Inside the factory,

Looking at Qin Yang, who was approaching them step by step,

Rina Mamiya and the other five alien insects all had a strong intention to retreat,

There was no other reason, it was from the Hundred Worms Sword in Qin Yang's hand!

That extraordinary wave machine danger!


"Can't retreat!"

Rina Mamiya spoke,

She ordered angrily in a language that only insect could understand,

They must never retreat, they must fight to the death!

You know, she had a cruel conversation with Masato Mishima yesterday night,

If she retreats at this juncture, her face will be lost!

Therefore, no matter what kind of power Qin Yang gets, he must fight against one!

Several alien insects glanced at each other, and suddenly their hearts crossed, and they rushed directly towards Qin Yang!

Anyway, as a deserter, he will also be killed by Rina Mamiya,

It's better to fight here, maybe you can defeat this Kamen Rider in front of you!


With this thought in mind,

Four figures quickly surrounded Qin Yang,

They rushed out with great momentum, with a posture of looking at death like home!

Seeing this, Qin Yang certainly waved the Hundred Worms Sword mercilessly!


The sharp blade cut out a dazzling electric spark on the armor of the alien insects, and the strong force instantly blasted them out, smashing the ground into big holes!

In the end, there was only one Mamiya Rina left, and she took advantage of Qin Yang's turn around, accumulating her whole body strength to directly attack swoop, wanting to make a sneak attack that caught her off guard! However, at that moment, Qin Yang directly photographed the Haipa worm, disappeared from the place like a flash, and when it appeared again, it had already come to the back of the five alien insects.

"It is also your honor to die under the Hundred Worms Sword."

I saw Qin Yang pressing the four buttons at the hilt of the sword while walking slowly towards the alien insect,

【KetarosPower! 】(Copper bucket)

【HercusPower! 】"One-four-three" (Silver Bucket)

【CaucasusPower! 】(Jindou)

【DarkKabutoPower! 】(Black Armor)

【MaximumHyperTyphoon! 】

As the rousing electronic sound effects sounded one after another, the endless energy [faster-than-light particles] accumulated in each insect instrument gathered on the blade like a spring, and then gradually overflowed, forming a dark green light blade ten meters away!

At that moment, the five alien insects, including Rina Mamiya instinctively, turned around and ran away without hesitation, but in the eyes of Qin Yang, who turned on HyperClockup, their movements were no different from slow play, and they only needed to wave the light blade casually,


Like a knife into flesh and blood, the light blade instantly cut the entire space horizontally, and four of the five figures who fled to the distance were cut off by the straight block, and when the space was reclosed and restored, the deafening explosion directly overturned the entire factory greenhouse!

Boom, boom, boom!!

The terrifying explosion fireworks turned into a huge mushroom cloud and soared into the sky, and the Shindai Sword and the Tendo General who were fighting outside, and the Negishi and Masato Mishima who were secretly watching the battle, even at this moment inside the factory, Kagami, who was deceived by the insect-mimicking Ah Makoto and was on the verge of death, were shocked by this scene!

The picture was exactly like a lightweight missile falling, the continuous shock wave mixed with gravel dust and sand swept in all directions, and the green larvae hit by the aftermath all flew one by one, and exploded to death!

Looking down from the sky, the center of the factory was directly razed to the ground, and the scorched black ground cracked inch by inch like the damage caused by a meteorite falling, and countless spider web-like cracks spread, which can be described as shocking!

At this time, everyone remembered Qin Yang's name in their hearts,

Because only his strength can reach this point!

Other than that, it is impossible for any Kamen Rider to do it!

Until a long time later, the smoke and dust that permeated the air gradually dissipated,

Only then did everyone see the figure holding the Hundred Worm Sword and standing quietly in place, and the rest of the alien insects had already turned into debris and floated in the sky.

At this point, everyone involved in this battle to eradicate the alien worm has a thought in their hearts:

This battle is coming to an end.

After all, the main force of the alien insect has been killed by Qin Yang,

The rest are some larvae that have not yet molted, which is not enough, even ZECT's ant soldiers can cope.

Thinking of this, people can't help but feel more emotion towards Qin Yang,

His strength seems to have been raised to a new level again unknowingly, just like a god, making people unpredictable!

However, Qin Yang did not lift his transformation at this point, and he walked towards the inside of the factory,

After passing a corner,

A blue Kamen Rider appeared in front of him,

He was now confronting a white tarantula, Worm.

It seems to sense that someone is coming,

The blue Kamen Rider, Gangdou, that is, Kagami, turned his head to look at Qin Yang and pleaded:

"Senior, give me a little time and let me deal with it myself."

Qin Yang didn't speak, still standing there quietly.

Kagami turned her head, looked at the glass bottle in her hand, and walked towards the tarantula Worm Bai step by step,

The enemy in front of him made him feel complicated, because he didn't expect that Ah Cheng, who saved him, that cute child, turned out to be really a foreign worm.

At the same time, he was a little sad, because this proved that the real Ah Cheng should have died at the hands of the alien insects.

So, for the sake of justice in his heart, Kagami made her own decision.

I saw that he came to the white tarantula Worm, handed the glass bottle over, and slowly pressed the button on the insect instrument:

"I'm thankful that you saved me before, whether it was from your instincts or from the human side, I will always remember it. But... I will never forgive the alien worm that exploits the trust between people, so let me end you with my own hands! "

【One! Two! Three! 】

【RiderKick! 】


With a roar of anger and unwillingness, Kagami jumped up in the air, and the insect instrument on her waist erupted with golden electricity, which was transmitted to her right foot, forming a violent stream of particles, and then, she kicked down on the head of Tarantula Worm!


In an instant, explosive fireworks rose up, green smoke filled the surroundings, and Kagami, who slowly got up, gritted her teeth to prevent the sadness in her heart from showing too obviously, because all this is just the beginning!

Now that he has obtained his own insect instrument, it means that he will fight with alien insects forever, then this similar thing may still happen, so he must be mentally prepared, put his mind right, and work hard to move towards the future!

"You've grown... Kagami. "

Qin Yang's words of appreciation reached Kagami's ears, and he turned around and said with a serious expression:

"It was your guidance that opened me up, and it was I who should express my gratitude to you."

Hearing this, Qin Yang smiled, didn't say anything more, lifted his transformation and walked out:

"Forget about my words of thanks, you and Yuyue Misaki will lead someone to clean up this battlefield, I'll go back to rest, and there is something to call me."

Kagami quickly replied respectfully:

"Yes! Senior Qin Yang rest assured, I will arrange everything properly! Don't disgrace you! "

As Qin Yang's subordinate,

Kagami gradually felt that she should improve her sense of honor,

After all, Qin Yang is an invincible god of war, and if as his subordinate, he can't even handle such a thing as cleaning the battlefield, then it will really be a shame for Qin Yang.

And now, Kagami has silently put him in his heart as an example, so naturally this kind of thing will not happen!

ZECT Headquarters,

Inside the representative's office,

Gengan sat on the chair and looked at the monitor and the hundred insect sword that flew away from Qin Yang's hand, as well as the three insect instruments of gold, silver and bronze,

He fell into a lasting silence,

Now it's not some shocking question,

Gen'an had already begun to develop some unexplained fear towards Qin Yang.

Since he fled the experimental body base, any operation against Qin Yang has ended in failure,

Every time Gen's plan that he thought was perfect, it would be easily resolved by Qin Yang in the end, (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Even this time, Qin Yang took out the Hundred Worms Sword that even ZECT had not yet developed!

This thing is still just a prototype! Why would he have ?!!


There are still people working on the Knight system, and faster than their R&D progress?!

When something gets completely out of control, the real horror has just arrived.

Jingle bells -

The landline phone suddenly rang,

Negishi came back to his senses, wiped the sweat from his forehead and answered the phone:

"Hello? How's it going? "

Only listen to the response of the person on the other side:

"The fit is very high, Mr. Mishima has gradually adapted to the power, and as long as he comes again, he can complete a complete transformation."

Hearing this, Gengan breathed a sigh of relief, and he had some confidence,

Then the person on the other side continued:

"And what you explained, the second set of mimicry knight's belts has also begun to collect data, what kind of development direction should the experimental subject set?"

I saw that Gengishi pondered for a while, and then replied:

"DarkKabuto's data is not easy to collect, so use the Kabuto's battle information collected before as a base, and then fuse Gatack's battle data, right!" The experimental subject this time must be brainwashed in advance, and don't create a second Qin Yang for me!" Otherwise, see you when you raise your head!! "

“... Yes, yes, I'll do it now! "

Negishi violently hung up the phone, and he looked at the design picture of a stag beetle insect instrument in black and red tones on the document in front of him, and his eyes lit up with anticipation.

【The World of Armour】

This is a forest with no end in sight,

The forest bears strange fruits,

The fruit has strange fluctuations,

People who have no resistance will become irrational monsters after eating it, exotics.......

And here, is the stronghold of the foreigners, the Helheim Forest.


At the junction of a spatial crack,

A tech camp is rooted here, surrounded by soldiers and machines inside,

They are a research team from the World Tree Consortium, where they conduct research on all things Helheim Forest.

In a secret laboratory inside the camp,

A man in a white coat with a strand of white tie-dyed hair was staring wide-eyed, excitedly typing data on the keyboard, and as the percentage number reflected in his pupils reached 100%, a bright light bloomed from the experimental sink on the side!

"It's done, it's successful, the new generation of knight system is complete!!"

It seems to have heard the excited scream of the man in the white coat,

From the outside walked in again a man in a suit:

"Little voice, Battle Pole Lingma, don't lure that group of monsters in the forest over because of excitement."

Emotional, bloodshot but extremely excited, Zhan Ji Lingma, directly reached into the experimental sink, took out the drive that constantly emitted energy fluctuations and shook it, looking full of pride:

"Wudao Guihu, this is a knight system created by me for most of the year, how can you say I am not excited?!!"

Hearing this, Wu Daoguihu glanced at him:

"Are you sure it's just because of this?"

Zhan Ji Lingma's expression was slightly sluggish, and then he snorted coldly and said disdainfully:

"Qin Yang, that guy is an opponent that I must surpass! Now with this Genesis Drive with enough output power to surpass the Battle Pole Drive, he is bound to lose to me! And when I think of his stunned expression, I naturally feel excited! "

Hearing this, Wudao Guihu couldn't help but shake his head a little helplessly,

As the two major scientists of the World Tree Consortium,

Qin Yang, Zhan Ji Lingma, are his own good brothers,

But these two have been bitter rivals since a long time ago, and they have to win or lose in everything.

About half a year ago, Qin Yang took the lead in manufacturing the Battle Pole Drive based on the Heim Underworld Fruit,

It was a powerful prop that could turn the energy of the Heim Underworld Fruit into armor,

Since then, Qin Yang's position in the world tree has been pressing the head of the war pole Lingma,

Therefore, Zhan Ji Ling Ma is not to be outdone, and has been concentrating on studying the fruits of the Underworld of Heim for the past half a year, wanting to create a new era knight system that surpasses the Battle Pole Drive to regain the honor that belongs to him!

Now, the knight system of the new era has really been developed,

There was no accident between Qin Yang and Zhan Ji Lingma, and a fierce collision was about to occur.

This kind of thing is certainly good for the interests and future development of the World Tree Foundation,

But as the brothers of the two of them, Wudao Guihu can only be caught in the middle and cannot favor either side, which makes him very tired.

"Who's making a fuss here?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from outside, and after Wudao Guihu heard it, he immediately sighed,

He turned his head to look at the door, and sure enough, it really said that Cao Cao had arrived.

The man who also walked in in a white coat was none other than Qin Yang.

He walked to the center of the room and looked at Zhan Ji Lingma with a smile:

"Listen to my secretary, someone 5.3 finally made something that he had been tinkering with for most of the year? I'll see if I'm bragging about deception. "

"Fart! When did I cheat people! "

Those who engage in scientific research, especially those who are naturally proud like Zhan Ji Lingma, will never allow others to question themselves in their own areas of expertise, especially peers!

I saw that he picked up the Genesis Drive and shook it, and directly provoked:

"Do you dare to try it with me?"

A contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of Qin Yang's mouth, and then he stretched out his hand behind his back,

The secretary who had been following him, Minako Yaoko, respectfully handed over the battle pole drive that had been prepared long ago.

"Always by your side."

Seeing that Qin Yang was still using the first-generation knight system,

The pride in Zhan Ji Lingma's heart instantly skyrocketed,

He took out a new type of fixed lock seed from his pocket and showed off to Qin Yang:

"This is the [Energy Fixed Lock Seed] developed with my Genesis Drive, and its energy output efficiency is more than three times that of ordinary Fixed Lock Seed! What do you compare with me? "

Hearing this, Qin Yang immediately smiled:

"You don't think that only you can develop the energy lock seed, do you? You wouldn't think that only your Genesis Drive would be able to use it, would you? Zhan Ji Lingma, you are really the same as before, the sky is really ah. "

As the words fell,

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Qin Yang opened the side knight panel of the War Pole Drive and inserted a brand new part,

Then, he took out two different fixed-lock seeds from his arms and inserted them into the drive together,

At this moment, seeing this scene, the extremely fierce horse was completely strained:

"This can't be !!"

Sorry guys, some things have been too late in the afternoon, and I am only now sending out the third chapter.

In addition, I wish all friends of the college entrance examination, come on tomorrow, the college entrance examination will go smoothly! .

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