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After a couple of minutes, the IT teams finished investigating the message, discovering nothing about the message. Since nothing's wrong with the message, they decided to check out the content. Opening the messages, a video welcomes them. They looked at the video with a blank expression. Though the question was still ringing in their mind. Why would they send the video to them?

However, what they discover made them widen their eyes and his video continue, their jaw dropped. They looked at the surrounding people, not knowing what to say.

"What is that!" Happy House shouted at her mansion.

"Do you see that!" Vulture asked the young man beside him. The young man couldn't tear his eyes from the laptop but nodded.

"Is this a kind of trick" Havid questioned, doubting what he was seeing. He looked at the three middle-aged people around him watching the video. Two men and one woman. They shook their head, not sure of what they saw. Though they were outrightly shocked.

Without further ado, Havid picked his phone and called a number. After a few rings, the phone was answered and a shout came from the other end.

"Do you receive the video?" A husky voice asked, trembling.

"Yes. I received it a couple of minutes ago. What do you think about it?" Havid asked with a calm voice.

"What do you mean, what I think? Don't you see those scary monsters…! I have never seen something like that in my…. life!"

"I don't care whether or not you see it in your life. I mean, do you believe it." Havid raised his voice by an octave.

"I don't know… But that can't be fake… It's too real to be fake..."

Havid snorted. "Don't believe everything you see—"

Beep! Beep!

Havid paused and checked his phone screen and saw a new caller. "Vulture, Happy House is calling. Let me link the call." He informed 

"Good…. Good. Let hear what she thought on the issue."

Havid did not waste a second before linking the calls together, and the first thing that echoed from the phone speaker was the loud yell of Happy House. "Havid! Do you receive that scary video!"

Havid shook his head and sighed. 'Why are both of them behaving like a kid? I can see why they don't get along with each other.' He thought.

"Yes. I received it. Moreover, Vulture is on the line. We can all both discuss what is our thought on the video." He replied calmly.

"Oh! That stupid man received the video—"

"Who the fuck are you to call me stupid man!" Vulture berated.

"My God! Will you stop these shenanigans? We have a pressing matter on our plate. Can't you both use your brain for once?" Havid screamed, shocking both Happy House and Vulture. They never saw Havid losing his temper like this.

The call remained in absolute silence for a couple of seconds before Vulture broke the silence. "What is the reason for not believing the video?"

"Did Havid question the credibility of the video?" Happy House questioned with a mild tone.

"Yes. How true can it be? Many things are happening in Vulture currently. Who knows?" Havid replied casually.

"You're right. I'm quite shocked when I discover the changes in Vulture. However, we can't neglect the fact that this may be true." Happy House added.

"I'm not ruling out the fact that it may be true. I just want us to take caution. If one of us goes down. Then, we others won't last long." Havid explained his point.

With that, the phones descended into another state of serenity. "I have asked my IT teams to check if this video was edited or created. Unfortunately, it was not. So that leaves us with one option. The video is real." Vulture dropped the bombshell.

"My teams have also confirmed the authenticity of the video. So, what are we going to do?" Happy Housed asked nervously.

"I suggest we wait," Havid replied flatly.


"Do you know that those beasts are dangerous? If they enter the city. Do you know how much havoc they are going to cause? I suggest we do something. If the video now came out false. We lose nothing." Vulture added.

"I agree with both of you…." Happy House paused, taking a deep breath. "But I agree with Havid. We need to take caution. If the situation as the video proclaimed. It won't be too late to send our men to defend the people."

"You're right. That my thought. Let play the game, wait and see, but ready our men for action." Havid said with a creeping smile on his face.

Vulture was furious and yelled. "You two! Why are you so heartless? You want to use the lives of a couple of people to play the game, wait and see because of your selfish interest. I'm ashamed of you both…" He hung up the phone while he threw the phone on the wall, shattering it into pieces.

Meanwhile, Havid and Happy House continue the conversation as if nothing happened. "I believe you don't want t to lose your men if these terrifying beasts are true, right?" Happy House chuckled.

"Yes. Our men are what keep us safe in this dangerous area. And we have spent a lot of resources on them to die a meaningless death. Let see how the victim reacted. Then we can meticulously plan our next cause of action. Don't you agree?"

"You're such a devil, but I agree"

After a couple of minutes, Emma watched Vulture's live feed, and he did not discover the movement of the three organizations. He raised his brows. 'Don't tell me these selfish people will not do something about it.' He thought.

Meanwhile, Kpriv had entered the settlement at the border of the city, and they began their slaughter. Watching the slaughtering make, Emma trembled. He gnashed his teeth, frustrated.

"I will make them pay." He murmured.

People's cries echoed in the room, while the people were running for their lives from the strange monster from hell. Some with weapons tried to kill the monster. However, to their dismay, the monster blurred in their eyes, and before they knew what was happening. Their head is out of their neck. The gore scene made Emma hate the three organizations to his bone.

>>Relax, you can't save everyone.

'I'm not trying to save everyone. But these people pay tax to this organization, at least they should make some movement. Or perhaps pretend to.'

'And do you know what fear me most is…. If these monsters discovered no obstacle in their slaughter. They will come back in a large multitude. Then, things will go out of control'

>>You're probably right again. Beast won't leave the green pasture they've discovered willingly. They will venture to conquer it…. So what are you going to do?

'Nothing… I don't have men assembled in place to fight these monsters. I can only prepare for their next visit' He slummed on his chair, tired.

Meanwhile, on the huge screen, the total number of deaths kept increasing every second while he looked at the scene with a blank expression on his face. After a few minutes of watching the killing of people, he raised his brow. "Zeus, did you detect a pattern in the killing pattern of the Kpriv?"


[[The Kpriv are all the major organs of the human body. Most especially the brain and the heart.]]

Zeus magnify a particular feed, displaying where the 1-star Kpriv had many dead bodies surrounding it. But was different against these bodies were their brain had been sucked, leaving around their head. Watching this, Emma took a deep breath.

"They are not just feasting. They are targeting the unique part of the human being." He murmured. 

The more he watched the live feed, the more he got confused. 'This is not just a random killing. This beast shows a bit of intelligence.' He shuddered at that thought. If the beast got intelligence. Then, they are in serious trouble.

"I need to do something," Emma whispered subconsciously. Unknown to him, since the appearance of the Kpriv, he had been talking to himself much more than his previous self. Lily noticed this strange behavior. But she chooses to remain silent. 'Let see how he handle the situations. I hope he will overcome this storm. His growth will be exponential' 

"Zeus, search the Kpriv if our weapon injured them."


[[Search complete. Three of the Kpriv had scrap injuries on their body. Cause of injury was from a 9mm pistol]]

Hearing this, Emma breathes a sigh of relief. At least our weapon is not useless against them. "What is the probability if we use our heavy caliber weapon"

[[Using heavy-caliber against the normal Kpriv had the probability 50% percent of killing them while using the same weapon for 1-star Kpriv had 20% of success.]]


[[Yes, sir. In my calculation, the speed by which the Kpriv travel will make most of the bullets miss their target. And base on their body structure, a single bullet will not take them down. We need continuous penetration. Also, we don't know if the Kpriv has a weapon of attack or defense mechanism. All these unknown variable makes it difficult to produce the right calculations.]]



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