"Zeus, how many knights have been contracted?"

[[All the A category has been contracted. While the B and C category had 30% contracted while D is 5% contracted. Others are yet to be contracted.]]

"Hmm…" He twisted his lips, thinking. "Start the deployment of the Eagle eyes. Besides, how many Eyes do we need?"

[[Eagle Eyes deployment is on deployment already. We need 3000 Eyes to cover Vulture. And we already shipped all 3000 out.]]

(A/N => Eagle Eyes derived from Paralaz sensors. A mini version of Paralaz sensors and could cover a distance of 1km with a depth of 100 meters. It could detect any radio signal, tap into, and sniff data. Both its motions and thermal sensitivity could see through 1-meter walls like a 3D image. Also, the Eagle)

>>Is this not too much?

'Too much…' Emma shook his head. 'This is preparing for the worst. Things are not quiet as it seems on the surface. For Havid to hide under my nose for a couple of months without me knowing. Then…. 3000 is just fine. Besides, who knows what would happen in the next couple of months.'

>>What about their privacy? Then nothing is hidden from when you complete the deployment of those fucking eyes of yours.

'Relax. I don't joke about people's privacy. We encrypt all data captured by the Eagles Eyes with AES, Triple DES, and 132-bit Relay Die—'

>>What!… You included the 132-bit Relay Die encryption.

'Yeah.' He shrugged. 'I finished the encryption a day ago. Since you decided to hibernate for whatever reason. I guess that is why you don't see me creating it.'

>>Yeah…. I… I guess I missed that….

'What wrong…?' He furrowed.

>>Nothing, it just surprises….. forget about it

How the hell did he create 132-bit Relay Die encryption…. No, it is impossible… That kind of encryption is yet to appear in this small world… But where did he get the idea… Wait! Lily was lost.

Emma didn't bother to press for an answer. 'So, with the 3 encryptions. No one can sniff into people's privacy. Only Zeus could decrypt this data. And he could only decrypt the data when a specific flag had been raised from the Eyes.'

>>I see…. The security you put in place is goddam tight. 132-bit Relay Die is enough for the data security. But I guess you have your reason for you those additional encryptions.

'They are bait.'


[[Sir, all UAVs had been armed and deployed. Vulture air space is under control]]

"Good!" He nodded, smiling slightly. 

[[Sir, the netizen are demanding the God's App to show the Kpriv incident. Since he claimed he knew everything going on, vulture. So he knew about the attack.]]

"Who is behind this?"

[[Some are normal inquisitive citizens while the local gangs paid others under the jurisdiction of Happy House and Havid organizations.]]

"Ignore the normal citizen while you should flag those that were paid. Deal with them and make sure they're scared of the internet"

[[What about the people behind them?]]

"We leave them for now."

[[Sir, Miss Amanda is calling you.]]

[[The Havid and Happy House have taken their first. They are currently in Miss Amanda's office, demanding her to provide an answer for the recent attack. They are trying to put on the blame on God's App…]]

[[Sir, pressed are gathering in front of CommandIntel]]

"You want to play… I play." Emma had a cruel smile on his face. "Connect the call"

Instantly, as the call connected, Amanda's panicked voice echoed on the comms. "Emma, did you want to kill me? I have been calling… can't you answer the call at the first ring…" she complained.

Emma smiled wryly and shook his head when he heard her complain. "Sorry. I'm kinda busy right here."

"Every time I call you… You're always busy. What the hell are you doing. I'm the one facing the burn of your company, not you."

"Sorry… Sorry. I will answer your call on the first ring next time. So, I believe you call not to nag because I didn't answer your call on time. Right?" He sighed. 'Ah… I can't deal with this nagging. My head is already hurting from the short nags. I will have to tell Zeus to notify me when she calls next. I must answer the call on the first ring. Can't endure the continuous torture of her nagging.'

"Every time you're always sorry. It is quite easy for you to say sorry. But you won't change that habit of yours." Amanda continued. 

Hearing Amanda's continuous nagging, Emma wanted to destroy the comms and be free of her nagging. However, he took a deep breath and rub his temple, not knowing what to say. 'Can I end the call…'

>>Ops… You met your match. Ha. Ha. Ha. You've been getting cocky for the past weeks. Now, I know your nemesis. Hahaha.

'Fuck! Will you keep quiet?'

>>If I don't keep quiet what will you do….Smash your head… Hmm.


'Please… keep quiet.'

>>Ha. That more like it. Now, it is my turn to get back to you….

"Are you not going to talk or what!" Amanda's voice raised another octave.

'This torture to my brain. I better solve and unending equations than face this again. Or else I will die.' He complained.

"What do you want me to say? I said sorry, but you won't accept my apology. Then, there is nothing for me to say…" Emma raised his voice and was getting furious with the continuous complaints. 

Noticing the change in Emma's tone, Amanda paused for seconds and said. "I'll accept your apology for now. But next time, don't think about getting scot-free like this. You must learn how to treat a lady very well." She pouted.

"So…. Why did you call me?" He went straight to the point. 

"There are people demanding the App to give them answered for the recent attack on District 18. And I have already told them we have nothing to do with it. But they insisted. And if we don't provide answered we have to close our office in Vulture."

"Ignored them and release a press statement. The God's App is still working on the event, and every finding will be released to the public in one month's time."

Amanda was quiet for a few seconds and said. "What if they wanted to close the office? Everyone is scared right now. You should know these are the most powerful people in Vulture. Things are not simple as it seems."

"If they wanted to close the office… Tell them to try."

"Really…?" Her eyes widened at Emma's confidence. 'Is this confidence or stupidity?' 

"If you let every small thing get you agitated and couldn't control the situation professionally. Then your authority will be questioned. And if your authority is being questioned, you know what that means….."

"…" Amanda was speechless.

"Your behavior gave these people the authority to come into the office and boss you around. Get the situation under control and behave like the boss of the office, not some inexperienced lady." Emma lectured. 

"I—I'm trying…."

>>Relax, give are a breathing space…. She trying. What do you expect her to do under such pressure?

'Take control of the situation.' Emma snapped. 'If she couldn't withstand such pressure, then what should he do. What if the organization grows out of Vulture… Would I need to employ another person? And that won't happen… We are in this together.' He thought.

"I know you're trying, but I made you the leader of the office. Whatever decision you make, I support you. In Vulture… I fear no one. So, relax and take charge of the situation." Emma paused for a few seconds and asked with authority. "Can you do that?"

"Y-yes… Yes. I can do that." Amanda's heart raced. She had never witnessed this side of Emma before. And it stupefied her. The confidence and authority in Emma's voice made her wonder what kind of transformation did the previous Emma, the Fatty, she knew undergoes for this kind of enormous change?

"Good!" Emma nodded, not knowing what was going on in Amanda's mind. And if he knew, he would have laughed.

"Ok… I'll talk to you later." Amanda hung up the call while the shock had yet to disappear from her face. "He feared no one in vulture." She murmured, not understanding what was going with Emma. "Things are getting more complicated… Sighed." After taking a deep breath, she left her office. 'Now, let send those assholes parking.' 

Meanwhile, Emma took a deep breath when the call end. The short conversation had taken a toll on his mental strength. He rubbed his temple and glance over and saw the ongoing implanted, exhaling.

"What's going in the office?"

[[Miss Amanda has sent the two organizations out of the office. Though she was nervous, she did it. Now, she is preparing for the press conference.]]

"Good!" He nodded, leaving the top floor. "How's the ammunition process going?"

[[Pat has sent the ammunition through the express train. It will be delivered tonight.]]

"Get me the five men." Entering his car. "And what's their category again."

[[3 is in B category while remaining are in C category.]]

"Have they been contracted?"




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