
In the shocked eyes of the crowd, Jellal's body was knocked away by Roy's punch. He smashed countless boulders into dust along the way, and finally hit the bottom of the Paradise Tower heavily.

Suddenly, the tower that reached into the sky shook violently in a huge cloud of dust, making people worry whether it would suddenly collapse in the next second.

Fortunately, the Paradise Tower was built without cutting corners. It was not a shoddy project with excellent quality.

In addition, with the protection of the defensive magic circle that Jellal had laid before, the defense of the Paradise Tower was terrifying.

So, after a violent shake, the tower finally stood up tenaciously and did not collapse immediately under this blow. It was ironic that when Jellal laid the defensive magic circle, he certainly didn't expect that the final defense would be the impact of his own body!

""Cough, cough!"

After coughing up a lot of blood and spitting out a few broken teeth, Jellal felt the huge pain on his left face and was extremely angry.

He didn't expect that he was still asking about Urrutia's face two days ago, but today he ended up with the same fate as her.

Moreover, if he hadn't seen the bad situation. At the critical moment, a large amount of magic power covered his face, he would probably have been punched and lost his combat effectiveness.

With such terrifying power, is this guy a dragon?

What a bastard!

Shaking his fuzzy head, Jellal's previously surging blood finally cooled down. Come.

Just now, Jellal wanted to save face in front of Erza, so he wanted to prove that he could beat Roy head-on.

However, with this punch just now, Jellal was completely awakened.

Jellal knew that if he kept fighting like this, he would be beaten to death by Roy without any chance to fight back.

He didn't want to and couldn't die so easily.

For the magic spirit power that would come later, and for his dream of reaching paradise, Jellal would not allow himself to lose to Roy.

He has already realized it.

Struggling to get up from under the broken boulder, Jellal's eyes shone with determination.

"Come on! The second battle begins!"

If his left eye had not become squinted because of the swelling on his face, Jellal's current expression would really look like a passionate hero who fights against the villain for his dream.

And Roy is the ruthless and powerful villain.

Unfortunately, due to the swelling on his left face, Jellal looks ridiculous at this moment, not handsome at all.

Moreover, Jellal is not a passionate hero!

He is just a poor guy who has been bewitched! He has great strength, but has been living under the lies woven by others.


Outside, Roy moved his long legs, holding the Dragon Summoning Mecha II in his left hand, and slowly walked towards the direction where Jellal was smashed.

He felt the obstruction of the magic circle in the previous punch, and knew that Jellal would not lose his fighting power so easily.

The system did not sound the prompt to obtain the justice value, which also proved Roy's idea.

Therefore, his work is not yet done!

Today, Jellal must be defeated and the Tower of Paradise must be destroyed.

Not only for the justice value, but also for the words he promised in his heart during the Iron Forest mission.

He wants to completely free Erza from the shadow of darkness. He doesn't want to see Erza's fear and weakness hidden under her angry expression.

As his mind raced, the dragon mouth of the Dragon Summoning Mecha II in Roy's left hand spit out a narrow and sharp blade.

Dragon Blade!

Although there is a card for this weapon in the card box, it does not need to be inserted into the Dragon Summoning Mecha to summon it.

It is a sharp blade extending from the Dragon Summoning Mecha.

Gold and jade can be broken, the blade is like frost in autumn...

After the sharp blade passed through his right palm, making a teeth-grinding sound of steel clashing, Roy stopped at the bottom of the Tower of Paradise, in front of the ruins just smashed by Jellal's body.

His left hand casually dropped, his eyes were blazing in his transparent red eyes, Roy looked at the ruins in front of him, and felt the orderly breathing under the ruins, and said lightly

"Since you are not dead, come out and let me kill you!"

""Stop talking nonsense! The outcome is still unknown!"

Gerard's voice came from the ruins, and the ruins suddenly exploded with the violent shaking of the ground.

The next moment after the ruins exploded, a mixture of wood chips, stones, and crystal fragments of magic crystals began to fall down, blurring Roy's vision.

Facing this blinding smoke and dust, Roy didn't even blink, but just looked at the figure appearing in front of him through the misty smoke and dust.

Gerard's figure appeared in the open space cleared by magic.

At this moment, his posture was very strange, his body tilted, his left hand touching the ground downwards, and his right hand tilted upwards, as if As if summoning something.

At the same time, the magic power in Jellal's body was erupting violently, stirring up a powerful magic storm, blowing small pieces of gravel into the sky.

Facing this scene, Roy calmly raised his left hand.

The explosive energy in his body instantly rushed into the blade of his left hand, condensing a dazzling red light on the blade, burning the hell flame with destructive power.

Under Roy's control, the flame quickly condensed and the light gradually dimmed.

When the flame was condensed to the extreme and the light of the entire dragon sword blade was barely noticeable, Roy swung his left hand.

Cut it down!

"Burning Saber! (Flame Blade)"

The dragon sword blade with ordinary power fell down, and this sword seemed to pose no threat.

However, after the extreme concentration, there was an extreme explosion.

As if the most dazzling light in the world suddenly appeared, a dazzling flaming sword blade burst out from the tip of the dragon sword blade.

With the power to cut off everything and burn everything, it fell on Jellal's head.

At this time, Jellal's magic had also been completed.

"True Celestial Magic Star Collapse!"

Under the shocked gazes of Erza and the others watching the battle, a gigantic meteorite fell from the sky.

The sky suddenly darkened.

Under the moves of Roy and Jellal, the island where the Tower of Paradise was located began to shake violently as if there was an earthquake.

On the shore, waves tens of meters high kept hitting the huge reefs, with a mighty force, like a tsunami.

At this moment, it seemed as if the end of the world had come! A huge panic lingered in the hearts of the spectators.

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