
The Gurangi looked very keenly to the door,

The blue-silver figure soon came into everyone's eyes,


The Rose Woman frowned.

Qin Yang slowly raised his head and snorted coldly:

"Gulangji, caught you!"

Then he looked at the general:

"Gadoru, I didn't say you can go~."

The general's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the G3-X in front of him said such words, undoubtedly telling the other Gulangi that the general led the G3-X to the gathering place of the Ge Group.

He actually unknowingly became the leader of others, and did not realize it, which is a great insult for him who pretends to be strong.

"Are you here to find death?"

The general drank deeply.

"It's not."

Qin Yang replied calmly.

He took out a grenade gun in one hand and a short sword in the other,

The astonishing aura opened up instantly!

"Such a power..."

The general was stunned and looked solemn, but then he became even more excited, and decisively entered the strange posture.

Except for the Rose Woman, all Gulangi turned into weirdos and waited for them.

The powerful aura of the warrior in front of them stimulated their nerves, and the warning signs of danger made them have to become serious.

The atmosphere was silent, and no one acted rashly.

Qin Yang gently raised his hand, seemingly just a finger in front of the movement, and said in a defiant tone:

"I'm here to kill you!"

However, just when none of them expected it, Qin Yang suddenly burst out and launched an attack the moment he raised his hand!

The shells were quickly loaded in the magazine, and the howitzer was raised in an instant!

He seemed random but had been premeditated for a long time, and the shell was fired instantly, and five streamers shot towards the seriously injured locust monster No. 41 behind the weirdo.


When everyone did not react, in the desperate eyes of No. 41, the pale gold howitzer hit him without hindrance.

"How is that possible?!"

The general said in shock.

Qin Yang's G3-X looks like this is the first time they have seen it,

No one expected that the G3-X Empty Me would be so different that it could use different weapons without changing colors!

"Is this the power of humanity?!!


The deafening sound resounded, the locust monster exploded, and the powerful energy and shattered No. 41, rising tens of meters high in place and soaring into the sky!

A terrifying cyclone swept across the space, and the entire gymnasium trembled under such an explosion, as if a violent earthquake had occurred in the Setagaya area.

Bada the No. 41 locust freak dies, much to the surprise of all Gulangi.

But creatures like Gulangji never care about the life or death of their companions, they only pursue killing and strength, and the death of their companions will only make them more vigilant in facing the enemy!

Qin Yang put away the howitzer, and it would be very chicken to choose a long-range attack at this time.

Without being caught off guard under a surprise attack, continue to use howitzers,

With the strength of the Ge Group Gulangji, it is almost impossible to hit them in a frontal situation, and they will definitely be resisted by various weapons or abilities.

So he pulled out his short sword and steadied his steps, the tip of the sword pointed forward, and from the beginning of his determination to come here to fight, he had put all his heart into keeping himself in the calmest state.

A pair of huge red compound eyes looked at the group of strange people:

Turtles, porcupines, scorpions, sharks, buffaloes, unicorns... And the Rose Woman.

Good, except for the counting vulture and the sea serpent of playtime running out, the other Ge Group weirdos are here! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He calmed down and adjusted his state to the best, gripping the hilt of the sword tighter in his hand, and then rushed towards the Ge Group Gulangji.

"Hands on! It's not a violation, but don't kill him, keep him and I'll be useful! "

The rose woman said in an icy tone.

Although I was puzzled about why the rose girl left Qin Yang's little life,

But this sentence finally broke the last concern for all the ancient langji, and they immediately roared excitedly and surrounded Qin Yang.

The general was also ready to move in place, but seeing his companions around him step forward to besiege Qin Yang together, he patiently endured it, what he wanted was a dignified duel between the strong.

Before the two sides met, the porcupine Gulangji took the lead in shooting a few thin white needles, which were blocked by Qin Yang with the first horizontal sword. This was followed by the strong acid thrown from the hooked claws by the scorpion freak.


The red liquid splashed and was dodged by Qin Yang, and the liquid that fell beside him instantly corroded the ground into many holes!

Seeing such a situation, Qin Yang was also more cautious, even if he couldn't hard connect with his current body, he had to find a way to limit this strong acid attack!

His gaze narrowed, and he approached the Gulangji more quickly. With the help of those guys' words, fighting against the Gulangji, it is difficult to tell the difference between enemies and friends, and maybe you can bind the scorpion weirdo!

During this period, porcupines and scorpion freaks who were good at long-range attacks continued to attack, but they were all blocked or dodged by Qin Yang, and occasionally a few drops of strong acid stained his Titan sword, which actually corroded the sword body into scorch marks!

The only one with long-range attack ability is the general's shooting body, but for a person who pursues strength, he will not choose this insidious way to attack, even if he fights, he will choose to also change to use the rigid body of the weirdo giant sword!

After a few breaths, Qin Yang came into contact with the Gulangji, and the boar freak took off the ornaments on his body and changed into a two-pronged gun and was the first to meet him.

It's just that the strength of the boar weirdo is too poor, and the swing is too large, Qin Yang can see the flaw at a glance, and casually jams the head of the two-pronged gun with a short sword. Then accumulate your whole body strength!


He only kicked the boar weirdo in the abdomen, immediately kicked it away, and fell into the weirdo pile.

The shark freak pulls out the ornaments on his feet and turns them into a weird weapon in his hand, while the buffalo freak transforms into a rigid body like the general, and removes the ornaments on his chest and turns them into an iron hammer.


The two attacked almost together, up and down.

The spear-like hammer swept across the lower plate, while the giant hammer of the buffalo monster smashed hard in the face.

Seeing this, Qin Yang quickly jumped up, and he rolled over the attack of the two and landed behind them.

Turning around, another short sword in his hand slashed at the back of the buffalo weirdo, even if there was hard armor to resist, it still left a blood mark on the back of the weirdo!

The shark freak took the opportunity to turn around and change his moves, and the long hammer slashed towards the center of Qin Yang's body from the bottom up, and Qin Yang pressed down on his wrist and pressed it down with a short sword.

The buffalo freak turned around irritably, and the hammer continued to swing mercilessly.

The turtle freak, who was also in place, also took out the meteor hammer, threw it twice in his hand, and threw it at Qin Yang with a thousand momentum.

The scorpion freak next to her seemed a little impatient, obviously she had a strong attack ability, but she couldn't cause damage to that Qin Yang.

Now looking at the other Gulangji who were inextricably entangled with Qin Yang, it was even more difficult for her to make a move, which made her self-confidence feel a great insult.

Damn, you guys don't get in my way!

"Get out of the way!"

The scorpion freak shouted regardless, and then waved his hand on the hook claw, threw out a red strong acid liquid from the pipe inside the hook claw, and flew to the position where Qin Yang fought with the other Gulangji.


The meteor hammer flew faster, and Qin Yang immediately pulled away the shark freak's long hammer, raised his sword to block the meteor hammer, but there was no way to defend against the buffalo freak's iron hammer.

All four heard the shouts of the scorpion freak behind them, but no one cared.

Qin Yang was too many enemies to face to take care of, and the other Gu Langji did not care about what their companions wanted to do at all.

And this situation is exactly what Qin Yang wants!

..... Finish..

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