Human beings, when faced with unknown and powerful things, will inevitably feel fear in their hearts.

However, when humans have faith in their hearts, even in the face of fear, they will burst out with great energy and face the challenge head-on.

The same is true for Kamen Rider and the Magic Path.

It cannot be achieved simply with justice, love and peace, persistence and faith.......These things are used to measure the power of Kamen Rider.

It has these, but it is far more than that.

More importantly, it is the power of the heart.

When you have something to rely on, something to look forward to, and something to pray for in your heart, this strong intention will flow to the Kamen Rider system.

Then, it will respond to your expectations.

And magic is the power that can only be manifested by the combination of the air generated by the human body and the wavelength of the air flowing in nature.

Only a desire for the heart and a strong mental force can make this power refined and stronger.

This power is similar to the power of Kamen Rider.

At this moment, Roy has infinite power generated by the heart and faith in his heart.

This power pushes him to face the magic spirit power that is said to be able to destroy a country.

Because he knows that there is a girl below who needs his protection.

Moreover, there is a girl in the distance waiting for him to go back.

He can't lose here, let alone die here.

He has to go back alive to respond to the girl's expectations.

Under such a strong desire, the powerful power that Roy bursts out at this moment is no longer reflected by simple data.

That is the power of the heart, the power of protection, the power of Kamen Rider, and the power of magic.......

It was the infinite power that humans could unleash.

Infinite Sublimation!

Roy and Wushuanglong transformed into the sun, showing their mighty power, and rushed headfirst into the magical spirit power that seemed to be able to devour everything.......

In a large control room of the Magic Council, the images of the Paradise Tower appeared clearly on a huge screen on the center console from multiple angles.

This was an image sent back by the Magic Council's satellite, and it was also the target that the magic elves had locked onto.

"Report, the magic spirit power has locked onto the target and launched, and it is expected to be completely annihilated in three minutes."

In front of the central control panel, a scientific researcher who looked like a team leader was reporting the current release progress of the magic spirit power to Crawford, the chairman of the Magic Council, and other members beside him.

When reporting the situation, his voice was full of pride and pride.

After all, using satellites to lock onto the target and launch a magic attack that is enough to destroy a country.

This kind of thing can only be done with the help of their cutting-edge magic research talents!

How can they not feel proud and proud?

"Very good, thank you for your hard work. Is there any problem controlling the power? Will it have any impact on other places and humans?"

Speaker Crawford nodded with satisfaction, and then asked a question that he was very concerned about.

After Crawford asked this question, the other members of the parliament also looked at the team leader who was reporting the situation with concern, and they were obviously very concerned about this issue.

Hearing Crawford's question, the team leader's face was full of pride and emotion.

"Please rest assured, Speaker, because there are sea areas all around, there will be absolutely no impact on other places!"

He was proud that under their debugging, the attack of the magic elf power would never deviate and would not cause any impact on innocent humans. What moved him was that the Speaker and the members of the parliament cared so much about the lives of innocent people, which made him feel that it was his honor to serve such a group of excellent leaders.

However, this team leader did not know that the reason why Crawford and several other members of the parliament were concerned about this issue was not as simple as he thought!

They were just worried that after causing other damage, it would affect their reputation and status.

After all, those who agreed to use the magic elf power must be responsible for any damage caused by the magic elf power.

Once an unexpected damage is caused, they naturally cannot escape responsibility.

They have been in high positions for a long time and are accustomed to a luxurious life. They are unwilling to lose their current wealth and status because of this incident!

Therefore, this team leader thought too simply about these hypocritical members of parliament.

""Very good! You did a great job!"

Crawford smiled with satisfaction after getting the answer he wanted. The congressmen behind him also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Suddenly, a rapid alarm sounded in the control room, and the screen of the central console where Crawford and others were located flashed red wildly.

"It's bad, team leader! We have detected a huge amount of energy that has entered the magic spirit force and is rapidly approaching the magic satellite!"

"Nodes 4-13, 5-14... have been destroyed and cannot be regenerated, and the final goal has deviated!"


The operators in charge of controlling the magic spirit power at the central console were sweating profusely, and reported the situation to the team leader with trembling voices.

"What is going on!"

The smug look on the team leader's face disappeared instantly, and his face was full of disbelief.

How could something be able to move in the magic elf power?

That is a magic attack that is enough to destroy a country! Under the baptism of such a huge energy, even the Holy Ten will be annihilated into ashes in a very short time.

Perhaps only the legendary dragon with magic immunity can do this?

But, hasn't the dragon disappeared for hundreds of years? How could it appear today?

He pushed away an operator in front of the center console, sat on it himself, and began to control the image capture of the magic satellite.

He wanted to know what the huge red energy that suddenly appeared on the attack route of the magic elf power was.

Seeing this scene, Crawford and other congressmen looked at each other, and suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.


Roy sprinted into the magic spirit power with a determined look on his face, even though his armor was creaking and endless pain was generated from all parts of his body. But his eyes were always firmly fixed on the top.

Far, far above.

So far that he had left the sphere under his feet and came to the universe.

To resist this huge force and completely offset it, Roy's current strength is not enough.

However, as long as the satellite that locks the target and launches the magic spirit power is eliminated.

Then, the magic spirit power will naturally collapse.

Therefore, what Roy is going to do at this moment is something that no one in this world has ever thought of and absolutely dares to think of.

Rush into the universe and blow up the magic satellite of the Council!

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