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Vulture was not surprised by Wilson's attitude. However, the two besides him had their eyes widened. They turned their head and looked at Vulture only to see Vulture shrugged, avoiding their gaze. 'Deal with it.' Seeing this, the two rolled their eyes. They wanted nothing to beat the hell out of this unreliable old man.

As a shrew business magnate, the two quickly recover from their shock while they add more smiles to their face. Clearing his throat. Havid which was the second elderly man look at Wilson. "Sorry for our rude behavior. We didn't expect such nasty traffic on our way."

"You better be. This will be your last chance if you want to hold that puny position of yours."

Havid shook his head and didn't dare to refute. He had already expected such from the PAR. Happy House however was frightened. This was her first time seeing PAR personnel. Witnessing their behavior, she knew her naïve thinking was just child play. This person took them for nothing.

"Vulture said you know better than him on what was going on in this city." Wilson looked at Havid.

"Quite not. Three of us are partners, having hold different district—"

"I get it. Go straight to the point."

"Before the attack, the various undercurrent was already happening in Vulture. That three of us tried to eradicate but the power was too deep in vulture than what we imagine." Happy House added. She looked at Wilson expecting some comment but the latter kept quiet. With that, she continued. "Some minute before the attack. We receive an anonymous video clip, showing some bizarre beast—"

"Can I see those clip" Wilson interrupt? 

At once, Vulture gave the already prepared device to Wilson. Accepting the device, Wilson checked the video clip without any expression on his face. After a few seconds, Wilson looked at the three. "Do you find the source of this clip? Besides, have you seen this kind of beast in Vulture or surroundings?"

The three shook their head. 

"So you don't have any lead where this clip came from. Also, you don't know where this beast came from." Wilson's voice raised another octave. 'How can these people be so useless. Sigh. I thought I could solve this quickly but I guess not.'

"We have a lead, sir," Havid announced. 


"Yes. There is a new company in Vulture that boasted about their unrivaled intelligence-gathering app. They call this App, Gods' App."

"Really! God's App" Wilson raised his brow. "What is the name of the company?"

"CommandIntel. This company shoots to fame in a matter of weeks. Almost all Vulture citizens use this app" Havid added with an evil smile.

"So, you believe this company has something to do with this video."

Havid nodded. "We don't know where they get all the source of their intel. Also, we think all the undercurrent and the recent killing have something to do with them."


"The CEO of CommandIntel release a statement on a press conference, saying she will release details of the cause of massacre in District 18 after three months. With this, we believe they have something to do with this attack or rather they were aware of the attack beforehand." Havid concluded. 

"I see"

Emma's eyelid trembled slightly. A second later, it opened slowly, showing the unfocused pupil. He blinked his eyes, adjusting to the reflection of lights entering his eyes. It took him a full minute to get accustomed to the light before looking at his surroundings. Emma tried to stand up but found out that all his body was in pain. At once the cruise of what happened previously dawn on him. 

He looked at his left arm that neatly wrapped while his chest was also wrapped like dumplings. Seeing this, Emma took a deep sigh. 'That was closed.' Still in his thought, a notification rang in his head.


[Hidden Mission Completed.]

[Objective: Stop the inversion of the Kpriv attack]

[Reward: 1: You level up x2. You received a body nourishing pill. 3. You received; 10 Stat Point]

[Stat Point: 16]

[Level: 8]

[230/800 Exp]

[Skill level up: Heavenly stone punch=> 2/9 (+1)]


>>The nourishing pill is in your temporary inventory. You take it anytime you want. But I suggest you take it now.

Emma looked at the notification with a conflict expression. 'Did the system know about the incoming Kpriv attack? Why did they prepare it as a mission.' He pondered for some time. Later, he found the thought not going anywhere. So he abandoned the thought and focus on his reward.

'So, I level twice and I received 10 stat points. Huh… and my punch also levels up. It is true, only in the face of danger can true potential be displayed. A life and death battle of half an hour equate my training of a week or more.'

[[Master you awake!]] Zeus's monotone voice had a hint of happiness. 

Jotted by Zeus's call. Emma woke up from his thought, looked up, and smiled. "Yes, I'm awake….. It's good to hear your voice. How long am I out?"

[[28 hours.]]

Hmm. 'I was unconscious for more than 1 day. I guess it was due to my increase in endurance was I able to stay alive.'

[[I was scared by the last fight and your grievous injury. But your stable breathing gives us hope that you will be fine.]]

Emma chucked hearing Zeus's words. "I'm all right now. Isn't it?"

[[Yes. But you need to stay in bed for a week for you to resume your peak condition.]]

'I guess.'


[New mission]

[Objective: Explore the hideout of the Kpriv and destroy the spatial tunnel.]

[Mission begins now. You have 1 hour to enter the spatial before it becomes unstable]

[Penalty: Hidden]

[Reward: Hidden]


Seeing the new notification pop up. Emma subconsciously shouted, forgetting where he was. 

[[Master what happened.]] 

Hearing Zeus' concern, Emma realized his blunder. He shook his head and smile. "Nothing happens. I just remember something." 'Do you want to kill me!' He wanted to cry but he doesn't have the strength to cry. 'How am I going to complete the mission in my condition.

"Zeus, gather the remaining knights that fought the Kpriv." 

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