Before the Wushuang Dragon Saber in Roy's hand landed on the spider monster's head, the extremely sharp blade energy had already cut its scalp.

Moreover, a huge blade-shaped shadow extended from the blade, covering the spider monster's entire body within the attack range.

The next moment, as if cutting tofu, the blade-shaped shadow easily tore the spider monster's hard shell from top to bottom.

In this process, Roy did not feel even a trace of obstruction, and it was smooth and silky.

Finally, Roy landed lightly on the ground. With a casual flick of his right hand holding the knife, the Wushuang Dragon Saber instantly shattered like glass, turning into pieces and disappearing into the air.

It was not until this time that the spider monster's face, which was still filled with fear, began to slowly crack.

Blood oozed from the face, initially just a thin line like a hair. As the opening grew larger, it suddenly gushed out from the cross section of the incision like a fountain.

Then, the huge body of the spider monster fell to the ground from left to right, causing the ground to vibrate slightly and a dull sound was heard.

With this knife, the spider monster was cut in half! Behind

Roy, seeing Roy so easily solve the spider monster that had just put her in a difficult battle, Erza's fair face was full of shock, and her mouth opened into a cute O shape.

Although the spider monster was not in its prime due to the lack of magic power at this moment, its physical strength was not reduced at all!

Erza, who took a lot of effort to cut off one of its legs, knew very well how strong the spider monster's body was.

The shell was definitely several times harder than steel, and it could not be easily broken by non-S-class wizards.

I didn't expect that the man in front of me could so easily split it in half!

Although his magic looked a little weird, his strength was really strong!

Erza sincerely admired the powerful strength shown by Roy.

This is definitely above the S-class strength, perhaps not much different from the ten holy wizards?

I wonder if he has joined the guild. If not, I must invite him to join Fairy Tail!

Thinking of this, Erza moved her long legs and walked towards Roy, who was standing there thinking about something after defeating the spider monster.

Erza is a typical action person! She does what she thinks!


Host: Roy

Current System Level: Primary (Unlocked Knight Tenfold Amplification)

Current Unlocked Knight: Ryuki (Dragon Rider)

Dragon Rider Justice Value Progress: 12% (Strength Bonus 12%)

Looking at the translucent panel in front of him that only he could see, Roy cast his eyes on the line of small words in the lower left corner of the panel.

【Kill an S-class monster that is about to be promoted, and you will be rewarded with 10% of the Justice Points.

Rescue a girl with the strength of an S-class wizard, and you will be rewarded with 2% of the Justice Points.%】

At this moment, Roy's attention was not on the 10% and 2% values, but on the S-class monsters and S-class wizards.

S-class monsters? S-class wizards?

They sound familiar! Have I traveled to some magical world?

Moreover, the girl with crimson hair also looks familiar. Is she a character from a certain anime?

Roy pinched his chin with his right hand and began to search through his memories, lost in thought.

He completely forgot that the girl was standing behind him. If she looked familiar, wouldn't it be faster to just ask her name? It wasn't until Erza's voice sounded behind him that Roy realized what was going on.

Turning around, Roy saw Erza standing in front of him a little stiffly.

""Um, sir, hello! My name is Erza Shukaletto, and I'm a wizard from Fairy Tail. What's your name?"

Before Roy could ask, Erza introduced herself.

She spoke softly, not at all like the generous and forthright person she was in the guild. It was really because Roy's outfit at the moment was too oppressive for her, and her body was a little weak from the toxin infection, so she couldn't recover for a while.

"Erza Shukaletto? Fairy Tail!"

When Roy heard the name, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and the memory of this name emerged.

Erza is a character from"Fairy Tail", a passionate boy's manga he had watched in his previous life, and one of the heroines.

Because it was a long time ago and he had not finished watching the anime, Roy could not remember the image of the characters, so he did not recognize Erza at first sight. Hearing Erza asking his name, Roy was about to answer.

At this time, Roy realized that he was still transformed into a dragon rider, and quickly canceled the transformation.

It was okay when he was fighting before, but now the battle was over, and it was a bit impolite to keep this appearance and talk to others.

Next In an instant, the armor dissipated like broken glass, and a tall and handsome young man appeared in front of Erza. The messy black hair did not look messy, but rather had a wild flavor.

The handsome face was as sharp as if it was cut by a knife and an axe. The deep starry eyes dotted under the slender sword eyebrows, adding a bit of coolness to him.

At this moment, the most handsome man she had ever seen appeared in front of Erza.

Even though Erza was not the kind of girl who became crazy when she saw a handsome guy, she blushed slightly at this moment because of Roy's handsomeness.

After all, no one can have a bad impression of a man who just saved them, who is extremely powerful and handsome, right?

"My name is Roy, nice to meet you, Erza."He said this in a clear and soft voice.

"Roy? What's your last name?"

"My name is Roy, my last name is Luo and my given name is Yi!"

"What a strange name!" Erza muttered in a low voice, then raised her head and looked into Roy's deep black eyes, and asked curiously:"So Roy, have you joined the Wizards Guild?"

There was expectation in her beautiful eyes, and Erza expected Roy to shake his head.

In this way, she could talk to Roy and ask him to join Fairy Tail.

As long as Roy joins Fairy Tail, the strength of Fairy Tail will be further improved, and Fiore's number one position will be more unbreakable.

Erza, known as the Fairy Queen and a member of the Fairy Tail Discipline Committee, is thinking about the guild she regards as her home!


PS: The author has not seen many Kamen Riders, so if there are any mistakes in the settings, please point them out, and don't criticize me too much.

If you have any knights you want to see, you can also put them forward in the comments section, and I will add them according to the plot. Thank you.

Also, the image of the protagonist is designed based on the image of the readers. Do you feel involved? (laughs)

Put a bowl and ask for flowers and comments.

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