Time passed quickly. While Roy and Lucy were bickering, Natsu had already brought Makao back to the guild.

Makao was a middle-aged man with a purple crew cut and untidy beard.

At this moment, he was supported by Natsu and limped into the guild.

His body was covered with bandages and his face was covered with scars, and it seemed that his injuries were serious. It seemed that he had experienced a hard battle in the missions in the past few days!

However, he seemed to be in good spirits, so after the initial concern of the members of the guild, they began to ridicule him unscrupulously.

"What? Makao, it's just a mission to defeat a Vulcan with only B-rank strength. This kind of mission can make you look so miserable. I think you should just retire!"

"I think this guy Macao must have been bewitched by the beautiful young lady during this period, that's why he is so vulnerable!

"Hahahaha, what you said makes sense!"


Seeing the miserable state of Macao being wrapped up like a dumpling, Macao's usual bad friends, led by Wakaba, immediately started to mock him.

Among them, Wakaba, the airplane head, was the loudest.

When Macao was in danger, Wakaba was worried to death. But after Macao was fine, he wished he would die.

Perhaps, this is what bad friends are!

Listening to their ridicule and slander, Macao's face instantly turned red, and he shouted angrily:

"You know shit, I just ran into a group of Vulcans. I defeated a total of nineteen Vulcans, and was ambushed by the twentieth one, otherwise I would not have ended up in this miserable state."What

Macao said was indeed the truth, so his rational and confident look made his friends who were mocking him hesitate.

This guy, what he said couldn't be true, right?

Nineteen Vulcans! To defeat such a large number of Vulcans, doesn't it mean that Macao's strength is close to S-level?

If it was true, wouldn't Macao have gotten the limelight today?

Seeing that Macao was about to succeed in pretending to be awesome, Wakaba was unhappy. He resolutely used his ultimate move and used the self-destruction method.

"Come on! Don’t I know your strength? You’re at the same level as me at best.

That’s it? You can knock down nineteen Valkens? I can’t do it anyway."

Although he felt that he could probably defeat nineteen Valkens if he tried his best, at this moment, in order to prevent Makao from showing off, Wappaka had already done everything he could.

He first brought Makao’s strength to the same level as his own, and then admitted that he couldn’t do it, and instantly belittled Makao.

After saying this, Wappaka looked at Makao very proudly, thinking, now you can’t continue to show off, can you?

However, Wappaka underestimated Makao’s tenacity.

In order not to lose face in front of everyone in the guild, and most importantly, not to be ridiculed by a guy like Wappaka, Makao blushed, veins on his forehead popped out, and argued

"If you can't do it, that's your business, don't involve me! I'm much stronger than you!"

Then there were some difficult to understand words, such as"You may think I'm bragging, but I want to say that people's strength is incomparable. I once killed a Valken in a second with a slide when I was extremely angry", and"When Valken pounced on me, I stepped back and the magic in my hand easily ripped it open." These words were incomprehensible to everyone.

Suddenly, Makao's words made people laugh, and the whole Fairy Tail hall was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Who would have thought that a small Fairy Tail would have two great talents, Wolong and Fengchu.

It is really a place of outstanding people and beautiful scenery!


The next day, Roy came to the guild to take on a mission to accumulate justice points and earn some money. He found Lucy hovering in front of the notice board, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, looking tangled.

""What's wrong? My lovely junior, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Roy walked up to her, patted her head, and said jokingly.

""Call me senior and I'll help you!"

Then, perhaps because he felt that the top of Lucy's head was quite comfortable and the height was just right, Roy placed his right hand on it and used Lucy as a crutch.

"With a"smack", Lucy slapped Roy's hand off her head and looked at him angrily.

"Don't take advantage of your height to put your hand on someone's head recklessly! Also, were you thinking of something unreasonable just now?"

Although she didn't know that Roy used her as a crutch, Lucy realized through her sensitive intuition that Roy must be thinking of something impolite.

"Ah! Don't worry about these details! Tell me what happened to you, and let the seniors give you some advice."

When questioned by Lucy, Roy didn't show any shame on his face, and changed the subject lightly.


PS: Thank you for the 1000 reward from Dark Ghost. Thank you very much. I will update later.

Also, regarding the water issue, it is too difficult for me.

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