【GamedeusMuteki! 】(Invincible)

With the completion of this new game cartridge, the electronic sound effect with strange fluctuations also echoed in everyone's ears,

Tan Lidou is tens of meters apart, and his eyes can see extremely clearly,

This new cassette in Qin Yang's hand turned out to be extremely similar to the super invincible cassette he made!

This sudden change gave him a strong premonition of danger in his heart!

"Oh, even if you are a god! You can hand rub the cassette! That won't change the fact that you can't beat the invincible players I created! "

Tan Lidou is still insisting, he wants to witness the end of this battle with his own eyes!

"Parade! Don't wait! Solve him in one go! "

At this point,

Not only Tanlidou, but Parade himself also sensed that something was wrong with the development of things,

So without saying a word, it flashed out directly, gathering the fluctuation fist of golden light flame and slammed towards Qin Yang, who was still in a human posture!


"This... How is this possible?!! "

Tanli Dou's pupils suddenly shrank into needles, and he looked at Qin Yang, who was standing in place and receiving a punch from the invincible player with one hand in the flesh, and his face was instantly filled with horror and fear!

"Parade! Didn't you use force?! Kill him soon!! "

However, when Parade wanted to draw his fist from Qin Yang's hand, he found that he couldn't do it at all!

Qin Yang's hand was like a huge iron tong, clasping his fist deadly, no matter what kind of struggle he made!

At this moment,

Qin Yang silently raised his head, his eyes full of contempt:

"I said, God is God, ant, can only be trampled under my feet forever, Henshin"

After that, he inserted the cassette he just rubbed out in his hand into the top of the drive, and then pressed it down sharply!

【Bakkan! Wandering! Invincibility! God incarnate! Silver-white God Gamer! GamedeusMutekiGenm】

Low, devil-like mechanical sound effects echoed leisurely between heaven and earth,

I only saw a silver-white pillar of fire rising up into the sky completely shrouding Qin Yang's figure, like an explosion that instantly shattered and collapsed the ground, countless spider web-like cracks slowly spread, silver fireworks drilled out of the cracks, and in a short time, the entire quarry turned into a silver flame hell!


A heart-rending wail of pain suddenly came out of the mouth of [Baosheng Eternal Dream],

I saw that the armor on his fist that Qin Yang had been holding was burned by the silver flame inch by inch at this moment, until the human flesh inside was exposed, and the flame dissipated into the air!

Seeing this scene, Tan Lidou's whole person was crazy:

"The defense of invincible players... Broken?!! How so..."

How could an invincible player he created that was invincible to any game be harmed?

Even if Qin Yang, a god, comes out with a new game with his bare hands, as long as he uses the player drive, as long as he is still an EA knight, he will definitely not be able to hurt him!

Unless... Is it an antibody?!!

Tan Lidou suddenly raised his head and stared at Qin Yang's slowly emerging figure, his mood completely fell to the bottom at this moment.

"I am the god of games, no matter what game is in front of me, it will definitely be raided, no surprise."

Qin Yang walked out of the silver-white pillar of fire leisurely, and his appearance at this time was very similar to the invincible player transformed into [Baosheng Eternal Dream],

In addition to the different color matching, more importantly, Qin Yang also has the skirt around his waist that symbolizes the strong.

"If there is a game that my gods can't raid, then I will directly open the plug-in and create a game that can reverse the strategy, the game, this is [Invincible]."

"I used the invincible power that just hit me to directly create an invincible antibody in my own body, and at the same time, I also used the invincible power to create this cartridge, so now I have surpassed your invincible player."

Qin Yang slowly raised his arm and pointed directly at the [Baosheng Eternal Dream] in front of him, and the final verdict came at this time:

"Those who are disrespectful to God, please be out of print."

The moment the words fell,

Qin Yang's figure suddenly disappeared in place,

When he reappeared, he had already come to the front of the invincible player, and his right fist closed at his waist was constantly accumulating strength,

Silver-white flames lingered above Qin Yang's fist with energy enough to distort space,

As Qin Yang twisted his waist, swung his arms, and swung his fists!


The invincible player's chest suddenly collapsed, followed by him, the terrifying impact penetrated through the body, the earth instantly cracked countless abyss cracks, silver-white flames continued to erupt from the cracks, like a volcano erupting, and in the blink of an eye, this force directly destroyed a large fan-shaped area behind it, and the high cliffs turned into debris dust under the impact of energy and drifted to the sky!

Under one punch, most of the quarry, gone,

Some are just empty, bottomless pits.

Look at the invincible player,

He stood in place weakly, and the armor on his chest continued to spread cracks along the position of the boxing, and began to collapse inch by inch,

As Qin Yang retracted his fists, the invincible player directly bent down on his knees and fell to the ground like a puppet!



I saw the invincible player's goggles shatter violently at this moment,

The [Baosheng Eternal Dream] inside kept spitting out blood, his eyes were bloodshot, and his lips were constantly trembling with despair and fear.

At this moment, Parad no longer had the idea of resisting,

He knew that he would never have the opportunity to reach Qin Yang,

The so-called invincible players are just useless things that can be crushed in minutes like a child's play in the eyes of God.

To this point,

The gap between the two has long exceeded the dimension,

He should have thought about all this earlier, provoking Qin Yang's end, there was only one way to die.

"It's time to end."

Qin Yang didn't have such fierce words,

This ending is what he has long expected, no matter what way,

The winner will always be himself, there is no doubt about it.

【Kimewaza! GamedeusCriticalSparking! 】

A muffled mechanical sound comes out of the driver,

Endless energy gathered in Qin Yang's palm, like a sun igniting a silver flame,

He casually threw it at the invincible player in front of him who had no will to fight, and in the next second, a brilliant white light flashed in this space!


At that moment, there is no earth-shattering explosion that irritates the eardrum, there is just endless tinnitus, white light fills your field of vision, and when you come back to your senses, the explosion has long subsided.

And the entire quarry has completely ceased to exist.

This is how people in the middle of the battlefield feel.

If you are a city dweller far away,

They saw a huge silver-white nuclear explosion.

Like a terrorist explosion that came to the end of the world, spreading and spreading in a distant quarry,

The sun's rays were completely obscured by the nuclear explosion, and even the Neon Defense Department began to probe the situation, wondering if a neighboring country had attacked.

After a long time, the shock wave caused by the nuclear explosion turned into a wave of air that tore everything and rushed into the city, and everywhere it passed, whether it was a high-rise building or a roadside car, the fragile glass was all shattered one by one, turning into flying chips and floating in the air!

People who were not injured took refuge in the nearest building, not daring to show their faces on the street.

It was not until a few hours later, confirming that no other abnormalities had appeared, that they reappeared, and the source of this natural disaster was hotly discussed on the Internet.

And when the gaze returns to the quarry,

Qin Yang was still the same as before, standing in place without moving,

He was in the center at the time of the explosion, and nothing affected him.

On the other hand,

The invincible player armor on the body of [Baosheng Eternal Dream] has long been tattered, the helmet is gone, the cuirass is gone, and there are still some fragments of the hand armor,

There is no doubt that he has completely lost and will never have a chance to do it again.

I saw that the two intertwined data energy of the source body of red and blue floated out from the body of Baosheng Eternal Dream,

That's Pallad.

He had already died under the impact of the previous explosion,

The particles that flew away now were just his broken body.

On the other side,

Tan Lidou also collapsed to the ground,

There was no trace of fighting intent on his face, just endless grayness, and a hint of self-deprecating laughter:

"Sure enough, proud me wanted to challenge the gods, and I ended up in this situation, which I completely deserved..."

He slowly moved his eyeballs and looked at Qin Yang again, his expression full of reverence and relief:

"O gods... Will I have a chance to touch you in the next era..."

Qin Yang looked at him without speaking,

Quietly watching him turn into particles and also fly towards the sky.

"Maybe... Still, you should pray not to meet me again, otherwise, the outcome will never change. "

Qin Yang retracted his gaze, (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Turned his head and picked up Baosheng Eternal Dream, who had a steady breath on the ground,

He immediately left here and returned to the Affiliated Hospital of Shengdu University.

Because Baosheng Eternal Dream is a human, it will not be harmed by the energy explosion that has just specifically attacked the invincible player,

The previous vomiting of blood was due to the backlash that Parade forcibly controlled him,

Therefore, the eternal dream of Baosheng is not a big deal,

Just go back and transfuse some glucose and restore your strength.


On the way, a weak voice entered Qin Yang's ears.


"Parad won?"

Qin Yang paused at his feet and casually threw Baosheng Eternal Dream to the side of the road.

"Hey! Ay! I don't mean anything else! Dr. Qin Yang!! "

"Find a way to go back yourself."

Looking at Qin Yang's back as he left,

Baosheng Yongmeng also slapped himself twice without anger,

He sighed, leaned against the stone wall, and looked up at the sky,

It seems that you can still see some shadows of Parade.

So he said silently in his mouth:

"Never again, Parade, my... Friend. "

A month later,

Inside the Affiliated Hospital of Seito University,

Baosheng Yongmeng came out of the operating room,

Hurriedly explained to the accompanying assistant beside him:

"The patient's condition has stabilized, just give him an infusion according to the list I wrote. In addition, the patients in other wards also bother you to take care of it temporarily, and I have something to go out in the afternoon. "

"Get out? Where to go? You should be on duty today, right? "

The assistant was a little puzzled,

Half a month ago, he came here to become the assistant of Dr. Baosheng Yongmeng,

I haven't seen him violate any rules since all this time,

How about today...

"Don't worry, you just do what I say."

Baosheng Yongmeng smiled:

"I'm going to a senior's wedding."

"Senior? Well, are you sure you don't want to take a leave of absence from the dean? "

"No, he is the hero of the wedding."

Looking at the figure of Baosheng Eternal Dream leaving, the assistant suddenly realized:

"Today is Dean Qin Yang's wedding?!! Doctor Yongmeng, wait for me! I want to see it too! "


Meiji Jingu,

Today, the entire shrine is filled with a different atmosphere,

Inside and out, it is surrounded by big red that does not fit in with this place,

Passers-by, tourists coming and going, although they do not quite understand what the decoration of this venue is intended for,

But on the plaque at the gate, there are still two Celestial Empire characters that people recognize, that is, [wedding].

Knowing that there are people here who are opening weddings,

Many curious people poured into it,

They found that all the red decoration settings were related to this wedding,

Even when more and more knowledgeable people are available,

About the form of this wedding is also known,

This is a traditional wedding that belongs to the style of the Celestial Empire.

This time, it makes people even more curious,

Who exactly has the capital to be able to hold a celestial wedding in the neon Meiji Jingu Shrine?

When they came to the front of the wedding hall and saw the three portraits standing on the ground, everything became reasonable.

Because the protagonist of the wedding turned out to be the president of the university hospital, the new president of the Dream Group, and the successor governor of the Ministry of Health! The hero who saved the entire city from the crisis of falling into the Anagenous Virus!

If it's him, then everything is taken for granted!

Passers-by who came and went were even more envious and jealous of the two brides next to the portrait,

To be able to marry that adult, not to mention the ancestral virtue, Peng Xuan, then at least it is an honor, there are no regrets in this life!

Even when there are more and more tourists,

Many men began to cry out indignantly:

"Why can't a man marry Lord Qin Yang?!! It's not fair! "

Of course, everyone is joking,

At this time, the atmosphere on the field makes people naturally relax,

The lively and festive is completely different from the quiet and peaceful wedding method of neon local, so it is even more exciting.

At this moment,

Suddenly there was an announcement on the radio:

【Friends who participated in the wedding are invited to the lobby, the bride and groom are already in place, and the wedding is about to begin! 】 】

As soon as these words came out, the entire Meiji Jingu people were shaken, and all of them rushed towards the lobby,

Fortunately, Qin Yang had the foresight to spend money in advance to build a large enough guild hall on the open space of the Divine Palace, otherwise so many people would not be able to accommodate it at all.

Even now, there are already many, many people who can only watch outside the lobby, which shows how many guests came to play today!

However, completely different from the bustle outside,

Backstage at the wedding, in a quiet and unoccupied room,

The sound of crackling sounded one after another.

"Keep up the hard work, and when it's over, it's time for us to play."

Qin Yang ruffled Asuna's hair to the back of his head and looked at this hard-working woman in a white wedding dress gently.

I only saw Fake Ye Asuna rolled his eyes in style, and said with whimpering disgust in his voice:

"It's not you yet, I didn't look for me when I looked for Nicole yesterday night, otherwise I wouldn't be looking for a time like this."

"Didn't you sleep early last night, and today you are getting married, why would I disturb your rest?"

"Then you're going to bother Nicole?"

"It's none of my business when she looks for me."

At this moment,

The door was suddenly pushed open:

"Who called me?"

Sima Nicole, wearing another set of white wedding dresses, stood at the door, looking at the fake Tomorrow who was eating,

After a short period of trance, he immediately ran over with wide eyes and anger:

"You two, you don't even call me here?! Dust! "

"Oops! Don't come, the wedding is about to begin! Go back and find the time! "

"It doesn't matter, this wedding can be concluded at any time!"

Qin Yang shook his head helplessly,

They can only let them go.

It seems that this harem is really difficult to open ah~

[EA article, end. 】

(I will write about other worlds directly, but there may also be chapters of the integration and encounter of various worlds later, as well as EA's Easter eggs, where they appear has not yet been decided, but the plot line of the main drama is over.) I hope you will support a lot, and the little brother is here to thank you in advance! Thank you!! )。

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