"Trash, a bunch of trash! They couldn't even catch one person, and were beaten and disbanded! With this, you still dare to brag to me that you are the strongest guild in the Kingdom of Fiore? You are all trash!"

In a luxurious manor, a middle-aged man with short blond hair was furiously playing the role of a desk cleaning master, making a mess of the originally tidy desk and room.

Outside the door, two maids were shivering with their heads down, not daring to make any noise.

After being angry for a while, perhaps because he was tired, the blond middle-aged man sat down at the desk, picked up a pen, leaned over and wrote a letter


Magnolia, Fairy Tail.

After the Phantom was ordered to disband, Fairy Tail received a huge compensation, and the previous base had been destroyed by Gajeel and was completely uninhabitable.

So, Makarov, with a bulging wallet, immediately waved his hand and said that he would just raze the original guild and rebuild it.

The purpose is to expand the scale of the guild and add more guild facilities to make members feel more comfortable.

Therefore, all members did not go out to work these days, but stayed in Magnolia to contribute their own strength to the reconstruction of the guild.

Roy and Lucy did the same, working hard in the guild base in the hot summer.


After finishing a day of guild reconstruction work, Lucy happily walked beside Roy, and the two walked towards their shared home together. Although she was a little tired, Lucy felt very happy in her heart.

In the past seventeen years, she had never felt so fulfilled and happy.

She joined a very good guild and met many friendly companions...

More importantly, she met her seniors.

Looking up at Roy, Lucy had a smile on her face and was very satisfied.

Suddenly, seeing Roy's hands hanging naturally and swinging freely at his side when he walked, Lucy felt an impulse in her heart.

She wanted to hold his hand.

Then, she held his hand.

When Roy turned his head in surprise and looked over, Lucy pursed her pink lips, raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled like a flower, blooming the most beautiful light smile in the world.

Senior, it's great to know you!

In Roy's eyes, Lucy's beautiful eyes seemed to be able to speak, telling him such words.

His eyes softened, and he wrapped his hand around Lucy's white and delicate hand. Roy returned a gentle smile to Lucy.

Their eyes met, and a warm atmosphere filled the air between them.

Even without speaking, it was more than a thousand words.

Holding hands, Roy and Lucy returned home in the sunset.


When they arrived at the door of their house, Roy and Lucy were puzzled to find an unsigned envelope lying on the ground.

Who would send us a letter?

With doubts in mind, Lucy picked up the envelope and opened it.

When Lucy saw the contents of the envelope, the joy in her heart suddenly disappeared without a trace. The look on her face changed from confusion to shock, and then anger and sadness.

Then, she fell weakly into Roy's arms.

Seeing this, Roy hurriedly supported Lucy and asked with concern:"What's wrong, Lucy, what happened? Is there something bad in the letter?"

Lucy's face was pale, she nodded weakly, and raised the envelope in her hand.

Roy took the envelope, read the contents, and instantly became furious.


The reason why Lucy was so upset was because the letter she received was from her father.

In the letter, Lucy's father, Jiude, told her.

The reason why the ruler of the Phantom attacked Fairy Tail was because Jiude paid the Phantom to commission a task, asking them to bring Lucy back to the family and marry with other families.

Although the Phantom has failed and failed to bring Lucy back.

But if Lucy continues to be stubborn and does not go home. Jiude will pay other guilds to continue attacking Fairy Tail until she is willing to go home for marriage.

Seeing that her father wanted to dominate her marriage so domineeringly and even attacked her companions without authorization, Lucy was angry and sad.

Obviously, he had never taken care of her since her mother passed away.

During the year when his daughter ran away from home, he never asked about her whereabouts. Now, for his own business, he stood up like a father and wanted to dominate her life and use her as a tool for marriage.

How could such a thing not make Lucy sad? How could he not make Lucy sad?

That's why Lucy was so angry that she collapsed into Roy's arms.

That's why Roy was furious when he saw what was in her heart.

Lucy was his lovely junior, a lovely girl who had already fallen in love with him even though they hadn't made it clear.

How could he let Lucy return to that home that could be called a hellhole and let her marry a toad who came from nowhere?

""Don't worry! Lucy, I will never let your father get his wish.

You are my lovely junior, not a tool for marriage in his hands.

Want a marriage? If you want a marriage, let him do it himself!"

Roy gently embraced Lucy's soft body and patted her jade back, comforting her like this.

Such a playful and lovely junior deeply attracted Lucy, how could he let her become a tool for marriage in the hands of others?

Absolutely impossible!


Seeing Roy, who was so concerned about her and felt distressed and angry about her experience, Lucy couldn't help but have tears in her eyes.

Since her mother passed away, Lucy has never received love and care. She has always been treated ruthlessly by her father.

Although she has always been lively and cheerful over the years, the grievances in her heart have almost overwhelmed her. After all

, she is just a 17-year-old girl!

But fortunately, now she finally has someone who cares about her and loves her.

Lucy hugged Roy's neck tightly and burst into tears.

It seemed that she wanted to cry out all the grievances of these years.

Roy hugged Lucy with pity in his heart, and patted her back gently like comforting a child, hoping that she could feel a little warmth.

Then, after Lucy cried, he must teach her irresponsible and cold-blooded father a lesson. Is that kind of person worthy of being a father?


PS: The pace of the release is problematic, and after it is released, it is still a love story, or maybe it is a kind of water story, so I estimate that my subscription will definitely collapse.

However, I have to write it. I will end it in the next chapter and then move on to the next pretentious plot.

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