【The World of Kabuto】

ZECT Office Building,

Inside the President's Office,

The light is slightly bright, the vision is dim,

Perhaps bugs always like to stay in such an environment, and then move towards the place where the light blooms.

Negishi was sitting on a chair drinking coffee, when Masato Mishima walked in from outside:

"The three knight systems are complete, and the fittest ones have all been found."

With that, he handed over the document in his hand.

Gengan raised his eyebrows slightly, came to interest, reached out and took it, and looked at it one by one.

Masato Mishima sat on the sofa next to him and introduced in a loud voice:

"This time the knight system is according to your requirements, only the knight form is made, and some of the data has been adjusted up, so that the three systems have their own advantages and disadvantages in different aspects, so as to achieve a strong cooperation ability, in addition..."

Masato Mishima pushed his glasses, and his eyes showed a fierce color:

"These three systems have entered the recently collected battle data about the Heavenly Dao Commander, as well as some of the data collected during Qin Yang's battle on the previous two times, which should be the most effective system for those Kamen Riders that we can currently develop."


Negishi closed the document and said yes with a smile,

Immediately, he stood up, walked to the window, looked at the place where the light bloomed outside, and said with some disdain:

"Dare to be so unreasonable to us, and so arrogant, not to let him suffer a little, I am afraid that he does not know who the knight system comes from!"

"According to the previous plan, release the news of that insect and get it in the newspaper! Doesn't that guy like to be a hero? Then we'll give him an urn to catch turtles! "

"At that time, even if he can fight three by himself, we still have new equipment that we developed not long ago, so... Take him down no matter how much this time! "

Masato Mishima snorted coldly, got up and planned to leave here,

At this time, Negan remembered something again and stopped him:

"Wait a minute, the system that was planned earlier... Have you found the fittest? "

Masato Mishima was stunned for a moment, and then frowned:

"The original version has not yet found the fittest, how can the copy be so fast."

Negishi nodded, feeling that it was also right,

After thinking for a while, he immediately decided:

"So be it, make the conditions more lenient... Anyway, the insect meter chooses the owner, we set too many rules, it is useless, and it wastes time ... At present, the most important thing is to collect 25 episodes of data from the original system, so that the data of the duplicate system can reach the strongest! Become the invincible killer of ZECT! Do you understand? "

“... Got it. "

Masato Mishima turned away without staying too long.

Negishi was still standing by the window, but the madness on his face became more and more intense.

early morning

Outside the villa area south of the city center,

A courier delivered boxes of special aquatic ingredients to the door of a villa,

After putting the things down, the courier rang the doorbell and left the place.

Soon after,

The gate of the villa opens,

I only saw a sunny and youthful girl sticking her head out,

After seeing the aquatic boxes stacked in front of the door,

The girl shouted into the house:

"Oni-chan! It seems to be a courier! "


Not long after, a man wearing a daily version of the kimono walked out,

It is the General Division of Heavenly Dao.

He stepped on the clogs to the door, looked at the aquatic label on it, and raised his eyebrows a little unexpectedly:

"Mackerel? Is it Gagami that kid? Didn't he say that there hasn't been one recently..."

"Oni-chan? Is it delicious? "

Tiandao Tree Flower leaned close and stretched his head to take a look,

Seeing her cute appearance, the Heavenly Dao Chief didn't think much about it, so he directly concluded that Kagami ordered it for him,

Because mackerel is a relatively expensive and special ingredient, it will be difficult for ordinary people to eat if they do not handle it well.

At present, the only person he knows that can make it into a dish is himself except Xiao Xu,

So, obviously, this should be for him.

Therefore, the General Division of Heavenly Dao did not insist on finding the name of the recipient on the express box,

Just move it into the house.

"Today we eat mackerel miso! I learned the method of this dish with others some time ago, and it should taste good. "

"Yay! Another delicious and delicious breakfast~"

The excited Tiandao brothers and sisters walked into the house with the ingredients,

Without saying a word, I started making dishes,

As everyone knows, outside the door, a figure has been waiting for a long time.

Until the smell of fish came out of the house,

The man rang the doorbell directly.

Ding-dong ————

"Hey! Come on! "

The gate opens,

It's still a lovely Tiandao tree flower,

It's just that this time she poked out her little head, but she was stunned for a while because of the smile that appeared by the figure at the door,

Until the General Master of Heavenly Dao realized that something was wrong and came to the door with her to look,

At that moment, his expression immediately became vigilant, and he directly protected the Heavenly Dao Tree Flower behind him:

"Are you?! What are you doing here?! "

Tiandao Tree Flower is a little confused:

"Oni-chan? Do you know this big brother? "

"Shuhua, go back to the house first, this is the bad guy."

"Hey... It's just that you once characterized me as a bad person, isn't it too hasty? "

At the door, the man took off his sunglasses and looked at Tiandao with a playful smile,

That's right, the person who came here was none other than Qin Yang.

"At that time, I didn't know much about you, and if you only talked about whether you were dangerous by fighting, then of course it was not dangerous. But..."

The Heavenly Dao Chief slightly peeled off his coat, revealing the belt inside:

"But I learned from Kagami that some time ago, an explosion occurred at a secret experimental base of ZECT, and many Xenomorph experimental subjects were left behind, and one of them also had the Knight System... Who would that be, you say? "

Hearing this, Qin Yang smiled:

"Who do you think it is, who you are~ But, now we're not fighting, so... You took my mackerel, don't you need to give me an explanation? "

"Huh? I took your mackerel? "

This time it was the turn of the Heavenly Dao General and the Heavenly Dao Tree Flower to be confused,

I saw Qin Yang take out his mobile phone with a deep smile, read out a series of numbers, and said:

"I ordered a few boxes of mackerel a few days ago with the number: ... Just a few minutes ago, the courier company told me that it had been delivered to my doorstep, but when I came out, I didn't see it until... I saw the window of your house. "

Qin Yang pointed to the mackerel express boxes that could be seen stacked inside from the outside, and said with a smile:

"Do you want to check if the number on the box is wrong?"

The corner of Heaven's Dao Commander-in-Chief's eyes twitched inexplicably:

"Shuhua, go and see if it's the same as he said."

"Oh... Oh. "

A few minutes later, the Heavenly Dao Tree Flower who came back looked a little bitter:


Needless to say, the Heavenly Dao General already knew the result.

On the other hand, Qin Yang at the door, the smile on his face was unusually bright (underwhelmed).

"How? Do you want me to call the police and check again? I heard that this crime of theft is quite serious recently~"

"No need!"

The Heavenly Dao Chief only felt a sullen breath in his chest,

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't grasp the main point.

"But I still have a question, why are your things delivered to my doorstep?"

Qin Yang spread his hands and pointed to the next door with his thumb:

"Your home is No. 98, and my home is exactly No. 99."


The Heavenly Dao General directly couldn't hold back, and immediately changed from a calm expression to incredible,

Rushed out the door and looked at the house number on the fence of the villa next door:

【No. 99 Qin Family】

How is it so coincidental?!

At the bottom of the heart of the Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief, there were many peculiar horses galloping past,

If it weren't for the fact that the Neon Man didn't study the humiliating language of [horses],

Otherwise, at this moment, he must be constantly pinching the horse with grass and mud in his heart...

Qin Yang shrugged his shoulders and said that he was also surprised:

"No doubt, although I am an experimental subject, I also have a home, but this home happens to be next to your home."

The voice fell, (read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Because the Heavenly Dao General had eaten this strange deflated, he didn't know what to say for a while,

Tiandao Shuhua, who had been standing at the door, ran to the door with a bitter little face, grabbed Qin Yang's hand and began to coquettish:

"Big brother~ It's not right for us to take your courier, don't you tell the police, okay?"

Looking at the pouting little mouth and cute big eyes of the Heavenly Dao Tree Flower,

Qin Yang naturally chooses... Forgive him~

"Little sister, don't worry, I was joking just now."

Qin Yang rubbed the head of the Heavenly Dao Tree Flower, turned his head and raised his chin to the Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief:

"Hey, please let me eat? But I can already smell the fragrance coming from your house. "

Hearing this, a big question mark once again appeared on the brain door of the General Director of Heavenly Dao.

This guy... Engaging in yarn?

Half an hour later,

In the restaurant of the Heavenly Daoist Family,

Qin Yang sat in the first place, and on both sides sat the two brothers and sisters of Tiandao,

With the last bite of fish meat and soup running down his stomach, Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief with satisfaction, patted the shoulder of the Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief, and said with a smile:

"Not bad, although it's a little worse than Xiao Xu, but..."

Saying that, he turned his head to look at the smiling Heavenly Dao Tree Flower,

The two said at the same time:

"It tastes great!"


Qin Yang didn't know what the reason was,

After coming to their home, the Heavenly Dao Tree Flower has been focusing on himself,

Maybe it's because she's afraid that she will embarrass her brother again?

However, it feels really good to have such a cute sister by her side, and I am in a happy mood~

It was precisely because of this that at a certain moment, Qin Yang probably understood why the Heavenly Dao Chief was a sister.


Because of Qin Yang's identity problem,

Even when cooking and eating, he still kept his eyes on Qin Yang's Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief, put down his bowl and chopsticks at this time, and said:

"Say, what exactly is your purpose."

"Purpose? Hehe... Not to say it, just to eat, that's all. "

"Don't pretend, even the family has specially moved next door, you say you have no purpose, I won't believe it at all."

Hearing this, Qin Yang helplessly asked:

"Then you say, do you know what the surname of the next door was before?"

The chief of the Heavenly Dao said, Qin Yang spread his hands:

"That's our family's house, and my experimental subject is by no means as simple as you think." If you don't know the situation, I advise you not to care too much about my identity, at least..."

Qin Yang looked at the Heavenly Dao Tree Flower on the side:

"I wouldn't do anything ill-intentioned to a family with such a lovely sister, I'm not a xenomorph, I'm not that boring... And just like that, it's time for me to go to work. "

Saying that, he stood up and walked out,

Tiandao Shuhua followed behind, and when he came to the door, he hesitated but still asked the bottom of his heart:

"Brother Qin Yang, when will you come to our house next time to play?"

The corner of the Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief's mouth twitched, and his head was full of black lines,

He inexplicably felt that he seemed to have lost more than just mackerel...

Qin Yang glanced at Tiandao's stunned expression, and only felt that he was in a good mood,

So he half-bent down, pulled the hair from the corner of Tiandao Shuhua's mouth behind his ear, and comforted:

"The mackerel I bought will be put in your house in the future, and I will come over to eat when I have time."


"Yay! See you Brother Qin Yang! "

Two brothers and sisters, but the mood is completely different,

Tiandao Shuhua stood at the door like a small wangfu stone, waiting until Qin Yang's figure turned around and disappeared, and returned to the house with some hesitation, while the Tiandao General Master stood in the living room, put boxes of mackerel on the ground and laid them out, and finally found Kagami's signature and phone on top of the last box.

At that moment,

The Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief's eyes widened, and his eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets,

He gritted his teeth and gasped, eager to summon the Kabuto Insect Instrument to rush out of the door now and go up to give Qin Yang a knight kick!

"You abominable liar! Don't let me take your chance!!!! "

And Qin Yang, who was about to arrive at the work restaurant, smiled and called a happy,

In fact, that string of numbers was exactly when Qin Yang discovered the mackerel express in advance, transformed into a knight form, used the ascending time, peeked in the past, and stuffed the box signed with Kagami's name to the bottom.

Qin Yang didn't decide at first that Heavenly Dao wouldn't look at it one hundred percent, but just wanted to trick him into trying,

Who would have thought that because he had left the influence of 453 after fighting with him before, he would be wary of whether Qin Yang would cause danger for a while,

And forgot to look closely at the information on the delivery box,


No way, psychological warfare pays attention to psychological quality,

Obviously, this time Qin Yang won again.

As for that villa,

That is indeed Qin Yang's house,

After all, Qin Yang was a real human before he was transformed.

The reason why the two of them have never met is because Qin Yang's family has two doors,

When Qin Yang was still a human being, he walked through the back door, and the place where he worked was also opposite to the direction where the Heavenly Dao often goes,

Therefore, all this is also a coincidence of coincidences.

Jingle bell ~

Qin Yang pushed open the door of the Western restaurant and greeted:

"His great aunt died~"

"Oh! Xiao Qin is here! "

The lady of the Western restaurant saw him enter the door and immediately greeted him,

Qin Yang has been working here for more than a week, every day is very punctual, and every day launches new dishes,

As he said before he joined, the restaurant's business is getting better and better.

So, the hostess has always been very welcoming to him.

However, today she pulled Qin Yang to the corner and said in a low voice:

"Xiao Xu is somehow today, it doesn't seem to be very happy, you see when you have time, chat with her and talk about your heart."

Saying that, he also blinked his eyes at Qin Yang twice, which was meaningful.

Where did Qin Yang not understand the meaning of the boss lady,

He also accepted this gladly, after all, the purpose of his part-time job in this store was to come to the lower part of the day.

"No problem, leave it to me."

I saw Qin Yang turn around and walk to Rixia Xu, who was sitting in the corner painting,

He first glanced at the tulips that were being traced on her drawing board,

Then, with a smile, he took out a ticket from the inner pocket of his jacket:

"This beautiful young lady, do you have time to enjoy the flowers together this afternoon?"

Under normal circumstances, when Qin Yang used such light but not presumptuous words to communicate with Rixia Xu, she would involuntarily show a smile, but this time, she pressed the corners of her mouth down, still very silent:

"I'm not a good match for flowers."

Hearing this, how could Qin Yang not understand that the meaning behind these words was saying that she did not dare to go alone.


"You want me to come with you, right?"

Hinata blinked his eyes stunned, and raised his head a little unexpectedly,

Then he saw Qin Yang rub open one ticket and turn it into two.

"How do you know I..."

"Put the tickets here first, remember to wait for me after the work, the people and tickets are here, so you don't have to worry about me running away, right?"

Qin Yang smiled gently, stretched out his finger to hook the corners of her mouth, and made it into a smile:

"Smile more, I like to watch."

After that, he turned around and went into the kitchen to start today's work.

And Hinata, who was still sitting in the seat, could no longer suppress the smile at the corner of his mouth, turned his head shyly, and secretly laughed in front of the wall.

In the distance, the hostess witnessed this scene and couldn't help but sigh a little:

"Why didn't anyone chase the old lady so much in the first place... Hey..."


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