Humanity Itself is Strong

Chapter 32 - Chase

Chapter 32 – Chase

Kang Min-ah was looking at the window, and looked back at Jin-seong.

“So, what are you going to do about me?” “…….”


Kang Min-ah slid toward Jin-seong. Then, she began to get close to Jin-seong with her naked body.

Her tail was covered with scales and began to wrap around Jin-seong’s leg. However, Jin-seong was staring at her face.

She also faced Jin-seong straight with her pale face. Soon after, Kang Min-ah’s eyes began to become scarier.

“You didn’t even run away after looking into my eyes…….”


She hugged Jin-seong and hanged on him with her arms.

“……I like you even more now…….”


“Jin-seong… Aren’t you lonely.…? Don’t you want to feel better…?”

Soon after, her small hands stroke Jin-seong’s chin and neck.

“Professor Kang.” “Huh…?”

Jin-seong was looking at her. He saw a red mark on her forehead, which was visible through Kang Min-ah’s long straight hair.

“You might faint.”

At that moment. Jin-seong took out a small amulet and attached it to Kang Min-ah’s forehead.


The amulet immediately began to shine blue, and her red mark burst.

Kang Min-ah staggered and stepped back.


And she fell to the floor.

At that time, a snake suddenly appeared from Kang Min-ah’s head. It was the black snake that revealed its teeth to Kang Min-ah.

The snake began to grow by flapping its tongue.

“You… How did you know? My acting was perfect.”

Soon after, the body of the black snake was crushed like dough, and a woman in leather, whose body was revealed, appeared. A night hag with red hair and eyes like blood.

She was a part of the demon of sex.

“I could tell by your dirty smell.”

In response to Jin-seong, the night hag laughed.

“Hmm, that’s funny”.

The night hag nodded when she noticed that Jin-seong spoke without any sincerity.

“You’re just a new young professor, but you’re not ordinary.”

Jin-seong looked at the night hag standing defenselessly. The night hag has no information about him yet. It was an opportunity for Jin-seong. He pulled a sword out of his hand.


Then in an instant, the night hag stepped back.

“Well, that’s dangerous?”

As if she knew what was about to happen, the night hag made a fuss. The night hag stepped back, gently moving her arrow-like tail.

“Then, I have no choice but to run away?”

The night hag felt with her skin that Jin-seong had no hesitation in killing her.

‘Why aren’t my seduction powers working on him?’

No matter how strong the man was, he would always get seduced by her. But the man who was facing her right now was different. He had no hesitation.

Looking at Jin-seong, the night hag shrugged and raised her arms. She realized that she shouldn’t take this young man for granted.

“Hehe, Kang Min-ah is already part of the living-dead. No matter how far you run away, you can’t get away from me.”

The night hag stepped back and disappeared into the darkness.

“You’re next, young professor.”


The night hag scattered like dust and completely disappeared. Seeing that, Jin-seong was disappointed.

“…..That’s a shame.”

If he were one step closer, he would have cut off her neck.

It was when Jin-seong stood on a large veranda and was looking at the direction in which the night hag disappeared.


Kang Min-ah has begun to come to her senses.


Kang Min-ah stared at Jin-seong blankly.

She was possessed completely.

Min-ah’s big horns also became smaller.

“What just happened…?”

Jin-seong responded to the question coolly.

“You were seduced.”

Min-ah made a blank face as if it were some nonsense.

“That can’t be true…”

But her memory quickly came back.

All of a sudden…

After being possessed by the night hag, she could recall what she had done to Jin-seong.

She was hugging Jin-seong’s neck, wrapped around his legs, and tried to put her hand in Jin-seong’s chest.


At the same time, she made eye contact with Jin-seong.


Kang Min-ah’s face turned red.

“I can’t believe it. I seduced you?” Aaaaah!

‘This is crazy! How can I seduce you like this…?!’ Kang Min-ah screamed once again as she looked at her naked self and the big snake’s tail.

Soon after, Kang Min-ah hurriedly began to enter the living room.

“Where are you going?” “Don’t follow me!”

Still, Kang Min-ah shouted when Jin-seong tried to follow her.

“Don’t follow me!” “Okay.”

Jin-seong left Kang Min-ah, who was shy for a while.

In a little bit. Kang Min-ah’s house, bedroom.

“……Can’t you transform back into a human’s body now?” “If I can’t eat Onyxia…… It’s hard to go back to human form. This is the best I can do for now…….”

However, Kang Min-ah should no longer take Onyxia. If she takes more, she will lose her soul to the demon of sex.

And Onyxia withdrawal symptoms would continue.

She was lying on the bed, covered in a blanket.


Jin-seong first analyzed the situation, leaving her alone.

The demon of sex struggled to become independent from the demon of greed. For the demon of sex, Kang Min-ah must have been a person worth keeping as a servant.

‘In addition, the demon of sex was originally not on good terms with Park Moo-hae.’


Jin-seong looked at Kang Min-ah gently once again. The key card of this operation was Kang Min-ah.

So he had to separate Park Moo-hae and the demon of sex.

It was the minimum condition for wiping out the persecution.

When Kang Min-ah’s horns are revealed to the world, Park Moo-hae and other living-dead people will come after her. If Park Moo-hae fails, he will not be able to overcome this crisis.

Therefore, there are currently many people chasing Kang Min-ah.

The demon of sex turned Kang Min-ah into its servant. Park Moo-hae wants to reveal Kang Min-ah to the world, so that he can attack the academy. This was because he lost his reputation and significance due to the investigator’s incident. And professor Setz, the chairman of the faculty, would have to punish Kang Min-ah.

Jin-seong calculated this complex relationship and made a plan in his head to deal with Park Moo-hae and the demon of sex.

Kang Min-ah, who hid between the blankets, suddenly spoke.

“Aren’t you scared of me?” “I’m not scared.”

Kang Min-ah’s eyes turned into rabbit eyes in response to the thoughtless words and then hid in her blanket again. Then she smiled.

“All the people who saw these eyes were surprised…….” “…….”

Her eye was blue on one side and red on the other.

Kang Min-ah was worried about her eyes, but Lee Jin-seong was rather reassured with those eyes. Her odd eye was nothing else.

The eye of nightmares.

In other words, when Kang Min-ah looks into her opponent, they will recall their most terrible memories.

Moreover, even at the moment when she is not using The eye of nightmares, the person facing her eyes suffers from a momentary cognitive impairment, such as fear for unknown reasons.

It was a very effective curse that could affect not only the general public and a opener, but also their mind, and even the enchants of the demon.

Of course, there is a law of destruction. It was an amazing ability to make the opponent more confused during surprise, infiltration, or carelessness.

Kang Min-ah said blankly.

“Setz would be surprised when she’d see my eyes sometimes. But do you know what she does after…?” “What does she do?” “She’ll hit me and tell me to stop scaring her…….” “I see.” “It may sound weird…… But I really like that…… Other people are busy running away and avoiding me, but Setz never avoided me.… Just…… I feel like she understands me…….”

And smiled bitterly.

“But I guess I can’t see her anymore…….”

Setz was Kang Min-ah’s favorite person.

But Setz was a woman of firm values, but also unbiased. Therefore, she was the only person that Kang Min-ah could trust and rely on.

‘It was from then on. The teacher started to collapse.’

Now, Setz had no choice but to kill Kang Min-ah.

Jin-seong quietly spoke.

“If you go back to school, you will be executed.”

If professor Kang Min-ah entered the path of the living-dead, the punishment within the military academy would be very severe.

Whatever the reason was.

It was non-juridical punishment. Which means death.

As it is a key power responsible for the safety of a city and even the existence of the state, it was a principle that professors who were corrupted by the living-dead should not go to prison, but be killed on the spot. As each professor was a tactical weapon, it was almost impossible to overpower them without killing them.

And Setz was the chairman of the faculty who had to decide the non-juridical punishment.

“Yeah… She’ll probably kill me the moment she sees me… But anyway…… Wouldn’t it be a meaningful death to be killed by my best friend?” “……You’re saying such terrible things.”

Kang Min-ah giggled and replied, but she knew that it was a forced laugh.

If Setz sees Kang Min-ah’s horns. Setz will really try to kill Kang Min-ah.


‘I need to avoid her.’

Although, it is true that Jin-seong has become very strong. He couldn’t guarantee that he could easily win against Setz, who was protected by spirits.

Kang Min-ah, holding her chin with one hand, suddenly asked.

“…But why are you helping me?” “Because you’re a person that needs help.” “… What?”

Kang Min-ah’s face turned red again. Then she buried her head on the pillow.

“What the heck… What is this kid talking about?’

The 17-year-old seemed to be answering with a strange pint.

However, Jin-seong stood up hiding his true feelings.

“Let’s go now.” “Where are we going?”

Min-ah, who was wagging her tail without realizing it, was curious.

“Professor Kang, why don’t you remove your horns?” “Well…”

Honestly, Kang Min-ah didn’t care what happened now.

“….Why don’t you leave Korea for a while. Think of it as a vacation.” “… What?”

Jin-seong stared at Kang Min-ah.

“Let’s go to the Bu-hae forest.”

Kang Min-ah, who opened her eyes wide at his words, jumped up and set up her upper body.

“What? Do you know where it is?”

Kang Min-ah stared at Jin-seong without even knowing that her loose T-shirt slightly flowed down. Jin-seong spoke calmly.

“Yes, it’s one of the scariest places to be.”

Bu-hae forest. It was a forest of death that occurred after a nuclear explosion in Pyongyang in the past. It was a nightmare forest where numerous monsters were staying. And most people could not make it out alive. However, it was a good place to get unique items and rewards.

And Jin-seong was going to take the equipment that Yushin used there.

In a little bit. Kang Min-ah barely covered her horns with a large hoodie and walked the dark street.


Kang Min-ah’s face was dark. Jin-seong said.

“Think you’re on vacation.” “… Vacation?” “Since you’ve been really busy recently, you’re going to a new place to get inspiration and think about how to teach students in the future.” “…Haha.”

Kang Min-ah laughed helplessly. Everything was ruined. So, what kind of vacation was this?

At that time, Jin-seong stopped. Kang Min-ah, who was following while sweeping the floor with her snake’s tail, also stopped.

“What’s that?” “Wait a minute.”


[Activate the first slot of “Queen of pentacles”]

Jin-seong began to expand his consciousness. And he contemplated this area with a consciousness that quickly expanded.

Since it is already night, few people wandered except for wild animals, so it was easy to specify the location of the forces chasing Kang Min-ah.

Jin-seong immediately took out his cell phone and called.


He then spoke in a blunt voice.

“There’s a lead. Go ahead with the plan.” <…… I see.>


He hung up the phone after his brief words.

Kang Min-ah, who was watching that, giggled.

“What was that voice just now? You sounded like an evil boss. “I hear that often.”

And Jin-seong started walking again.

“Do you have any withdrawal symptoms?”

Kang Min-ah raised her hand. Her hands would tremble if she was experiencing withdrawal symptoms, but it was not.

“Uh… not really……? I think it’s because I feel at ease when I’m with Jin-seong.” “Keep carrying the guardian stone I gave you. It’ll make you feel a little bit better.” “Yes.”

It was then.

“Where are you going at this late night?” ‘……!’

Someone said from one side of the tall tree. Jin-seong nodded to the familiar woman’s voice.

‘This is good enough.’

And slowly found the source of the voice and raised his head high.

A woman in green clothes stood on the branches of a thick tree.

She was his teacher before. And now the chairman of the faculty. She was no longer in a comfortable outfit wearing a shawl.

She was wearing leather boots and leather pants. And she was dressed in a combat uniform.


Setz immediately jumped off a branch that reached about a dozen meters and easily landed on the ground. And she took off the hood of her cape. Then, her blonde hair fluttered in the wind.

“…….” “Setz, Setz.”

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Kang Min-ah was surprised by the appearance of the Setz, and pouted her lips. However, Setz’s eyes were as cold as ice, as if she were going to pierce her and kill her.


Setz pulled out a knife resembling a leaf with a serious face and spoke.

“Take off your hoodie.”

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