [Sorry if I hurt your feeling. I won't go overboard again.]

The sudden apology surprised Emma. Though he had vented his frustration. He didn't expect the supposed Ai to apologize.

"Apology accepted. Let move on to the rules."

[Ok. State your rules.]

"First, you must not harm me in any way. Second, you must help me to reach the peak of this world and beyond. Third, you must not hide something from me."

[I accept everything you say. Though if you didn't ask. I would assist you in reaching the peak.]

"Good" Emma smiled. "Now your turn"

[You must not be lazy. You must always consider my opinion when the time comes. And lastly, when the time comes that I need your help, I want you to try your best in doing it.]

"I promised to fulfill all" Emma righteously answered, slamming his chest gently.


"What your name," Emma asked abruptly.


"I asked what is your name. Don't tell me you don't have a name."



"Since I don't know maybe you're male or female. I will stick with a female. Lily."

[Lily….. flowers]

"Yep. I may be useless. But I heard the name Lily is a good name. It symbolized many things. But for us, it means a new beginning. Do you like it?"


After a few seconds, [Thank you. I love it.]

"Good. What is the plan for tomorrow, I'm tired I need to sleep?"

[Lazy bones. I will wake you up early the first thing to start your morning routine]

Emma widening his eyes. He opened his mouth but was interrupted by Lily.

[Don't talk. Sleep. You shall begin your training tomorrow.]

Emma gulped and lay on the wooden bed dejectedly. He was busy causing Lily with every foul word he knew.

Early the morning, the first ray of light illuminated through the crack of the wall and window. Emma was busy snoring. He had forgotten all the hearsay about the neighborhood he was staying in.

[Wakie Wakie, Wakie Wakie.] Lily yelled.

Emma's eyes twitched. The yell coming from his brain disturbed his pleasant sleep. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes. He sat by the edge of the wooden bed and rub off his eyes.

[Get your ass off and begin the morning run.] Lily commanded.

Emma grumbled. He stood up reluctantly and moved all the debris he parked at the entrance the previous night. Everywhere was quiet, and the weather was still cold from the morning dew.

[Start from your east. Go, Go, Go.]

With his excess fat, Emma began the journey of a thousand miles. With this step, everything about Emma's life was about to change. The world is peaceful now but they don't know the birth of a Dragon had begun.

After running for ten minutes, Emma was panting. His body was drenched in sweats. He sat down on the floor, looking at the morning sky.

[Get your ass off. Is this the way for you to start a new beginning] Lily scolded?

"Lily, I'm tired. Don't you know how far I have already run?" Emma complained.

[if you can't leave your comfort zone. How can you reach the top? Where is your determination? Where is your perseverance?]

Hearing Lily's word, Emma stood up reluctantly and continue his morning run. Every step he took was like a mountain weighing down on him. But with Lily's encouragement. He continued to persevere.

[Good! Let return home.]

"That's not my home." Emma rebuked.

[Ok, Where then?] Lily asked sarcastically.

Emma: "…"

[With your lazy attitude, I'll find it surprising if you have a home.]

[As from now on that would be our home.]

[Now do you want to continue or do you want to return home.]

Emma did not utter a word. He dragged his tired body and began a light jog home. Getting home, Emma wanted to rest on the bed but was stop by Lily. Emma began another routine of exercise. In the end, Emma had to beg Lily before she released him from his exercise.

Emma dragged his exhausted body to the wooden bed. The moment his head touched the wooden bed. Emma dozed off.

[You're not totally hopeless as I thought. Since I can't return anymore. My home shall be with you from now on…. Lily…...Let see what the future hold for both of us.]

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