Humanity Itself is Strong

Chapter 16 - Crouched Devil

Chapter 16 – Crouched Devil

Jin-Seong was relaxed. Because of the regressor, Yushin.

‘As long as Yushin exists, I just have to focus on my training.’

So there was a calculation that if he takes this opportunity to enter a military academy and concentrate on training, he will achieve very efficient growth. So while Yushin was nipping away from the seeds of disaster, he had to be prepared for the future.

“He’s… He’s missing, isn’t he?” “…what?” “He disappeared three months ago, so we can’t see him.…!”

Lee Jin-Seong couldn’t help but wonder.

“Yushin… is missing?”‘

In the future, as Jin-Seong knows, Yushin is not missing at this time. Therefore, Jin-Seong was bound to be surprised.

“Kang Young-kwon! Are you picking a fight with a newbie again?”

Just in time, a testing officer who was preparing the test found him and shouted. Kang Young-kwon, who was being criticized for his behavior, was surprised and answered.

“Oh, I’m sorry!”

The centurion class students just giggled at Kang Young-kwon.

“Kang Young-kwon! You stay after the test!” “Oh, no, sir! I didn’t do this! This new guy……!”

But the inspector was adamant.

“If you’re a Centurion, set an example. What are you doing?” “… I’m sorry.”

The cadets couldn’t stop laughing at the sight. The inspector shouted at the raucous cadets this time.

“Now, be quiet! We’re going to start testing!”

Then the cadets’ expressions, which had been playful so far, became serious and began to line up in unison.


Lee Jin-Seong went to his seat, leaving such disciplined men behind.

What Kang Young-kwon just said was shocking. And the people around him also answered Jin-Seong’s questions consistently.

It’s been a while since he went missing.

“Yushin is missing?”

The regressionist Yushin. It was Yushin who predicted that disaster beyond the Great War would soon come, as well as sought to stabilize mankind by destroying all the dead who hindered solidarity, and furthermore, achieved all the preparations to prevent the emergence and destruction of the black tower.

But Yushin, who will play that role, is missing……?


A tarot card rose before Jin-Seong’s eyes.

+ You have to stop the outbreaks that will take place in military schools from now on. +


Jin-Seong had never heard of an outbreak at a military academy.

+ The undead is trying to open a dungeon located underground here in the Military Academy. As soon as it is out-braked, not only the students of the military academy but also Seoul will become a sea of fire and perish. +

Jin-Seong was approximately blanked out by the phrase.

‘Do you still have dungeons that can destroy Seoul?’

During World War I, all the dungeons were destroyed by the first heroes.

And sometimes, dungeons are new dungeons near Seoul, and they are not dangerous because of their short aging period.

+ You have obtained the minimum ‘fairy tale rate’ to complete the quest. From now on, you can get full support. +



With the sensation of digging in his head, unfamiliar information began to emerge.

The identity and information of the dungeon were sealed under the school. A girl is presented to a huge bronze statue as a final sacrifice. And a huge explosion in the unsealed dungeon that ruins the military academy. Furthermore, the silhouette of a huge monster stands between the ruins.

What was going to happen to the military academy was being portrayed in his head.

+ Classification: Anomaly main quest #1-3 Title: We have dungeons in our school. Difficulty level: ?? Objective: Stop the outbreak of Malek’s Dungeon. In case of failure: 80 percent of Seoul’s population is destroyed. Destruction of Hwanin Military Academy. Key Rewards: Malek’s chance to acquire and appoint a single-horned sword. Briefing: Regression has left the last bastion of humanity, the Military Academy. If you don’t get rid of this bomb that grew up in the military academy on time, the human race will be destroyed. +


A clear beep came to Jin-Seong’s ear.


Along with a translucent screen in the tarot card format, a sentence began to appear on the screen.

[The necessary information for targeting your consciousness has been safely uploaded! From now on, you have learned all the basic information needed for this quest!]

Jin-Seong jumped out of his seat. Information flooded into his head, and he was immediately found its place and organized.

‘……History has changed.’

Jin-Seong had no choice but to realize that the military academy is currently in a huge crisis. And the crisis was due to the neglect and absence of the Yushin. So anyway, Jin-Seong thought he should put out the urgent fire.

‘The monarch dungeon was created two months and three weeks ago.….’

Jin-Seong had to prepare for the outbreak of the “Monarchy Dungeon,” which is lurking under the Military Academy from now on. Monarchy dungeons were the property of a direct subordinate of the King and were not often seen. Each characteristic is different, but it was generally a very dangerous dungeon that grew fast and caused an outbreak if left unattended early.

‘……The outbreak is just around the corner. As early as tonight, or tomorrow dawn.’

If Yushin continued to go to school without missing, it would have been cleared by now, but there was no difference in regret now.

Jin-Seong swept his head.

‘I need to get the chairman of the school.’

Chairman of Hwanin Military Academy, Kim Oh-sung.

He was an undead and the priest of Malek, the direct servant of the demon of anger. The great mogul had to lead his undead to disappear because of the Yushin. But now, without Yushin, he was preparing for a festival to celebrate the outbreak of his monarch.

And the festival was being held at the annex of the military academy where he stayed, which was also connected to the arsenal in the basement of the military academy.

And at Malek’s dungeon, the festival finale was intended to create an outbreak.

‘need support.’

To wipe out the interior of the monarchy, it was important to wipe out all the remnants. Although it is good to beat up dungeons with a professor like Kang Min-ah, all professors are currently under the watch of the undead.

If professors suspect any of the undead, they will disappear in the blink of an eye.

Jin-Seong didn’t want them to get fired. Therefore, Jin-Seong needed one or two unobserved cadets to help him with his plan.

It was then.

“Sure, next cadet Jin Soo-yeon.”

Just in time, cadets were approaching the end.

The last cadet stepped into the hall, which was still quiet. Only the sound of her footsteps echoed. The female cadet who cut her bangs straight answered with a smile.


The eyes of other cadets in the testing room turned on her. She was an impressive cadet with white skin, distinct features, and graceful walking even at an early age. As good as her outstanding appearance and figure, her skills were outstanding.

Jin-Seong thought.

‘If it’s a true fate…… She could be helpful.’

Jin Soo-yeon was both an opener with powerful psychokinesis and a “Guardian of the Spirit Sword”. This sword was one of the hallmarks that played a decisive role in the fall of the demon, who later was awakened early.

At that time, a testing officer sitting in the examination seat knocked on the touch panel.


A marble floor plate in the center of the hall split into both sides, and a white column rose.

On top of the pillar, where the large cogwheels engaged and revealed their shape, there was a crystal that glistened brilliantly.

When Jin Soo-yeon touched the crystal, the blue color began to sparkle.


Subsequently, the results appeared on a panel that everyone could see.

+ Stamina: 38 C+ Muscle strength: 19 E+ Agility: 81 A Mana: 181 S+ Luck: 31

Possession: Guardian of the Spirit Sword (SSS), Psychokinesis (S), Force Field (A). +

The surveyor smiled, pleased at the figure on the panel.

“Soo-yeon always surprises me. Your mana level is up 10 from last time.” “It’s all thanks to my teacher.”

Jin Soo-yeon answered humbly, but her mana level was enormous. The average value of each opener’s ability to play in the front is 100, but her magic power was about double, and agility was also high.

‘That’s understandable. Since Jin Soo-yeon’s teacher is.….’

Jin-Seong’s teacher. He had to make contact with Jin Soo-yeon to attack the dungeon.

The testing officer and the words of blessing were exchanged, and Jin Soo-yeon returned to her seat. And it’s the last cadet’s turn.

“Kang Young-kwon, forward.”

Kang Young-kwon, who was named, appeared smiling. It was a South cadet who became a laughing stock.

When he put his hand on the correction, the result was also shown above the panel. The testing officer laughed.

“Strength 62 Muscle 64 Agility 53 magic power 32…… much better than last time. Well done.” “Thank you!” “But don’t be relieved. You’re still in the relegation zone.” “Yes…….”

Kang Young-kwon returned to his seat feeling depressed. That’s the end of the cadet testing.

“Now, the centurion class students are free to go eat.”

When the teacher declared that the testing was complete, the students began to pair up in twos and threes. Some left the testing room, but most were still in the testing room waiting for Jin-Seong’s results.

The testing officer looked back.

“You’ve been waiting, haven’t you?” “Not very long.”

When he came forward, the surroundings became quiet in an instant. Jin-Seong slowly put his hand on the crystal.


At first, the crystal, which was gently resonating, began to emit some disparate noise.

Chirp, chirp……!

Uh, what’s wrong with the crystal ball? What could it be?

The unexpected noise of the crystal ball stirred students of Centurion class. The sound became even more unpleasant, and the earlier blue crystal color turned black.

This is more intense than he thought. Didn’t this happen with Yushin too?

At that moment, the testing officer shouted.

“Hands off, hands off!”

Whoosh, whoosh.…!

The crystal started to crack like a crack.


It just exploded. The moment when everyone covers their eyes except for Jin-Seong. Shining powders were scattered all over the place.


-What happened all of sudden?…? -What was that?

As the hazy powder subsided, the students’ eyes were all on the panel.


The panel contained the number zero. That means the mana found in Jin-Seong is zero.

His abilities are non-awakened yet……? But the meter went off, didn’t it? The meter went off only during when Yushin was tested……? But he’s not awakened his abilities yet, so how can the meter……?

The cadets were buzzing at sight.

And just as the cadets were shocked, the meter was destroyed.

“The fact that the crystal was broken clearly means that you had the potential to be outside of the standard.”….’

In the past, the same result occurred when testing Yushin. Yushin also broke the crystal. The only difference is that there was an “EX-level” result on the panel.

“How come the reading is zero……?”

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While the testing officer was murmuring, Jin-Seong called him.

“Testing officer.” “Uh……huh?”

Jin-Seong calmly asked for him, who was still puzzled.

“When do I take the practical test?” “Ah…… ah…….”

In fact, the person who caused the incident was calm.

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