CR Computer Emergency Center,

Qin Yang sat on the sofa and quietly explained his identity to everyone:

"As you guessed, I am indeed an avalanche, but my identity is more complicated than you think."

"First of all, I am not a game avatar, but a fusion avatar that gathers ten game viruses, and as for my host, it is the former president of the Dream Group who is in prison, Tan Masamune."

As soon as these words came out, Baosheng Yongmeng and the others sitting opposite opened their eyes wide, and they seemed a little unbelievable

At the same time, inside the underground research institute of the Phantom Group,

Parade, who fled back from the defeat, also learned the news from Tanlidou.

"Tan Zhengzong's Avalanche?! Could it be that you used this hand to frame your father and send him to prison? "

"Of course not."

Tan Lidou's face was gloomy:

"It was his own active infection, and when the trial version of the game cartridge was just developed, he took the initiative to introduce these ten viruses into his body, but he did not expect that he not only did not die, but formed a special collapse body in his body."

"This avalanche has special antibodies against ten games, and can perfect the game in any situation!"

"Therefore, at that time, Tanzhengzong made this avalanche body into an Easter egg and added it to the 10 games released in the first version."

The perspective turned again

Inside the CR, Sima Nicole heard Qin Yang's words and immediately understood everything:

"So, actually, you're really out of the game? No, the game characters are made according to you?! "

Qin Yang nodded with a smile:

"So to speak."

"Then why is there no such Easter egg in the later release version?"

"Of course, it's because Tan Masamune has entered the game."

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes and narrated according to the memory in his mind

"Tan Lidou has always been dissatisfied with Tan Masamune, especially after the death of his mother Sakurako, Tan Lidou made games even more frantically and developed various props until Day Zero 5 years ago."

"The culprit that caused Day Zero was actually Tan Lidou, but because Tan Zhengzong at that time was detected to have the Avalantosome virus in his body, Tan Li Dou was safe and sound, and at this point, the president of the Phantom Dream Group was changed."

"And because I was a Tanli Sect made by Tanli Sect, I was also sealed in a game cartridge by Tan Lidou until yesterday."

All of the above is the information that Qin Yang got in his memory after crossing over

When he first checked it, he also found that there was a great discrepancy from the original work

Perhaps because it is not the same world, Qin Yang here is the truth.

Parade, who learned of this information, asked with some displeasure

"That means that the cassette that sealed Qin Yang is really a copy of him?! So you really gave me a defective product?!! "

"Fart! It's that you're too weak to fully exert the power of the cartridge! "

Tan Lidou glared angrily, he didn't blame Parade yet, this guy started to rake backwards:

"That cassette, which was specially made according to Qin Yang's power, was able to seal him inside for so long!"

"The one I made for you is indeed a replica, but the power is exactly equal to that cassette from Qin Yang!"

"Do you think I need to trap you at this juncture? Pit you are not pit myself?! "

Hear this,

Parad also dared to be angry and did not dare to speak

Because on a logical level, Tan Lidou really won't do that

Therefore, the reason why he didn't fight Qin Yang was that he was too weak

And he didn't want to admit it, so he could only hold his stomach and make himself uncomfortable.

Both of them began to gradually calm down at this time

After a long time, Parad took the initiative to ask

"So what now? With Qin Yang present, we have no advantage at all. "

Tan Lidou sneered twice and said disdainfully:

"It's just a Collapse Body! No matter how strong it is, it is just my pawn! "

"Not completely erasing his data in the first place is simply the stupidest thing I have ever done in my life!"

"But as long as I finish the [Kamen Rider Chronicles] cassette tape, I will definitely erase him completely!" Soon, just a few..."

Looking at Tan Lidou, who continues to devote himself to research like a madman,

Parlad's eyes kept changing, and his fists slowly clenched together.


The perspective turns back to inside the CR again

After understanding Qin Yang's identity, everyone fell into a long silence

And the flower family was curious about another thing:

"According to what you said, since Tan Lidou can seal you up, naturally he won't let you escape easily, right?"

Qin Yang only smiled at this and did not answer positively:

"How I got out of trouble, there is no need to tell you. Now, consider for yourselves, whether or not to cooperate with me. "

"Again, if you are willing to listen to me, according to my plan, not only can the diffused Avatar be suppressed, defeat Tanlidou's conspiracy, but also bring the dead back to life. The results you want, you can achieve. "

The topic goes back to the original beginning

But this time, Baosheng Yongmeng and the others did not choose silence

Instead, the answer is given directly:

"Yes, we are willing to listen to you."

This answer surprised Qin Yang a little:

"The speed of this decision is a bit fast, don't give you time to discuss?"

"Mr. Qin Yang said and smiled, now we are almost every second, we have actually decided to cooperate with you before, but because the unexpected situation did not have time to tell you, now Tanlidou's behavior is becoming more and more dangerous, and even has begun to take the initiative to attack innocent citizens, so we must solve him as soon as possible."

Baosheng Yongmeng's explanation was also affirmed by the other two doctors present

The main problem was that believing Qin Yang was the only way they could go now

They couldn't handle Tanlidou by themselves, and now that Qin Yang provided the direction, they had to try it anyway.

"Well, I'll be blunt, now there are two things to deal with, one is to get the personal belongings of the nine Guili Yao, and the other is to find Xiao Xingzuo and ask him to help make a game cartridge, you can divide the army into two ways."

Qin Yang's voice just fell

The first aid broadcast sounded again, seeing this, Baosheng Yongmeng directly assigned:

"In this way, Feicai, you go to get Mr. Guiliya's relics, Mr. Big I, you go to Mr. Xiaoxingzuo to make cassettes, I and Mr. Qin Yang go to solve the Avalanche, and we will still converge here in the end, okay?"

Kagami nodded in response:

"I don't have a problem, you and Mr. Qin Yang are two high-level to go for the collapse body removal surgery is indeed faster. However, if you run into trouble, don't hesitate to contact us. "

"Definitely, then we will leave now!"


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